What root word means official announcement?

What root word means official announcement?


What is an official announcement called?

An official announcement is called under the sobriquet, “Proclamation”. In other words, the act of saying something in a public, official, or definite way : the act of proclaiming something. : an official statement or announcement made by a person in power or by a government.

What is another word for announcement?

What is another word for announcement?

declaration disclosure
proclamation notification
promulgation publication
report reporting
advertisement bulletin

What is the meaning of announcement?

1 : the act of announcing something or of being announced. 2 : a public notification or declaration. 3 : a piece of formal stationery designed for a social or business announcement.

What is a example of announcement?

The definition of an announcement is a public declaration of something. Telling your family members that you are expecting a baby is an example of an announcement. A written or printed notice. An engraved wedding announcement.

What is the purpose of an announcement?

An announcement is a public statement that’s usually formal and has a specific purpose. There are many kinds of announcements, but they’re all public and meant to inform. In school, the announcements might say whose birthday it is and what clubs are meeting after school.

What are characteristics of announcement?

The characteristic of announcement The characteristic of good announcement include the inform that tells what, when, where and how. at the end of announcement, there should be a strong call to action.

What is generic structure of announcement?

Generic Structure of Announcement: Stating Purpose : The text that contains what event will be held. Stating Day and Date and time : Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the event will be held.

What is the content of announcement?

The contents of an announcement usually contain a title line which contains the tool name, version, release name, and date. Additional contents often fall into the following message sections: About: a short paragraph summary of the tool’s purpose.

What are the types of announcement?

Types of Announcement Text

  • Events.
  • Missing persons / animals / items.
  • Winners of a competition.
  • Job vacancy.
  • Sad news.
  • Inauguration / marriage / birth.
  • New products.

How do I write a letter of announcement?

How to Write an Announcement Letter

  1. Be straightforward and concise.
  2. Keep it short.
  3. Motivate others to achieve the same objectives.
  4. Use the letter for your advantage.
  5. Write to avoid questions later.
  6. Avoid nonsense.

How do you announce something?

To announce something officially or formally – thesaurus

  1. announce. verb. to make a public or official statement, especially about a plan, decision, or something that has happened.
  2. inform. verb.
  3. declare. verb.
  4. issue. verb.
  5. bring forward. phrasal verb.
  6. proclaim. verb.
  7. pronounce. verb.
  8. notify. verb.

How do you announce good news?

How to Respond to Good News in English

  1. That’s great!
  2. Well done!
  3. I’m (so/really) glad to hear that!
  4. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
  5. I’m/we’re very happy for you.
  6. Congratulations.
  7. That’s very good news.

What is an announcement made by someone with authority?

A pronouncement is an official announcement, like the kind politicians make. It’s formal and comes from someone in charge. The mayor of your town might make a pronouncement about the importance of not littering. When you make a pronouncement, you’re certain about what you’re saying and say it with authority.

How do you use announce in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] He announced his engagement to her. (
  2. [S] [T] She announced her engagement to him. (
  3. [S] [T] Mary announced her engagement to Tom. (
  4. [S] [T] They just announced their engagement. (
  5. [S] [T] She announced her intention to retire. (
  6. [S] [T] They just announced that on the radio. (

What type of verb is announced?

verb (used with object), an·nounced, an·nounc·ing. to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce a special sale. to state the approach or presence of: to announce guests; to announce dinner.

What type of verb is necessary?

“necessary” is not a VERB, it’s an adjective. e.g. “He has the necessary tools to complete the repairs.” Noun— a state of being. a noun is the name of person, place or thing.

What is the correct way to spell announced?

How Do You Spell ANNOUNCED? Correct spelling for the English word “announced” is [ɐnˈa͡ʊnst], [ɐnˈa‍ʊnst], [ɐ_n_ˈaʊ_n_s_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you spell nervous?

1 : having or showing feelings of worry, fear, or anxiety Having to give a speech makes me nervous. 2 : easily becoming worried, frightened, or anxious She’s a nervous driver.

How do you spell immediately?

Correct spelling for the English word “immediately” is [ɪmˈiːdɪətli], [ɪmˈiːdɪətli], [ɪ_m_ˈiː_d_ɪ__ə_t_l_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you spell enough?

Correct spelling for the English word “enough” is [ɪnˈʌf], [ɪnˈʌf], [ɪ_n_ˈʌ_f] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for ENOUGH

  1. ensue,
  2. enjoy,
  3. ENG,
  4. engh,
  5. Enoch,
  6. enuki.

What word is enough?

Enough is a word that signifies a sufficient quantity or a sufficient degree. It can be used either as an adjective, or as a pronoun, or as an adverb..

What does enough mean in English?

1 : in or to a degree or quantity that satisfies or that is sufficient or necessary for satisfaction : sufficiently. 2 : fully, quite he is qualified enough for the position.

What is difference between sufficient and enough?

sufficient suggests that the quantity or quality is satisfied very closely. enough is less exact than sufficient. It suggests that the quantity or quality is satisfied more or less. adequate means sufficient, but it suggests that there is just enough and no more than that.

Is had had grammatically correct?

The past perfect form of have is had had (had + past participle form of have). The past perfect tense is used when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time. She felt marvelous after she had had a good night’s sleep. They dismissed him before he had had a chance to apologize.

How is Monocracy related to ruling?

Monocracy consists of the root “mono,” which means “one,” and “kratos,” which means “rule.” This is shared by many words related to government, such as aristocracy, autocracy, democracy and meritocracy.

What does the structure of the word altruistic tell the reader about its meaning the word root tells the reader that the meaning is related to believe the word root tells the reader that the meaning is related to body the suffix tells the reader that the meaning is related to having the quality of something?

The word root tells the reader that the meaning is related to “believe.” The word root tells the reader that the meaning is related to “body.” The suffix tells the reader that the meaning is related to “having the quality of something.”

What is the definition of impetuous?

1 : marked by impulsive vehemence or passion an impetuous temperament. 2 : marked by force and violence of movement or action an impetuous wind.

What does frugal mean?

simple and plain

Is Frugal positive or negative?

2 Answers. Frugal and thrifty have positive meanings. They are usually used for someone who is careful about how he/she spends money and lives simply and economically. Miser and stingy have negative connotations and they refer to someone who is reluctant to spend money, no matter what the circumstances.

What is the difference between cheap and frugal?

Cheap people are driven by saving money regardless of the cost; frugal people are driven by maximizing total value, including the value of their time. Being cheap is about spending less; being frugal is about prioritizing your spending so that you can have more of the things you really care about.

What do you call a person who is careful with money?

Some common synonyms of frugal are economical, sparing, and thrifty. While all these words mean “careful in the use of one’s money or resources,” frugal implies absence of luxury and simplicity of lifestyle.

Who has no money is called?

penniless. adjective. someone who is penniless has no money.

What do you call someone who doesnt like to spend money?

A “tightwad” and a “cheapskate” are also people who don’t like to spend money. These words are a bit less negative, though: the person may not like to share or help others, but they are not as mean as a miser or a scrooge.

What do you call someone whos cheap?

A cheapskate is someone who is tight with money. Cheapskates will do anything to avoid spending a buck. Some people spend too much money: they’re always picking up the check and running up their credit cards. Other people are the opposite: a cheapskate is cheap, meaning they avoid spending money to an extreme degree.

Is stingy an insult?

Both words tell us something about the manner in which a person spends his money. Of the two, ‘stingy’ has a negative connotation. A ‘stingy’ individual is someone who has money, but is very reluctant to part with it. Frugal is a much more positive word than ‘stingy’.

How do you say cheap in a nice way?


  1. bargain.
  2. budget.
  3. cheap.
  4. cost-effective.
  5. economical.
  6. fair.
  7. low-cost.
  8. modest.

What is another word for cheapest?

other words for cheapest

  • competitive.
  • economical.
  • low-cost.
  • low-priced.
  • reasonable.
  • bargain.
  • budget.
  • buy.

What is opposite word for cheap?

cheap. Antonyms: rare, costly, worthy, expensive, honorable, noble, high. Synonyms: common, inexpensive, uncostly, mean, vile, worthless, low-priced.

What is the opposite of innocent?

Antonyms for innocent blamable, immoral, unvirtuous, corrupt, sinful, bad, knowledgeable, evil, impure, experienced, cunning, stained, guilty.

What’s the opposite of beautiful?

What is the opposite of beautiful?

ugly hideous
unkempt unsightly
wrinkled unaesthetic
uncomely uncute
unhandsome unlovely

What’s the opposite of wealthy?

What is the opposite of wealthy?

impoverished poor
lacking low-income
unsuccessful wanting
hard up down and out
down at heel flat broke

How do you say someone is rich?


  1. affluent.
  2. independent.
  3. moneyed.
  4. prosperous.
  5. well-heeled.
  6. well-off.
  7. well-to-do.
  8. comfortable.

Which word in para 4 means wealthy?

Which word in para 4 means the same as ‘wealthy’? The word ‘well-off’ and ‘Luxuries’ are the same as the word ‘wealthy.

What is a rich area called?

affluent Add to list Share. You know you’re driving through an affluent neighborhood when you see large houses, perfect landscaping, and expensive cars. Use affluent to describe wealthy people or areas.

What do you call a rich family?

affluent families. family has money. rich families. well-to-do family.

What is the similar word of rich?

prosperous. wealthy. well-heeled. well-off. well-to-do.

What is a rich word?

Some common synonyms of rich are affluent, opulent, and wealthy. While all these words mean “having goods, property, and money in abundance,” rich implies having more than enough to gratify normal needs or desires.

Does prolific mean?

1 : producing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful. 2 archaic : causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction. 3 : marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity a prolific composer.

Is prolific a positive word?

Someone or something that is prolific is fruitful or highly productive.

How do you use the word prolific?

Prolific sentence example

  1. Linguet was a prolific writer in many fields.
  2. In addition to these and other laborious researches, Kopp was a prolific writer.
  3. In 1086 eels were prolific in Wisbech water.
  4. Samuel Twardowski (1600-1660) was the most prolific poet of the period of the Vasas.

Is prolific safe?

A complete waste of time and quite clearly a SCAM of a website. Obviously prolific wait for you to gain a certain amount of money, then disable your account and keep the money for themselves. PLEASE don’t waste your time on this website.