What is the tone in the crab that played with the sea?

What is the tone in the crab that played with the sea?

It was this action—the laziness of the man—that angered the Eldest Magician. As such, repetition of the word “lazy” means the tone is angry as it highlights what made the Eldest Magician angry.

Which sentence from the crab that played with the sea best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing?

Hereof, which sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing the crab that played with the sea? The sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing is “Then the Eldest Magician. Give me the scissors!’

Which conclusion about Pau Amma does this excerpt support in the crab that played with the sea?

Explanation : The conclusion about Pau Amma from this excerpt supports that he thinks that he is better than other animals. As other animals obeyed Adams and did the same things as Adams demanded from them. But Pau Amma was not like other animals he wanted to play his own play and obey none.

How can I inform in English?

I am writing in reply to your request for information regarding… I am writing to inform you about……Additional information:

  1. I wish to tell you that…
  2. I am pleased to inform you that…
  3. You might also find it useful to know that…
  4. I wish to provide you with…
  5. It might be interesting for you to know that…

What is the best definition of the word tone?

A tone is the kind of sound you hear in a musical note, or in a person’s voice live or in writing. If your body has tone, its muscular structure is strong and appears well defined.

What are the best possible meaning of the euphemism cut the cord?

The best possible meanings of the euphemism “cut the cord” are “stop depending on parents” and “leave the farm”. In the beginning it establishes that Levi is afraid of leaving the farm, but the “but” establishes an opposite, that he was going to have to because the coexistence with his parents was no longer an option.

What does the phrase cut the cord mean?

Meaning. stop needing somebody else to look after you and start acting independently.

What can I say instead of detail oriented?

Here are 10 great synonyms for the term detail-oriented:

  • Accurate.
  • Attentive.
  • Comprehensive.
  • Exacting.
  • Fastidious.
  • Meticulous.
  • Precise.
  • Scrupulous.