What literary techniques are used in the crucible?

What literary techniques are used in the crucible?

Literary Devices in The Crucible

  • Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory. This play doesn’t mess around much with itty-bitty bits of symbolism…
  • Setting. In 1692, Salem was populated by Puritans who saw the world in terms of good vs.
  • Narrator Point of View.
  • Genre.
  • Tone.
  • Writing Style.
  • What’s Up with the Title?
  • What’s Up with the Ending?

What was Arthur Miller’s message in the crucible?

In The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s message is that public hysteria based on fear destroys people’s lives.

What is the crucible play about textual evidence?

Inspired by the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s, Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, focuses on the inconsistencies of the Salem witch trials and the extreme behavior that can result from dark desires and hidden agendas. Miller bases the play on the historical account of the Salem witch trials.

What kind of text is the crucible?

The Crucible is a four-act tragedy interspersed with essays that define the setting and characters. These compositional choices shape the meaning that the audience can draw from the text. This means that your study of The Crucible is limited by Miller’s decision to include historical essays as part of the script.

What should I read instead of the crucible?

If you loved The Crucible by Arthur Miller, you should read The Witches: Salem 1692 by Stacy Schiff.

What are the main themes of the crucible?

Themes in The Crucible

  • Theme #1. Reputation. Reputation is one of the major themes in the play, The Crucible.
  • Theme #2. Hysteria.
  • Theme #3. Power and Authority.
  • Theme #4. Guilt.
  • Theme #5. Portrayal of Women.
  • Theme #6. Deception.
  • Theme #7. Goodness.
  • Theme #8. Judgment.

Who opposed Putnam in selecting the minister?

MINISTRY: Nurses opposed Putnam’s choice for minister. WITCHCRAFT: Rebecca and her husband are well respected in the community, but were accused by Putnam’s wife and daughter. 31.

What is the conflict between Putnam and Parris?

Putnam opposes Parris because of a long held grudge about his wife’s brother-in-law not becoming minister of Salem. He would have had power over his wife’s brother-in-law, and when people broke away from the town, they took their land with them.

Who does Ann Putnam accuse of killing her babies?

Rebecca Nurse

What happened to Ann Putnam’s family Why is she so angry?

What happened to Thomas and Ann Putnam’s family? All of their babies died, except for Ruth. Why did Ann Putnam send Ruth to Tituba? She believed the devil/witchcraft was involved in the death of her other children, and she sends Ruth to find out.

Why is Ann Putnam jealous of Rebecca?

Putnam’s jealousy of Rebecca Nurse stems from the fact that Mrs. Putnam has had many children die in childbirth, while Rebecca Nurse has had no problem bearing children. Ultimately, this leads to the accusation of Rebecca Nurse for witchcraft, for which she is sentenced and hanged.

What did Betty and Abigail accuse Tituba of doing?

​a) Abigail accuses Tituba because she feels others will think witchcraft is something Tituba would likely be involved in. Also, Tituba is a slave who is outside of their community and is considered different and is also in a powerless position because she is a slave, so it is likely Abigail will be believed.

Why has Abigail been asked to leave her home?

Why has Abigail been asked to leave the Proctor’s home? Abigail was asked to leave the Proctor’s home because Elizabeth suspects that Abigail and Proctor have had an affair. Because she is jealous that she is married to John Proctor.

Why does Betty accuse others of witchcraft?

Abigail did not confess this to her uncle, Betty’s father, and Betty knows this. Betty starts accusing people to deflect suspicion away from herself and the other girls from their dabblings in the occult in the woods. She is terrified into submission by Abigail, who tells Betty and the other girls, “…

Why does Abigail laugh in church?

Reverend Hale asks Tituba if she’s sent her spirit out on Betty, which prompts Abigail to claim, “She sends her spirit on me in church” and makes her laugh during prayers. Reverend Parris confirms that Abigail often laughs during prayers, which essentially “proves” Abigail’s accusation.

What is most likely Abigail’s motivation to open herself?

ACT I, The Crucible

At the end of the act,what do you think Abigails motivation to “open” herself and begin naming names? Abigail now wants only to save her life.

Why does Abigail drink blood?

In act 1 of The Crucible, Abigail drinks blood as a charm to bring about Elizabeth Proctor’s death because she is envious of Elizabeth and desires John Proctor. When Reverend Parris demands to know what the girls have done the previous night, Abigail does not tell him everything.

Who is most to blame in the crucible?

Abigail Williams

Who is to blame for the hysteria?

Thus Abigail is to blame for the beginning of the hysteria because she deceives the other townsfolk, and blames others for her actions. 1.