What is the word for something that needs to be done?

What is the word for something that needs to be done?

Necessary, essential, indispensable, requisite indicate something vital for the fulfillment of a need.

What is a better word for Done?

Done Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for done?

finished completed
consummated executed
over through
finalisedUK finalizedUS
fulfilled achieved

Should be done other term?

“Technically, if you’ve done everything the manual has instructed you to do, it should work.”…What is another word for should?

must need to
have a duty to ought to
need be obliged to
will ought
shall be required to

What else can be done synonym?

Possible and able to be done – thesaurus

  • possible. adjective. if something is possible, it can be done.
  • be able to do something. phrase. used for saying that it is possible for someone to do something.
  • may. modal verb.
  • in principle. phrase.
  • viable. adjective.
  • feasible. adjective.
  • practicable. adjective.
  • attainable. adjective.

What type of word is unattainable?

Impossible to attain or reach; inaccessible, unobtainable or unapproachable; unable to accomplish; beyond limit.

What is the root word of unattainable?

The first records of the word unattainable come from the 1600s, not long after the first records of attainable. The root word attain is first recorded in the 1300s and comes from the Latin verb attingere, meaning “to reach,” from tangere, “to touch.” The prefix un- means “not” and the suffix -able means “capable of.”

Whats the opposite of a kook?

Opposite of a crazy or eccentric person. sane person. Noun.

How do you spot a kook?

Kook Spotting You can usually spot a surf poser by the clothes and apparel he/she wears, the bold behavior on the beach, and rude attitude towards other fellow surfers, or the way a wannabe surfer enters the water.

How do I stop crushing on everyone?

How do you get over a crush fast?

  1. Get out and meet new people. If you take the time to meet and spend time with new people, you may find that you don’t have as much free time to think or obsess about your crush.
  2. Check your social media accounts.
  3. Try to not talk about them.
  4. Don’t romanticize them.
  5. Start a new hobby.