What is your postal code in Philippines?

What is your postal code in Philippines?


ZIP Code Area Province or city
1101 University of the Philippines Village Quezon City
1102 Amihan Quezon City
1102 Claro Quezon City
1102 Duyan-Duyan Quezon City

What is the postal code of Lapu Lapu City?

Lapu-Lapu City/Zip codes

What is postal code in Cebu?

Cebu City Postal ZIP Code: 6000

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
Cebu City 6000 32
Compostela 6003 32
Consolacion 6001 32
Cordova 6017 32

How do I find my postal code?

USPS.com. To find a zip code with USPS.com, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

What is the postal code in Cebu?

What is postal code in Davao City?

Davao City Postcode: 8000 (Number of Postcodes: 1 items).

What is the postal code for Accra Ghana?

For example, the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park & Mausoleum in Accra is located in postal code GA184, where GA represents the postcode district – G for the Greater Accra Region and A for the Accra Metropolitan District – and 184 represents the postcode area. Examples of postal codes are GA107, EO1070, and N503074.

What region is Cebu in?

REGION 7 Central Visayas
PROFILE OF REGION 7. Central Visayas is composed of CEBU, BOHOL, NEGROS ORIENTAL, and SIQUIJOR. Central Visayas is the second smallest region in the Philippines with a total land area of 14,923 square kilometers. This constitutes about 5 percent of the country’s land area.

What are the ZIP codes for Cebu City?

Zip Codes in Cebu Province Zip Code for Alcantara, Cebu Province – 6033 Zip Code for Alcoy, Cebu Province – 6023 Zip Code for Alegria, Cebu Province – 6030 Zip Code for Aloguinsan, Cebu Province – 6040 Zip Code for Argao, Cebu Province – 6021 Zip Code for Asturias, Cebu Province – 6042

What is the ZIP code for Consolacion Cebu?

Zip Code for Consolacion, Cebu Province – 6001. Zip Code for Cordova, Cebu Province – 6017. Zip Code for Daang-Bantayan, Cebu Province – 6013. Zip Code for Dalaguete, Cebu Province – 6022.

What is the ZIP code for Catmon, Cebu?

Zip Code for Carmen, Cebu Province – 6005 Zip Code for Catmon, Cebu Province – 6006 Zip Code for Cebu City, Cebu Province – 6000 Zip Code for Compostela, Cebu Province – 6003

What is the postal code for Lapu Philippines?

Lapu-Lapu City Postal Code. 6015. 32. Liloan. 6002. 32. Mactan Airport. 6016. 32.