What words describe hockey?

What words describe hockey?

Here are some adjectives for hockey: broad and curved, crystal and montreal, comparatively few and simple, run-down, semi-professional, often practised, shrunken, charred, central soviet, inter-company, comparatively few, current national, all-star, recent great, american-style, perfectly ordinary, mighty clever, many …

How would you describe hockey?

Field hockey, also called hockey, outdoor game played by two opposing teams of 11 players each who use sticks curved at the striking end to hit a small, hard ball into their opponent’s goal. It is called field hockey to distinguish it from the similar game played on ice.

What is another name for hockey?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hockey, like: ice-hockey, sport, hockey game, game, shinny, field-hockey, block-and-bunt, volleyball, , basketball and netball.

What is keen in hockey?

Keen Hockey – Offensive Overload.

What is the best meaning of keen?

Keen commonly means eager, interested, or enthusiastic. This sense of the word is often followed by about or on and the particular interest, as in He’s very keen on music. A keen sense of smell is one that’s very strong and perceptive.

What does keen on mean?

keen on. : very enthusiastic or excited about wasn’t keen on going. keen. verb.

How do you use the word Keen?

If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it. I wasn’t too keen on physics and chemistry. You use keen to indicate that someone has a lot of enthusiasm for a particular activity and spends a lot of time doing it. She was a keen amateur photographer.

Is keen a formal word?

Keen is an adjective that describes something that is intense, sharp, or focused. The adjective keen comes from the Old English word cene that translates to “bold and brave” and while the spelling is now really different, the sounds are similar.

Which would be the closest synonym for the word Keen?

other words for keen

  • anxious.
  • ardent.
  • avid.
  • eager.
  • fervent.
  • fierce.
  • impatient.
  • intense.

Which context clue is used for the word Keen?

Answer. Answer: Context Clue #1: Definition or Restatement.

What is the opposite of keen?

What is the opposite of keen on?

aloof apathetic
bored disinterested
incurious indifferent
unconcerned unenthusiastic
unmoved blasé

What does uninterested mean?

What Does Uninterested Mean? If someone is bored, doesn’t care about something, or isn’t showing an interest in something, we can use the word uninterested to describe them: He seemed uninterested in what was going on around him.

What does avid mean?

1 : characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic avid readers/fans an avid golfer. 2 : desirous to the point of greed : urgently eager : greedy avid for publicity/success.

What is someone with no emotions called?

Alexithymia is a personality trait characterized by the subclinical inability to identify and describe emotions experienced by one’s self.

How do you describe someone who hides their feelings?

A person who conceals her/his emotions is “reserved.” An excessively emotional person is “histrionic” or “affected.” “Concealus” is not an English word. Although someone at one time or another might have coined it for their own purposes.

What do you call someone who hides their pain behind a smile?

Someone who hides their pain behind a smile .

What is a word for fake happiness?

fool’s paradise. nounillusory state of happiness. castle in the air. chimera. delusive contentment.

What is a sad smile called?

dolorous, lachrymose, lugubrious, plaintive, tearful. regretful, rueful.

What’s the word for hiding your feelings?


What is it called when you show your feelings?

externalize. verb. formal to express feelings and thoughts.

How do you test for alexithymia?

Diagnosis. Alexithymia is diagnosed by a mental health professional. It’s not officially recognized by the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Instead, your mental health provider will likely ask you questions and provide a diagnosis based on your answers.

What is alexithymia test?

The Online Alexithymia Questionnaire (OAQ-G2)is a self-administered questionnaire to measure difficulty in identifying and describing emotions and feelings, and distinguishing among the accompanying bodily sensations.

Is alexithymia a form of autism?

Notably, alexithymia, not autism, was found to be the only significant predictor of child attachment to parents. Thus, alexithymia seems to play a key role on the way children with ASD perceive their relationship with their mothers and fathers.

What is a narcissistic alexithymia?

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by grandiosity, self-admiration needs, and empathy deficits (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). An emerging body of work suggests that narcissism is particularly associated with an alexithymia subtype (i.e., difficulties identifying feelings).

What words describe hockey?

What words describe hockey?

Here are some adjectives for hockey: broad and curved, crystal and montreal, comparatively few and simple, run-down, semi-professional, often practised, shrunken, charred, central soviet, inter-company, comparatively few, current national, all-star, recent great, american-style, perfectly ordinary, mighty clever, many …

How would you describe hockey?

Hockey is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to manoeuvre a ball or a puck into the opponent’s goal using a hockey stick. There are many types of hockey such as bandy, field hockey, ice hockey and rink hockey.

What is another name for hockey?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hockey, like: ice-hockey, sport, hockey game, game, shinny, field-hockey, block-and-bunt, volleyball, , basketball and netball.

What is hockey talk?

Hockey Talks is an annual initiative where NHL hockey clubs raise awareness about mental health and offer fans the opportunity to get involved through social media.

What does Tilly mean in hockey?

a fight

What do hockey players call hair?


What is a pizza in hockey?

The trio was more often called the Pizza Line, from a promotion by Pizza Pizza in which fans holding a ticket stub would get a free slice if the Senators scored five or more goals.

What does Apple mean in hockey?


What does puck bunny mean in hockey?

A puck bunny is a female ice hockey fan whose interest in the sport is primarily motivated by sexual attraction to the players rather than enjoyment of the game itself.

What is the 5 hole in hockey?

Five-hole: a noun. “The space between the legs of a goaltender,” Merriam-Webster defines the hockey jargon in its latest addition to the English language dictionary.

What is a enforcer in hockey?

Enforcer is an unofficial role in ice hockey. The term is sometimes used synonymously with “fighter”, “tough guy”, or “goon”. An enforcer’s job is to deter and respond to dirty or violent play by the opposition.

What does a squid mean in hockey?

Having eight arms, the octopus symbolized the number of playoff wins necessary for the Red Wings to win the Stanley Cup.

Why do hockey players throw squid on ice?

Al the Octopus is the mascot of the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League. During many games, octopuses are thrown onto the ice by fans for good luck, this usually occurring after the national anthem is sung or after a goal is scored.

Why do hockey players touch helmets with the goalie?

See! We told you goalies are important. It is common for players to give them a tap on the pads before face offs, after great saves and after disappointing goals. These little gestures provide support and encouragement that words can’t always convey.

What does Bender mean in hockey?

Bender: a player whose ankles bend while they’re skating. Bottle rocket: when a goal breaks the goalie’s water bottle that sits on top of the net. Biscuit: the puck.

Why do they allow hockey players to fight?

Those who defend fighting in hockey say that it helps deter other types of rough play, allows teams to protect their star players, and creates a sense of solidarity among teammates. The debate over allowing fighting in ice hockey games is ongoing.

What does checking mean in hockey?

Checking in ice hockey is any of a number of defensive techniques aimed at disrupting an opponent with possession of the puck or separating them from the puck entirely. Most types are not subject to penalty.

What’s a bender in British slang?

Bender as a noun (chiefly, UK, slang, derogatory): A homosexual man.

What’s a bender mean?

What is a bender? This slang term can mean a drug party, an extended period of continued drug use. An alcoholic bender is a multiple-day drinking spree during which the person does not eat and gets very little sleep. If you’re on a bender, you might pass out for a short time, wake up and start drinking again.

What cartoon is Bender?


Is Futurama appropriate for 11 year olds?

The show is more for teens. The show has some drinking where some of the characters have some drinks and in some episodes one of the characters might act a bit drunk. Bender also smokes a lot on the show. Futurama has no really bad sex but there is some short animated sexual content throughout the show.

Does Futurama have 7 or 10 seasons?

During the course of the series, 140 episodes of Futurama aired over seven seasons.

Is Futurama a kid show?

Parents need to know that because Futurama’s content can be unpredictable, it’s not meant for younger kids. The language can be crass, there are allusions to sex, characters drink and make drug references, and there is some cartoon violence.

What age can watch Futurama?

The Comedy Central reruns are also rated TV-14, but do not include any of the sub-ratings. In the UK, Futurama episodes have been rated PG (parental guidance suggested when viewing) or 12 (not recommended viewing for anyone under 12 years of age), depending on the episode’s content.

What age group watches Futurama?

“Futurama” was the highest-rated show in all of television last week among male viewers between the ages of 18 and 49, one of the most important categories for advertisers.

Has Futurama been Cancelled for 2 years?

Futurama was canceled at Fox because the network spent years — essentially from before the show even hit television sets — walking it down the road to the chopping block. By the time the second season of Futurama came around, Fox moved the show back to the 8:30 PM Sunday spot in which the first two episodes aired.

What network is Futurama?

Fox Broadcasting Company, LLC

Is Futurama coming back?

The next-millenium-set animated comedy is returning to the air after being dropped by Fox in 2003. (Twenty six new episodes of the show will be unveiled on Comedy Central; the first half of season 6 kicks off June 24.) Cohen to find out what he and series creator, Matt Groening, have in store for us.