What starts with E ends with E and only has one letter?

What starts with E ends with E and only has one letter?

What starts with “e”, ends with “e” and has one letter in it? Envelope. Eye is a potential alternative.

What starts with AP and ends with an E and has a thousand letters?

Question: What starts with “P” and ends with “E” and has more than 1000 letters? Answer: A post office.

What word begins with an E?

5 letter words that start with E

  • eager.
  • eagle.
  • eagre.
  • eared.
  • earls.
  • early.
  • earns.
  • earth.

What is the beginning of everything also the end of life?

Bret Turner, a teacher in Albany, California, asked: “I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere. I’m the beginning of eternity, the end of time & space. What am I?” The answer to the question is “e”, but the reply he got from one of his students led to an “awed, somber, reflective hush” across the class.

What has 1 eye but can’t see?

The needle has an opening at one end which is the eye of it. Despite that eye, the needle cannot see. Therefore, What has one eye but cannot see answer is a needle.

What 4 letter word begins with F and ends with K?

4 Letters, Start With F and End In K

Word Length Consonants
Fork 4 3
Folk 4 3
Funk 4 3
Flak 4 3

What has 4 letters sometimes 9 and never has 5?

This riddle should not end with a question mark. It should be stated as following: What has 4 letters, sometimes 9 letters, but never has 5 letters. This is a statement. It is saying the word “word” has 4 letters.

What has 4 letters occasionally 12 letters answer?

What Has 4 Letters Occasionally 12 Letters Riddle Explanation: The answer to this riddle is straight forward so read it carefully it says “what” has four letters in it, “occasionally” has 12 letters, “always” has six letters, and “never” has five letters.

What is a five letter word that sounds like only one?

QUEUE is the only word with 5 letters but sounds like one letter ‘Q’.

What word of 5 letters has one left when two are removed?

Explanation. one left when 2 are removed is = money, Phone, Stone, Alone. The answer to this question lies in the question itself literally.

Which 5 letter word is pronounced the same when 4 letters are removed?


What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

The answer to this riddle is actually quite simple, you literally just need to add a single letter. To answer this riddle, we need to place the letters “t” and “r” to the word “shore”. After we do that, the word becomes “shorter”. Another possible answer is the word “Sorte”.

What word starts with E but only has one letter?

Starts with e and ends with e and has one letter in it: Envelope – Has only one letter in it.

What 5 letter word stays the same when you take away the first third and last letter?


What is a 5 letter word starting with L?

5-letter words starting with L

laari laban
labda label
labia Labin
labis labor
labra laced

Which is the best letter?

Ranking the Letters of the Alphabet, From Lamest to Coolest

  • C.
  • V.
  • S. S is a traveler.
  • K. K is by far the most sinister letter.
  • J. The reason J is this high is because it has a lot of range in terms of pronunciation.
  • X. X is so illicit.
  • F. It has the greatest, most versatile word in the English language.
  • Z. Need to make your product sound awesome, but you’re stuck with an “s”?