What is used to introduce a list of items after an independent clause?

What is used to introduce a list of items after an independent clause?

Use a colon after an ‘independent clause’ to introduce a list. The most common use of the colon is to introduce both unformatted and bulleted lists. To use the colon correctly in American English, you must make sure that sentence that comes before the colon is a complete, grammatical sentence.

What goes in between two independent clauses?

To combine two independent clauses (complete sentences), use a semicolon or a comma and conjunction. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though, even though, whereas).

What is a related independent clause?

An independent clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. It can also be joined to other dependent or independent clauses to make a more interesting and complex sentence.

Can you use because to join two independent clauses?

Sometimes two independent clauses (two simple sentences) can be put together to form another kind of sentence: the compound sentence. They are also called coordinating conjunctions because they join or coordinate two equal clauses.

How many clauses does a multi clause sentence have in it?

A multi-clause sentence is one which has more than one clause in it. One is a main clause and at least one other is a subordinate clause. In teaching, multi-clause sentences are also known as complex sentences.

What is the main clause and subordinate clause?

A main clause is a clause that makes sense on its own and can also exist in a sentence on its own. A Subordinate clause is a clause that does not make sense on its own and cannot be a sentence on its own. The subordinate clause explains or completes the meaning in the main class.