What kind of pronoun is the word you?

What kind of pronoun is the word you?

Personal Pronouns

Person Subjective Case Possessive Pronouns
Second Person Singular you yours
Third Person Singular he/she/it his/hers/its
First Person Plural we ours
Second Person Plural you yours

What is the subject pronoun for you all?

The words “I” “you” “he” “she” “we” “you-all” and “they” are called subject pronouns.

Is usted you or he?

1st person refers to the person(s) speaking (I, we); 2nd person to the person(s) spoken to (you); and 3rd person to the person(s) or thing(s) spoken about (he, she, it, they)….Subject Pronouns.

singular plural
2nd person tú you
3rd person él/ella/usted he/she/formal you ellos/ellas/ustedes they/you plural

Is Ellas feminine or masculine?

▣ Ellas is a feminine plural subject pronoun and therefore refers to ONLY a group of females. ▣ Groups of males and females are always addressed as masculine plural (ellos).

Is it rude to say que?

It is considered polite, but many foreigners (especially from other Spanish speaking countries) seem to think it servile and demeaning. If you feel that way, you can substitute ¿Cómo? or even the brusque ¿Qué? — but you will hear ¿Mande?

Is Mande rude?

it’s just the polite way that Mexicans use to way, “What”, “I beg your pardon” and things of this nature. I am Spanish (from Rota, near Cádiz) and never heard “mande” used as Mexicans use it. It has found its way into the Spanish language as meaning “I hope,” “I wish” or similar expressions. That’s all!

Is Mande more polite than Que?

BTW, in Mexico, it’s perfectly acceptable to say “qué” to inferiors or close friends. “Mande” is only used with strangers or superiors. Of course, sometimes, your fiends will troll you by demanding you say “Mande” when you say “que”, implying their superiority, but it’s only a joke…

How do you say no means no in Spanish?

No means no. Ya te he dicho que no mil veces.

What does nada mean?


How do you make someone say no?

Here’s how you can effectively say no:

  1. Say it. Don’t beat around the bush or offer weak excuses or hem and haw.
  2. Be assertive and courteous.
  3. Understand peoples’ tactics.
  4. Set boundaries.
  5. Put the question back on the person asking.
  6. Be firm.
  7. Be selfish.

How do you say no in different languages?

How to Say No in 23 Different Languages

  1. Afrikaans: Nee (nee-uh)
  2. Arabic: لا or La (lah – “a” as in “yacht”)
  3. Bengali: না or Nā (nah – “a” as in “yacht”)
  4. Dutch: Nee (nay)
  5. French: Non (noh)
  6. German: Nein (nine)
  7. Greek (modern): Όχι or óchi (oh-hee)
  8. Hausa: A’a (ah-ah – “a” as in “yacht”)

What is another word for yes?

Yes Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for yes?

yeah yep
yah yea
yup absolutely
agreed alright
indeed sure

What is yes in another language?

‘Yes’ In 10 Languages German — Ja. Spanish — Sí French — Oui. Italian — Si. Portuguese — Sim.

How do you say yes in Welsh?

Yes/No Response – Present Tense (Bod)

  1. Question. Ydw i’n hapus? (Am I happy?) Wyt ti’n hapus? (Are you happy?) Ydy o’n hapus? (Is he happy?) Ydy hi’n hapus?
  2. Response (Yes) Wyt. (Yes, you are.) Ydw. (Yes, I am.) Ydy. (Yes, he is.)
  3. Response (No) Nac wyt. (No, you aren’t.) Nac ydw. (No, I’m not.) Nac ydy. (No, he isn’t.)

How do you say I love you in any language?

How To Say “I Love You” In Different Languages

  1. French — Je t’aime.
  2. Spanish — Te quiero.
  3. German — Ich liebe dich.
  4. Croatian — Volim te.
  5. Italian — Ti amo.
  6. Portuguese — Eu te amo.
  7. Swedish — Jag älskar dig.
  8. Romanian — Te iubesc.

What is I love you in Flemish?

Explanation: Ik hou(d) van jou. The correct spelling would indeed be ‘ik houd van jou’ (as in Dutch), but most people don’t pronounce nor write the ‘d’ .

How do you say I miss you in Flemish?

There is no difference between Dutch or Flemish (Belgium) to say “I miss you”. Just “Ik mis je/jou”.

How do you say yes in Belgium?

How do I say yes in Belgium? There are several languages spoken in Belgium. The main ones are Dutch and French, so you’d say “ja” and “oui” respectively. Some people also speak German, which is also “ja.”

How do you say no in Belgium?

Say nein to say no in German. It is an official language of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy (South Tyrol), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland. You can say “no way” in German by saying, Auf keinen Fall. Nicht is the equivalent of not in English.

How do you greet someone in Belgium?

Meeting Etiquette A brief handshake is the common greeting among people who do not know each other. Once a relationship is developed, three kisses on the cheek may replace the handshake. This is more a kissing of the air near the person’s cheek. Start with the left cheek and alternate.

What can I say instead of yes sir?

What is another word for yessir?

yes yeah
certainly yah
yea yup
absolutely agreed
alright indeed

How do you say yes nicely?

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English

  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I’m always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I’d be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.