What word has only vowels?

What word has only vowels?


What two words in the English language have all five vowels in order?

Words using all five vowels in order go! According to OxfordDictionaries.com, the two most common ones are abstemious ‘indulging only moderately in food and drink’, and facetious ‘treating serious issues with inappropriate humour’.

What word has 4 vowels in a row?

An arbitrary selection of 4-vowel words: homoeoarchy, obsequiousness, palaeoencephalon, queue, lieue, rhythmopoeia, exsanguious.

What is the longest word with only one vowel?


What is the purpose of a vowel?

Vowel, in human speech, sound in which the flow of air from the lungs passes through the mouth, which functions as a resonance chamber, with minimal obstruction and without audible friction; e.g., the i in “fit,” and the a in “pack.” Although usually produced with vibrating vocal cords, vowels may be pronounced without …

How do you tell if it is a short or long vowel?

Long vowel sounds sound like you are saying the letter itself. Short vowel sounds occur when the letter is not pronounced the way it sounds. Long vowel sounds are created by placing two vowels together or ending the word with an ‘E. ‘

What is the short vowel rule?

Short Vowel Rule: When there is one vowel in a word, either at the beginning or between two consonants, it usually has the short vowel sound.

What are examples of short vowels?

The short vowels can represented by a curved symbol above the vowel: ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ. The long vowels can be represented by a horizontal line above the vowel: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū. Here are some examples of short vowel words: at, egg, it, ox, up. Here are some examples of long vowel words: ate, each, ice, oak, use.

Is eat a long or short vowel?

The long ‘e’ sound is pronounced like /iː/, the same sound you’ll find in words like eat, we, and meet. This short /i/ sound is pronounced /ɪ/, like in words kitten, milk, and ring.

What are long vowel words?

A long vowel is a vowel sound that is pronounced the same way as the name of the letter itself. Words like “few” and “beauty” also contain the long U sound. Similarly, the long A sound in “bake” and “gate” can also be spelled like “ay” (as in “pay”) or “ai” (as in “paid”), among other variations.

Is chair a long or short vowel?

Neither. The pronunciation (IPA) is /ʧeə/. The vowel /eə/ is a diphthong, made up of two short vowels /e/ and the schwa, /ə/ in the same syllable. To make this sound, start with /e/ as in bed, then relax the mouth for the unstressed schwa like the ending of the word ‘mother’.

Is Blue a short or long vowel?

a with a short sound as in: sad, man, hat
o with a short sound as in: pop, hot, pot, rob
o with a long sound as in: glow, boat, sew, toe, nose
u with a short sound as in: bun, duck, cup, slug
u with a long sound as in: blue, new, view, glue