What waiver means?

What waiver means?

A waiver is a legally binding provision where either party in a contract agrees to voluntarily forfeit a claim without the other party being liable. Waivers can either be in written form or some form of action.

What is the correct spelling of waiver?

verb (used with object), waived, waiv·ing. to refrain from claiming or insisting on; give up; forgo: to waive one’s right; to waive one’s rank; to waive honors. Law. to relinquish (a known right, interest, etc.) intentionally.

Can waiver be used as a verb?

What’s the difference between waiver and waiver?

is that waiver is the act of waiving, or not insisting on, some right, claim, or privilege while waive is (obsolete|legal) a woman put out of the protection of the law; an outlawed woman or waive can be (waif).

What does it mean not to waiver?

1a : to relinquish (something, such as a legal right) voluntarily waive a jury trial. b : to refrain from pressing or enforcing (something, such as a claim or rule) : forgo waive the fee. 2 : to put off from immediate consideration : postpone.

What does the word rejection mean?

: the act of not accepting, believing, or considering something : the state of being rejected. rejection. noun. re·​jec·​tion | \ ri-ˈjek-shən \

Do Without meaning in English?

: to not have (something) : to live, work, etc., without having (something) If you can’t afford a new car, you’ll just have to do without (one).

What is the opposite of wave?

What is the opposite of wave?

stillness motionlessness
immutability nonaction
steadiness immutableness
constancy idleness
still inaction

What is the other name of Wave?

synonym study for wave Wave, ripple, breaker, surf refer to a ridge or swell on the surface of water. Wave is the general word: waves in a high wind.

What’s another word for wave?

Wave Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for wave?

breaker ripple
deluge tide
crest waves
sea current
tidal wave wrecker

What is another word for an ocean wave?

Among them are expressions like “froth,” “flood,” “rush,” “stream,” “tide,” “torrent,” “deluge,” “flow,” “whitecap,” “riffle,” “crest,” “trough,” “white horse,” and “torrent.”

What do you call a great wave?

tsunami. noun. a very large wave or series of waves caused when something such as an earthquake moves a large quantity of water in the sea.

How do you describe a wave?

A wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. The direction a wave propagates is perpendicular to the direction it oscillates for transverse waves. A wave does not move mass in the direction of propagation; it transfers energy.

What are 3 ways to describe waves?

The three terms used when describing a wave are: wavelength (the length of one wave), amplitude (the height of a wave from equilibrium position to peak) and frequency, (the number of waves that pass a point in one second).

How do you describe water?

Here are some adjectives for water: total renewable, natural fresh, sparkling mineral, permanent fresh, yon wan, unlimited hot, cupful cold, iced mineral, much stagnant, clockwise warm, limited fresh, inadequate potable, dead low, fresh potable, quieter coastal, such shoal, clear but bitter, constantly high and low.

How do you describe flowing water?


  1. run, move, go along, course, pass, proceed, glide, slide, drift, circulate, trickle, dribble, drizzle, spill, gurgle, babble, ripple.
  2. stream, swirl, surge, sweep, gush, cascade, pour, roll, rush, whirl, well, spurt, spout, squirt, spew, jet.
  3. leak, seep, ooze, percolate, drip.

What is water a metaphor for?

In the Christian Gospels, water has a very special significance as a metaphor of divine wisdom: “Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I give him shall never thirst, as the water I give him shall become a fountain a water springing up to eternal life.”