What word rhymes with bum?

What word rhymes with bum?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
dumb 100 [/]
hum 100 [/]
cum 100 [/]
gum 100 [/]

What is the rhyming word of gun?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
bun 100 [/]
shun 100 [/]
dun 100 [/]
pun 100 [/]

What rhymes with firearms?

  • syllable: arm’s, armes, arms, barmes, barms, carms, charmes, charms, darms, farm’s, farms, farms’, garms, harm’s, harmes, harms, larmes, tharms.
  • syllables: alarm’s, alarms, forearms, take arms, unarms.
  • syllables: coat of arms, order arms, take up arms.
  • syllables: sergeant at arms.
  • syllables:

What is the word with most rhymes?

Words That Rhyme With “Most” :

  1. 1 syllable: boast, coast, dosed, ghost, grossed, host, oast, post, roast, toast.
  2. 2 syllables: engrossed, riposte, sclerosed, stenosed.
  3. 3 syllables: diagnosed. About | Privacy | Words | Feedback. © 2021 RhymeDesk.com.

What is the shortest word in the world?


What word has the most letters?

What Is The Longest English Word?

  • antidisestablishmentarianism – opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England – 28 letters.
  • floccinaucinihilipilification – the estimation of something as worthless – 29 letters.
  • pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters.

What word takes 3 hours to say full word?

METHIONYLTHREONYLTHREONYGLUTAMINYLARGINYL … All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce.

What is the longest word in Japanese?

Originally Answered: What is the longest word in the Japanese dictionary?…This is not Sake (nor Saki), this is a TYPE of sake.

  • お酒 (o-sake) is the general term for “alcoholic drinks”.
  • What you call “Sake” is actually 日本酒 (nihonshu) in Japanese.

What is the longest name in the world?

Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.

What is the longest kiss in history?

The official longest kiss was clocked at 32 hours, 7 minutes and 14 seconds long by Nikola Matovic and Kristina Reinhart in Germany in February 2009, according to Guinness.

Who is the girl with 1000 letters in her name?

HOUSTON – CoSandra Williams

Is 3 middle names too much?

Sure, three middles is a lot but if you’re prepared to deal with it then go for it! In this situation it’s truly what you like that goes because nobody else really has a huge say or will have to deal with it. Typically, I would say that 3 middle names is excessive.

Can you have 3 names?

One can have several middle names, but it is unusual to have more than one or two. In practice, their status is similar to that of additional given names, and middle names are often omitted in everyday use, just like a person with 3 or 4 given names would only use one of them in most situations.

Can my baby have 3 middle names?

This means that the government takes no official stance on how many middle names your child may have. This is a little odd coming from an entity that cares what color pen you use to fill out the forms, but okay. And it’s good news, in that it means you are not legally prevented from using four or five middle names.

Is it OK to have 2 middle names?

It’s never been a common practice in the U.S. to give two middle names. But with families having fewer children in general, the temptation to bestow two middle names — to honor several parents, for example — is strong.