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What word rhymes with rhyme?

What word rhymes with rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
slime 100 Noun
thyme 100 Noun
grime 100 Noun
chime 100 Noun, Verb

What are some words that rhyme with translate?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
plate 100 Noun
wait 100 Verb
fate 100 Noun
hate 100 Verb, Noun

What rhymes French?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
The French 100 [x/]
quench 100 [/]
entrench 100 [x/]
tench 100 [/]

What name rhymes with Melanie?

What rhymes with melanie?

  • 1 syllable. Knee. P. V. Me. Z. Tree.
  • 2 syllables. Sunny. Bunny. Funny. Honey. Money. Agree.
  • 3 syllables. Destiny. Enemy. Recipe. Legacy. Guarantee. Jealousy.
  • 4 syllables. Apparently. Eventually. Especially. Complexity. Intensity. Serenity.
  • 5 syllables. Popularity. Accidentally. Temporarily. Independently. Necessarily.

What name rhymes with Aaliyah?

What rhymes with aaliyah?

  • 1 syllable. Ya. Da. Ma. Na. La. Ha. Raw. Ta. Ah. Pa. Blah.
  • 2 syllables. Libra. Leia. Ciera. Grandma. Nada. Deja. Grandpa. Aha. Inna’ Bigga’ Ona.
  • 3 syllables. Narnia. Katana. Talaga. Masaya. Arkansas. Ottawa. Carrera. Baccarat. Topeka. Arora.
  • 4 syllables. Balaclava. Casanova. Alleluia. Aventura. Undercova’ Alessandra. Curricula.

What name rhymes with Angel?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
archangel 100 Noun
Angell 100 Name
painful 92 Adjective
angels 92 Noun

What word rhymes with snowman?

What rhymes with snowman?

  • 1 syllable. Man. Van. Can. Ran. Than. Pan. Plan. Fan. An. Tan. Dan.
  • 2 syllables. Roseanne. Batman. Chopin. Spokane. Gauguin. Joanne. Began. Program. Japan. Madman.
  • 3 syllables. Soloman. Superman. Spiderman. Reprogram. Weatherman. Fisherman. Middleman. Businessman. Anchorman. Candyman.
  • 4 syllables. Afghanistan. Orangutan. Catamaran.

What word rhymes with demons?

What rhymes with demons?

  • 1 syllable. Wins. Sins. Sons. Guns. Tons. Prince. Since. Twins.
  • 2 syllables. Reasons. Seasons. Sequence. Secrets. Regions. Legions. Humans.
  • 3 syllables. Everyone’s. Audience. Aliens. Orleans. Orlean’s. Anyone’s. Champions.
  • 4 syllables. Experience. Pedestrians. Resilience. Intelligence. Politicians. Situations. Expectations.

What word rhymes with lemon?

What rhymes with lemon?

  • 1 syllable. One. None. Done. Run. Been. Ton. Pun. Gun. Son.
  • 2 syllables. M1. Heaven. Seven. Weapon. Question. Lebron. Lesson. Engine.
  • 3 syllables. Eleven. Intention. Rebellion. Suggestion. Superman. Intestine. Congestion. Excedrin.
  • 4 syllables. Armageddon. Watermelon. Indigestion. American. Adrenaline.
  • 5 syllables. Delicatessen.

Does Sky rhyme with fly?

ai, aye, bae, bi, bligh, bly, blye, brye, buy, by, bye, cai, chae, chai, chi, chrie, craie, cry, crye, cy, dai, die, dry, drye, dye, eye, fae, fi, fly, flye, frei, fry, frye, fye, gae, guy, heye, heygh, hi, high, hsv-i, hy, hye, i, i., jai, kai, keye, kwai, lai, lcp fy, lie, ly, lye, mai, mei, my, nigh, nye, pae, phi.

What word rhymes with kite?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
plight 100 [/]
fright 100 [/]
alright 100 [x/]
mite 100 [/]

What word rhymes with box?

Word Rhyme rating
shocks 100
ox 100
Knox 100
socks 100

What is the rhyming word of Fox?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
stocks 100 Noun
locks 100 Noun
ox 100 Noun
socks 100 Noun

What is another name for box?

What is another word for box?

case casket
carton container
pack package
bin crate
packet receptacle

What animals rhyme with cat?

What rhymes with cat?

  • 1 syllable. Rat. That. At. Flat. Sat. Hat. Fat. Chat. Dat. Bat. Gat. Tat.
  • 2 syllables. Combat. Snapchat. Attack. Backpack. Format. Asap. Kidnap. Doormat. Wombat. Fiat. Bobcat.
  • 3 syllables. Habitat. Acrobat. Thermostat. Maniac. Democrat. Copycat. Diplomat. Laundromat. Pussycat. Arafat. Thundercat.
  • 4 syllables. Aristocrat. Islamabad.

What is another name for a female cat?

An unspayed female is called a queen, especially in a cat-breeding context. A juvenile cat is referred to as a kitten. In Early Modern English, the word kitten was interchangeable with the now-obsolete word catling.

What word rhymes with rhyme?

What word rhymes with rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
slime 100 Noun
thyme 100 Noun
grime 100 Noun
chime 100 Noun, Verb

What words rhyme together?

Word Rhyme rating
altogether 100
leather 100
feather 100
heather 100

Is there a word that rhymes with music?

What rhymes with music?

  • 1 syllable. Thick. Sick. Kick. Tick. Pick. Stick. Trick. Slick.
  • 2 syllables. Lucid. Stupid. Toothpick. Cupid. Pubic. Classic. Basic. Toxic.
  • 3 syllables. Acoustic. Pathetic. Poetic. Fantastic. Ironic. Electric. Psychotic. Demonic.
  • 4 syllables. Therapeutic. Automatic. Immaculate. Unfortunate. Undisputed. Executed. Alcoholic.

What is another name for a female cat?

An unspayed female is called a queen, especially in a cat-breeding context. A juvenile cat is referred to as a kitten. In Early Modern English, the word kitten was interchangeable with the now-obsolete word catling.

What is a pussycat?

1 : cat. 2 : one that is weak, compliant, or amiable : softy.

What do you call a baby cat?

A kitten is a juvenile cat. After being born, kittens display primary altriciality and are totally dependent on their mother for survival.

What is a herd of cats called?

A clowder or clutter of cats.

What do you call a group of pigs?

Answer: A group of pigs is called a drift or drove. A group of swine is called a sounder. A group of boars is called a singular.

What is a flock of fish called?

The most common collective nouns for a group of fish in general are school and shoal. Both the words have evolved from the same common Dutch root ‘schole’ meaning a troop or crowd.

What do you call a group of lions?

Maybe you know that a group of lions is called a pride, but other animal groups have even weirder names, like a streak of tigers, and a sloth of bears.

What is the name for a group of snakes?

A group of snakes is generally called a bed, den, pit or nest, but a group of rattlesnakes is referred to as a rhumba or rumba.

What do you call a group of dogs?

Dogs: a pack; Puppies: a litter.

What do you call a tiger family?

Though the tiger is a solitary animal, where a number of these cats occur together the correct name for the group is a ‘streak’ or an ‘ambush’ of tigers.

Do tigers have prides like lions?

The lion is usually a social animal, while the tiger is solitary. While male lions are generally larger and stronger than female lions, it is the close-knit female pride alliance that typically hunts and provides for the pride. By contrast, tigers are often solitary, though they do socialize.

What is a Tiger Pride?

Pride stands for Practicing Respect, Responsibility, and Safety In Different Environments. When students demonstrate Tiger Pride, they can earn Tiger Pride cards that can be used to “purchase” entrance into special events such as a student vs. faculty basketball game.

Why is a tiger called a tiger?

The word ‘tiger’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Tigris’, meaning ‘arrow’, probably likening the tiger to a swift arrow.

Can a tiger eat human bones?

A tiger can digest bones from the human body According to Joe Exotic.

What are tigers afraid of?

Tigers are naturally afraid of fire … … but they’re still forced to jump through rings of fire in circus shows! This means that they’re more afraid of being punished by their trainers than they are of the flames.

Would a tiger eat a cat?

Originally Answered: Would a lion or tiger eat a house cat? They won’t. Carnivores rarely eat other carnivores. Lions occasionally kill leopards and cheetahs but they do it because they are competition; not because they are food.

Do cats think humans are cats?

Bigger, clumsier cats, sure — but cats nonetheless. According to John Bradshaw, an expert on cat behavior and author of a bestselling book on cat science, there’s plenty of evidence that points to the fact that cats see humans as nothing more than fellow cats.

Would a lion eat a lion?

Lions generally do not hunt and eat other lions. They do not prefer eating other predators’ meat. Another reason why lions do not eat other lions is that they do not provide enough energy.

What are lions Favourite food?

Lions are carnivores and eat meat. They can take down just about any decent sized animal. Some of their favorite prey includes water buffalo, antelope, wildebeest, impala, and zebras. Lions have been known to occasionally kill large beasts like elephants, giraffes, and rhinos.

Can you eat lion?

It’s legal both to kill and eat lion in the United States, though it’s not legal to hunt them and then sell the meat. But the main reason you won’t eat lion is probably because it seems plain wrong, and not a little sad, to eat the king of the beasts.

What are words that end in the same sound end rhyme?

Definition of End Rhyme End rhyme is defined as “when a poem has lines ending with words that sound the same.” End rhyme is also called tail rhyme or terminal rhyme. It is one of many types of rhyme.

What’s rhyme with face?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
embrace 100 Verb, Noun
chase 100 Noun, Verb
bass 100 Noun
brace 100 Noun

What word rhymes with pain?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
rein 100 Noun, Verb
lain 100 Verb
abstain 100 Verb
vane 100 Noun

What word rhymes with plastic?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
drastic 100 [/x]
dynastic 100 [x/x]
sarcastic 100 [x/x]
spastic 100 [/x]

What is the another name of plastic?

What is another word for plastic?

pliable pliant
durable loose-limbed
rubber sinuous
svelte double-jointed
mobile coordinated

What word rhymes with turtle?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
fertile 100 Adjective
myrtle 100 Noun
hurtle 100 Verb
infertile 100 Adjective

Is that rhyme with orange?

Orange has almost no perfect rhymes. The only word in the 20-volume historical Oxford English Dictionary that rhymes with orange is sporange, a very rare alternative form of sporangium (a botanical term for a part of a fern or similar plant).

Does porridge rhyme with orange?

It is widely accepted that no single English word is a full rhyme for orange, though there are half rhymes, such as hinge, lozenge, syringe, and porridge. Whose name supplies the long-sought rhyme for “orange.”

Does door hinge rhyme with orange?

Of course, the two-word term door hinge does not form a true rhyme with orange, but half of it can be used to create a half rhyme with the name of the citrus fruit.

What word rhymes with rhyme?

What word rhymes with rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
mime 100 Noun
slime 100 Noun
thyme 100 Noun
grime 100 Noun

What rhymes with the word that?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
fat 100 Adjective, Noun
cat 100 Noun
rat 100 Noun
hat 100 Noun

How do you find rhyming words in a poem?

The rhyme scheme of this poem can be determined by looking at the end word in each line. The first line ends in the word ‘star’, and the second line ends in the word ‘are’. Because the two words rhyme, they both are given the letter ‘A’.

What rhymes with trees for a poem?

Words That Rhyme With Trees

  • Syllable Words That Rhyme With Trees. Bees. Brees. Breese. Breeze.
  • Syllable Words That Rhyme With Trees. Agrees. Appease. Ashlees. Banshees.
  • Syllable Words That Rhyme With Trees. Abductees. Absentees. Addressees.
  • Syllable Words That Rhyme With Trees. Chattahoochees. Cohabitees. Examinees.
  • Syllable Words That Rhyme With Trees.

What word rhymes with wind?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
resigned 100 Adjective
aligned 100 Adjective
hind 100 Noun
grind 100 Verb, Noun

What word rhymes with fake?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
wake 100 Noun, Verb
shake 100 Verb, Noun
snake 100 Noun
stake 100 Noun

Does chair rhyme bear?

Adult: Yes, chair rhymes with bear.

What rhymes with chair for a poem?

Words That Rhyme With Chair

  • 1 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Chair. Aer. Air. Ayre.
  • 2 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Chair. Adair. Affair. Affaire.
  • 3 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Chair. Aftercare. Anywhere.
  • 4 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Chair. Commissionaire. Concessionaire.
  • 5 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Chair. Extraordinaire. Multimillionaire.

What word rhymes with Sun?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
bun 100 Noun
shun 100 Verb
dun 100 Noun
pun 100 Noun

What word rhymes with dress?

Words That Rhyme With “Dress” :

  • 1 syllable: Bess, bless, cess, ches, chess, cress, ess, esse, fess, fress, Hess, Hesse, jess, less, mess, ness, press, Presse, stress, Tess, tress, wes, yes.
  • 2 syllables: comtesse, finesse, fluoresce, largesse, noblesse, senesce.
  • 3 syllables:

What word rhymes with book?

What rhymes with book?

  • 1 syllable. Shook. Hook. Look. Cook. Took. Crook. Could. Foot. Would.
  • 2 syllables. Facebook. Notebook. Mistook. Outlook. Childhood. Textbook. Yearbook. Westbrook. Playbook.
  • 3 syllables. Understood. Overlook. Neighborhood. Overtook. Storybook. Overcook. Pocketbook. Undertook. Overbook.
  • 4 syllables. Gobbledygook. Misunderstood.

What word rhymes with seed?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
freed 100 Adjective
breed 100 Noun, Verb
creed 100 Noun
weed 100 Noun, Verb

What word rhymes with shoes?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
sues 100 Verb, Noun
dews 100 Noun
chews 100 Verb, Noun
boos 100 Noun

What word rhymes with rhyme?

What word rhymes with rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
slime 100 Noun
thyme 100 Noun
grime 100 Noun
chime 100 Noun, Verb

Does power and hour rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating
hour 100
tower 100
flower 100
Our 100

What name rhymes with Melanie?

What rhymes with melanie?

  • 1 syllable. Knee. P. V. Me. Z. Tree.
  • 2 syllables. Sunny. Bunny. Funny. Honey. Money. Agree.
  • 3 syllables. Destiny. Enemy. Recipe. Legacy. Guarantee. Jealousy.
  • 4 syllables. Apparently. Eventually. Especially. Complexity. Intensity. Serenity.
  • 5 syllables. Popularity. Accidentally. Temporarily. Independently. Necessarily.

What name rhymes with Aaliyah?

What rhymes with aaliyah?

  • 1 syllable. Ya. Da. Ma. Na. La. Ha. Raw. Ta. Ah. Pa. Blah.
  • 2 syllables. Libra. Leia. Ciera. Grandma. Nada. Deja. Grandpa. Aha. Inna’ Bigga’ Ona.
  • 3 syllables. Narnia. Katana. Talaga. Masaya. Arkansas. Ottawa. Carrera. Baccarat. Topeka. Arora.
  • 4 syllables. Balaclava. Casanova. Alleluia. Aventura. Undercova’ Alessandra. Curricula.

What name rhymes with Angel?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
archangel 100 Noun
Angell 100 Name
painful 92 Adjective
angels 92 Noun

What word rhymes with snowman?

What rhymes with snowman?

  • 1 syllable. Man. Van. Can. Ran. Than. Pan. Plan. Fan. An. Tan. Dan.
  • 2 syllables. Roseanne. Batman. Chopin. Spokane. Gauguin. Joanne. Began. Program. Japan. Madman.
  • 3 syllables. Soloman. Superman. Spiderman. Reprogram. Weatherman. Fisherman. Middleman. Businessman. Anchorman. Candyman.
  • 4 syllables. Afghanistan. Orangutan. Catamaran.

What word rhymes with demons?

What rhymes with demons?

  • 1 syllable. Wins. Sins. Sons. Guns. Tons. Prince. Since. Twins.
  • 2 syllables. Reasons. Seasons. Sequence. Secrets. Regions. Legions. Humans.
  • 3 syllables. Everyone’s. Audience. Aliens. Orleans. Orlean’s. Anyone’s. Champions.
  • 4 syllables. Experience. Pedestrians. Resilience. Intelligence. Politicians. Situations. Expectations.

What word rhymes with lemon?

What rhymes with lemon?

  • 1 syllable. One. None. Done. Run. Been. Ton. Pun. Gun. Son.
  • 2 syllables. M1. Heaven. Seven. Weapon. Question. Lebron. Lesson. Engine.
  • 3 syllables. Eleven. Intention. Rebellion. Suggestion. Superman. Intestine. Congestion. Excedrin.
  • 4 syllables. Armageddon. Watermelon. Indigestion. American. Adrenaline.
  • 5 syllables. Delicatessen.

What rhymes easy?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
queasy 100 [/x]
sleazy 100 [/x]
cheesy 100 [/x]
wheezy 100 [/x]

What word rhymes with box?

Word Rhyme rating
shocks 100
ox 100
Knox 100
socks 100

What is the rhyming word of Fox?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
stocks 100 Noun
locks 100 Noun
ox 100 Noun
socks 100 Noun

What is another name for box?

What is another word for box?

case casket
carton container
pack package
bin crate
packet receptacle