What sacrifices were the signers willing to?

What sacrifices were the signers willing to?

What sacrifices were the signers willing to make to gain their independence? Their lives, fortunes, sacred honor, and freedom.

What was the purpose and impact of the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence gave birth to what is known today as the United States of America. The document is symbolic of American democracy and one of the free charters of freedom. The words stated in the Declaration rallied support from colonists at home, and colonists living abroad.

What is the ideal most often quoted in the declaration and in what respect was it an ideal rather than a reality in 1776?

What often-quoted ideal by Jefferson was in the Declaration of Independence? (“All men are created equal.”) In what respects was it an ideal rather than reality in 1776? (Slavery existed; women, African Americans, and Native Americans were not treated as equals of white males.

What will change in the colonies as a result of the declaration?

What will change in the colonies as a result of the Declaration? The colonies will change by becoming independent united states, not subject to another countries’ rule, and they will have the right to do what all countries may.

What reason did the founding fathers give for writing the Declaration?

What reasons did the Founding Fathers give for their decisions to write out a declaration of independence? The reason for the declaration was to state that the time had come separate from Great Britain because King George repeatedly abused his power and tried to take basic rights away from them.

What was the global impact of the Declaration of Independence?

No American document has had a greater impact on the wider world. As the first successful declaration of independence in history, it helped to inspire countless movements for independence, self-determination and revolution after 1776 and to this very day.

What impact did the Declaration of Independence have on the American Revolution?

The Declaration of Independence justified our right to revolt against a government that no longer guaranteed us our natural rights. And it also helped us to get increased foreign assistance from France in our fight to become free from King George III of England.

What was the impact of the Declaration of Independence quizlet?

Terms in this set (13) The effect of the Declaration of Independence was to clearly communicate to the British what the colonists believe were the basic principles of freedom and the rights they felt all people should have.

Why was the Declaration of Independence so important to the American Revolution quizlet?

Why was the Declaration of Independence important to America’s history? The Declaration of Independence was important because it stated that the colonists wanted to become free of British control. The American Revolution was important because it was the war fought against Britain that won America’s independence.

What influence did the ideas of John Locke have on the Declaration of Independence quizlet?

John Locke had the idea of natural rights and social contract. Thomas Jefferson used the idea of natural rights (life, liberty and property), and changed them into life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The purpose of government to Locke was to protect the natural rights.