What is the world doing to stop pollution?

What is the world doing to stop pollution?

These steps include: reducing toxic emissions from industrial sources; reducing emissions from vehicles and engines through new stringent emission standards and cleaner burning gasoline; and addressing indoor air pollution though voluntary programs.

What is the final conclusion?

The “final conclusion” of an argument is simply a proposition in that argument that has been selected to be called “the final conclusion”. Of course, in order for something to be an argument, it must represent its final conclusion as being entailed by one or more of the propositions in the argument.

What is another name for conclusion?

What is another word for conclusion?

end close
ending finish
cessation closure
finale halt
culmination denouement

What are good conclusion starters?

Examples of concluding sentence starters include:

  • In conclusion.
  • Therefore.
  • As expressed.
  • Overall.
  • As a result.
  • Thus.
  • Finally.
  • Lastly.

What type of word is in conclusion?

transitional word

Should I say in conclusion?

“In conclusion” or “To conclude” may be appropriate for an oral presentation, but in writing are considered redundant or overly mechanical. Draft: “However, it is important in arriving at such a conclusion to recognize…”

Is it bad to say in conclusion?

Avoid phrases like “in conclusion,” “to conclude,” “in summary,” and “to sum up.” These phrases can be useful–even welcome–in oral presentations. But readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the pages, when an essay is about to end. You’ll irritate your audience if you belabor the obvious.

How do you sum a conclusion?

What to include

  1. Your conclusion wraps up your essay in a tidy package and brings it home for your reader.
  2. Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement.
  3. Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant.
  4. Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas.

How do you write a good conclusion for history?

A conclusion should be a summary of everything you have said previously in your essay. Have a sentence stating your answer to the question, then a sentence summarising each of your points, before reinforcing your answer again.

What are the 3 parts of conclusion?

Key Takeaways

  • An effective conclusion contains three basic parts: a restatement of the speech’s thesis; a review of the main points discussed within the speech; and a concluding device that helps create a lasting image in audiences’ minds.
  • Miller (1946) found that speakers tend to use one of ten concluding devices.

What is conclusion in essay writing?

The last section of an academic essay is the conclusion. The conclusion should reaffirm your answer to the question, and briefly summarise key arguments. It does not include any new points or new information. Finally, draw together the question, the evidence in the essay body, and the conclusion. …

How do you write a good conclusion?

Conclusion outline

  1. Topic sentence. Fresh rephrasing of thesis statement.
  2. Supporting sentences. Summarize or wrap up the main points in the body of the essay. Explain how ideas fit together.
  3. Closing sentence. Final words. Connects back to the introduction. Provides a sense of closure.