What two things does Pound compare in the poem in a station of the Metro?

What two things does Pound compare in the poem in a station of the Metro?

The setting is Paris, France, and as he describes these faces as a “crowd,” meaning the station is quite busy. He compares these faces to “petals on a wet, black bough,” suggesting that on the dark subway platform, the people look like flower petals stuck on a tree branch after a rainy night.

What main literary device does Pound use in in a station of the Metro?


What two things does Pound compare in this poem?

In the poem, Pound compares the faces of the crowd to petals on a wet, black bough (of a tree). The poem is devoid of any verbs, and even the implied looks like is missing from the transition between objects in the comparison.

Why do you think pound chose to use the word apparition rather than appearance?

He uses the word apparition to describe the way in which the faces appear. He could have used the word appearance, but chose instead to use a word that has a ghostly, otherworldly effect on the text. In addition to unusual word choice, Pound also employs unusual sentence structure.

Which details in the second stanza challenge the speaker’s sincerity?

The details in the second stanza that challenge the speaker’s sincerity are the way he describes how delicious the plums were. It shows that he is apologizing as a courtesy but in reality he doesn’t regret his action.

What is the difference between dogma and the results of long contemplation?

what is the difference between a dogma and a long contemplation? a dogma is a belief, and a long contemplation is though out.

What is the silver dust referred to in the first stanza?

The Silver dust that seems too high for her to touch is a symbol of prosperity that we as humans cannot reach. The tree is a symbol of perfection to h.d. The untenable silver represent the somehow unattainable goals in life.

What does Pound compare using images?

So Pound uses some intense natural imagery to describe the “wet, black bough” to which the petals are attached. This image connects to our sense of sight and touch, so the reader feels like he or she could reach out and pluck the faces out of the scene like a flower from a tree.

What does Black Bough mean?

‘Petals on a wet, black bough’ is the phrase which vividly shows the elegance of life and meanwhile show the impermanence of human life. Petals are found in nature in various vibrant colors which represents different human faces and the petals that lie in the wet, black bough symbolizes the transitory ness of life.

What is the tone of In a Station of the Metro?

The poem has an unmistakably somber tone, even though we may not, at a first pass, be able to say precisely why. The content of the poem seems to be just the description of a moment in a subway station, when the people appear to look (somehow) like petals stuck to a branch.

What is the 5 elements of poetry?

Sound Techniques – include… * Alliteration – Assonance – Cacophony – Meter – Near Rhyme – Onomatopoeia – Repetition – Rhyme Schemes; (external and internal) and Rhythm. Form examples are: acrostic, haiku, ballad, sonnet, free verse, concrete, cinquain, epic, name poems, dirge, elegy, etc.

What is unique about poetry?

One of the characteristics of poetry is that it is a unique language that combines and uses words to convey meaning and communicate ideas, feelings, sounds, gestures, signs, and symbols. Poetry can reveal many things to a reader, but it can also conceal many things as well.

What visualizations does the word apparition bring to mind?

The visualizations that the word apparition bring to mind is: a ghostly appearance of a person. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is modernism literary movement?

Modernism is a period in literary history which started around the early 1900s and continued until the early 1940s. Modernist writers in general rebelled against clear-cut storytelling and formulaic verse from the 19th century.