What values are important to you in a work environment?

What values are important to you in a work environment?

The Importance of Workplace Values

  • Being accountable.
  • Making a difference.
  • Focusing on detail.
  • Delivering quality.
  • Being completely honest.
  • Keeping promises.
  • Being reliable.
  • Being positive.

What are 2 values that are important to you in the workplace and why?

Your work values are the subset of your beliefs and ideas that are related to your occupation or job. These core principles are an important part of who you are. They include things like honesty, service, self-respect, respect for others, peace, and success.

What are common values in American culture?

  • PERSONAL CONTROL OVER THE ENVIRONMENT. People can/should control nature, their own environment and destiny.

What are the 3 main American values?

Freedom, equality, and justice are the big three core values that Americans share. We have shared these values since America’s founding. This doesn’t mean that these values were always there for everyone. Many people of color were denied equality until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What is the most important American value?


What are five of the key values in US culture?

these values are: 1) Equal Opportunity; 2) Achievement and Success; 3) Material Comfort; 4) Activity and Work; 5) Practicality and Efficiency; 6) Progress; 7) Science and Rational Thinking; 8) Democracy; 9) Freedom; 10) Group Superiority.

What are the 15 American Values?

Terms in this set (15)

  • Achievement and Success.
  • Activity and Work.
  • Moral Orientation.
  • Humanitarian Motives.
  • Efficiency and Practicality.
  • Process and Progress.
  • Material Comfort.
  • Equality.

What are the top 10 American values?

10 Values That Make You An American

  1. Individualism. Being an American is being a respectful, unique individual entitled to independence and privacy.
  2. Equality.
  3. Materialism.
  4. Diversity.
  5. Philanthropy.
  6. Science and Technology.
  7. Work Hard.
  8. Play Hard.

What are the 8 American values?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Personal Achievement. built primarily by the people that value individual achievement, as in the area of employment.
  • Individualism. success comes through hard work and initiative.
  • Work.
  • Morality and Humanitarianism.
  • Efficiency and Practicality.
  • Progress and Material Comfort.
  • Equality and democracy.
  • Freedom.

What are examples of American culture?

10 Things to Know About U.S. Culture

  • Think BIG. Whereas other countries emphasize being practical, compact and concise, Americans often prefer large and luxurious.
  • “To-go” concept – Eating on the run. Most Americans are always on the go.
  • Going out to eat or ordering take-out.
  • Sports.
  • Competition.
  • Political Correctness (or being “P.C.”)
  • Small Talk.
  • Independence.

What is the most important source of American unity?

What do you think is the most important source of American unity? Explain your answer. The constitution and Declaration of independence and also English language being our single language. Also, we accept all religions and have a freedom of speech.

What did America represent to immigrants quizlet?

What did America represent to immigrants? Americans represented freedom, hope, and opportunity to immigrants. The abundance of goods also attracted immigrants.

What are the basic American values and beliefs?

American Values and Assumptions

  • Individualism.
  • Equality.
  • Informality.
  • The Future, Change, and Progress.
  • Achievement, Action, Work, and Materialism.
  • Directness and Assertiveness.
  • Time.

Why is it important to have values?

Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day. That purpose is the satisfaction of our individual or collective (organizational) needs.

What are values?

Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for human behavior. Some values have intrinsic worth, such as love, truth, and freedom. Other values, such as ambition, responsibility, and courage, describe traits or behaviors that are instrumental as means to an end.

What are the 10 values?

10 Moral Values for Children to Lead a Great Life

  • Respect. Many parents make the mistake of teaching their children only about respect for elders, but that is wrong.
  • Family. Family is an integral part of kids’ lives.
  • Adjusting and Compromising.
  • Helping Mentality.
  • Respecting Religion.
  • Justice.
  • Honesty.
  • Never Hurt Anyone.

What are the 3 types of values?

The Three Types of Values Students Should Explore

  • Character Values. Character values are the universal values that you need to exist as a good human being.
  • Work Values. Work values are values that help you find what you want in a job and give you job satisfaction.
  • Personal Values.

What are the 5 values?

Five Core Values

  • INTEGRITY. Know and do what is right. Learn more.
  • RESPECT. Treating others the way you want to be treated. Learn more.
  • RESPONSIBILITY. Embrace opportunities to contribute. Learn more.
  • SPORTSMANSHIP. Bring your best to all competition. Learn more.
  • SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Serve the common good. Learn more.

What are good values in life?

Here are some examples of core values from which you may wish to choose:

  • Dependability.
  • Reliability.
  • Loyalty.
  • Commitment.
  • Open-mindedness.
  • Consistency.
  • Honesty.
  • Efficiency.

What are the 12 core values?

The 12 Core Values

  • Hope. To look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
  • Service. Ready to be of help or use to someone.
  • Responsibility. A particular burden of obligation upon one who is responsible.
  • Faith.
  • Honor.
  • Trust.
  • Freedom.
  • Honesty.

What are your values in life?

Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values, life is usually good – you’re satisfied and content. But when these don’t align with your personal values, that’s when things feel… wrong.

What are the six types of values?

Six Types of Human Values

  • Individualistic Values. The most inherent value of a person is individualistic which means valuing the self over anything else in the world.
  • Family Values.
  • Professional Values.
  • National Values.
  • Moral Values.
  • Spiritual Values.

What are your principles and values in life?

Values are beliefs, attitudes and opinions that people hold regarding specific issues. They are standards of behaviour about what is important in life. Integrity, kindness, compassion and honesty are examples of commonly held values. Values are also internal and subjective, and may change over time.

What are good values?

Love – that can include patience, kindness, forgiveness, trust, selflessness, compassion and protection. Integrity – which can incorporate honesty, truthfulness, responsibility, reliability, dependability, consistency, decency, justice, sincerity and commitment.

What are your top 3 personal values?

To help you, here’s a short list of personal values.

  • Achievement.
  • Adventure.
  • Courage.
  • Creativity.
  • Dependability.
  • Determination.
  • Friendship.
  • Health.

What are the most important values?

29 Most Important Values To Life By

  1. Courage. Courage is about doing what you believe needs to be done — not in the absence of fear but in spite of it.
  2. Kindness. Kindness is about treating others the way you want to be treated.
  3. Patience.
  4. Integrity.
  5. Gratitude / Appreciation.
  6. Forgiveness.
  7. Love.
  8. Growth.

What are some work values?

Top 10 Work Values Employers Look For

  • A Strong Work Ethic.
  • Dependability and Responsibility.
  • Possessing a Positive Attitude.
  • Adaptability.
  • Honesty and Integrity.
  • Self-Motivated.
  • Motivated to Grow and Learn.
  • Strong Self-Confidence.

What are the 10 work ethics?

The ten work ethic traits: appearance, attendance, attitude, character, communication, cooperation, organizational skills, productivity, respect and teamwork are defined as essential for student success and are listed below.

What are 5 characteristics of a good employee?

Here are some of the top skills and characteristics of a good employee:

  • Knowing the why, as well as the what.
  • Professionalism.
  • Honesty and integrity.
  • Innovative ideas.
  • Problem-solving abilities.
  • Ambitious.
  • Dependability, reliability, and responsibility.
  • Conflict resolution.

What top 3 values do you stand by at work?

The Top 10 Work Values Employers Look For

  1. Strong Work Ethic. Employers value employees who understand and possess a willingness to work hard.
  2. Dependability and Responsibility.
  3. Possessing a Positive Attitude.
  4. Adaptability.
  5. Honesty and Integrity.
  6. Self – Motivated.
  7. Motivated to Grow & Learn.
  8. Strong Self – Confidence.