What should a writer plan to include in the end?

What should a writer plan to include in the end?

a description of the setting a reflection on what was learned an identification of the major people involved a description of the challenges and obstacles a discussion about how the experience caused change.

Which sentences use description to develop the narrator’s personality?

The three sentences that are used to develop the narrator’s personality are: “I remember that song, and it always makes me feel a little sad to hear it,” I admitted to Rosie.

Which elements does strong narrative writing always contain?

The elements indispensable for a good narrative writing are – engaging dialogue between the characters of the text, rich and vivid descriptions where from the readers might obtain a pen picture of the entire happenings and thoughtful reflection which bounds the readers to think.

Which elements of a personal narrative would make the most sense for takoda?

So, to make the narrative more interesting, Takoda should introduce: some dialogue that helps to develop the character of Uncle Mahkah….It has many elements, such as:

  • Clearly defined focus.
  • Character descriptions.
  • Dialogue.
  • Setting description.
  • Strong introduction.
  • interesting details.
  • logical sequence.
  • strong conclussion.

How does Spencer use of chronological order?

How does Spencer’s use of chronological order affect the plot of his narrative? ~Readers are able to understand the conflict more easily because Spencer reveals what is bothering him at the very beginning of the story.

Which sentence should Gordon revise to make it more precise and why?

Which sentence should Gordon revise to make it more precise, and why? Gordon should revise sentence 1 to provide specific details about what “struck” him as he first entered the room.

Which sentence should Yves revise to make it more objective?

Yves should revise the sixth sentence in order to make it more objective.

Which qualities define an epic hero select three options?

Usually a king, prince, demi-god, or nobleman of some capacity. The warrior has the potential for greatness based on their attributes, e.g. cunning, bravery, humility, wisdom, virtue. An epic hero is known for making travels to exotic locations by choice or chance, usually to battle against evil.

Which statement best describes how these themes interact in the tail?

Here is the answer. The statement that best describes how these themes interact in the tale is this: both gilgamesh and enkidu convincingly urge each other to endure through hardship.

Which element of a personal narrative would be best for Nick?

Which element of a personal narrative would be best for Nick to include next? ~a line of dialogue in which the narrative’s subject shouts, “Oh my!

Which element of a narrative should Lucy include next to most effectively move the story forward a sentence that clearly establishes who is telling the story a reflection that explains what the writer learns from the experience a detailed description of the package in Grandma June’s arms a few lines of dialogue between the writer?

In order for the story to move forward, what element that Lucy should add next would be a few lines of dialogue between Grandma June and the writer. In this way, the readers would know what the characters are thinking and would give them a hint on what events are going to happen next. The answer is the last option.

How can a writer edit a narrative to?

Answer: use specific, strong verbs in place of general ones use dialogue to develop the character use descriptive words that appeal to the reader’s senses use setting to place the story for the reader use active voice to show instead of tell the reader.

What is the most likely reason Trevor chose to begin his story in this way?

Read the beginning of Trevor’s narrative. What is the most likely reason Trevor chose to begin his story in this way? to capture the reader’s attention by creating suspense about his best friend. Read the paragraph from Nick’s personal narrative.

Which elements does strong narrative writing always contain quizlet?

Explanation: These are the elements that are always contained in a strong narrative. A connection to an outline is important because this ensures that the author has planned out his writing, and that he has followed an effective structure.

What is a narrative application essay?

Narrative essays tell a vivid story, usually from one person’s viewpoint. A narrative essay uses all the story elements — a beginning, middle and ending, as well as plot, characters, setting and climax — bringing them together to complete the story.

What is the difference between a personal narrative and a narrative?

The primary difference between the personal essay and the narrative essay, though, is that the personal essay asks writers to explain what experience has taught them about themselves. The narrative essay, by contrast, emphasizes what experience has taught the writer about an issue, or about the world and other people.

Which sentence from the paragraph best supports the idea that this paragraph belongs in the middle of Sora’s essay that day after practice I was frustrated and stomped home in fact I’m embarrassed to say I sulked for the rest of the day then my stubborn streak kicked in and I decided that failure wasn?

Answer Expert Verified The sentence from the paragraph that best supports the conclusion that this paragraph belongs in the middle of Sora’s essay is “I practiced regularly until the day came when I was able to consistently hit the ball.” The answer is letter D.

When planning a narrative essay the writer should order events so that the blank is developed in the middle of the essay?

When a writer is planning to write a narrative, the order of events should be placed and written in such a manner that it develops interest among the readers and this can only be done by achieving the conflict or by adding the conflict in the middle of an essay which makes the narration less repetitive. 2.