What would the speaker in mending wall do if he could?

What would the speaker in mending wall do if he could?

If only he could, the speaker in the poem entitled Mending Wall would tear down the wall and get closer to his neighbor for he doesn’t see the point of the wall’s existence. However, the neighbor does not agree with the speaker and still wants to mend the stone wall and said “good fences make good neighbors”.

What is ironic about the speaker in mending wall?

What is ironic about the speaker in “Mending Wall,” by Robert Frost is that he helps maintain the wall but he sees no point in having a wall. One grows pine trees and the other apple trees, so there is no need to separate because, as the speaker says, “My apples will never get across and eat the cones under his pines.”

Why does the speaker help rebuild the wall each spring?

He helps to repair the gaps because it is routine and keeps the peace. In the poem, the speaker is unhappy about the gaps; the reason for this is that, once the gaps are discovered, he and his neighbor must work together again to put up the wall that separates their properties.

Why does the mending of the wall by the speaker and his Neighbour appear to be an outdoor game?

Answer. Answer: Here the speaker suggests that it is not natural to have a wall; after all, only man creates borders. For him and his neighbor, repairing this wall is but a “kind of outdoor game” that they annually play as they try to balance the rocks from either side.

Why does the speaker think the wall is unnecessary?

The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be kept—there are no cows to be contained, just apple and pine trees. He does not believe in walls for the sake of walls.

What is the message of the poem Mending Wall?

A widely accepted theme of “The Mending Wall” concerns the self-imposed barriers that prevent human interaction. In the poem, the speaker’s neighbor keeps pointlessly rebuilding a wall; more than benefitting anyone, the fence is harmful to their land. But the neighbor is relentless in its maintenance, nonetheless.

What is the major metaphor in mending wall?

We keep the wall between us as we go. The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.

What does mending wall mean?

The wall in the poem ‘Mending Wall’ represents two view points of two different persons, one by the speaker and the other by his neighbour. Not only does the wall act as a divider in separating the properties, but also acts as a barrier to friendship, communication.

What kind of wall is being mended in mending wall?

stone wall

What does the neighbor represent in mending wall?

What does darkness Mending Wall line 41 mean?

In line 41 of “Mending Wall”, what is the meaning of the “darkness” in which the man walks? In this case, the darkness referred to seems to speak as a sort of inner evil in the neighbor. In “Mending Wall” what does the wall itself most clearly symbolize for the speaker? suspicion, mistrust, and bias. Only $2.99/month.

What does the speaker most likely believe does not love a wall?

Natural causes destroy the wall, as well as man-made problems like hunters. When the speaker says “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,” he is noticing that it is very hard to keep a wall up in nature. There will always be forces of deterioration that will bring it down.

Why do the two neighbors continue to repair the wall every spring if they don’t necessarily believe that they should?

“Mending” is an adjective here, not a verb. That is, erecting the wall mends something between the neighbors. So one of the reasons the neighbors continue to meet and mend the wall is that doing so “mends” and maintains their relationship.

Why does the wall keep falling time and again?

‘Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends a frozen-ground-swell under it And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. ‘ Because of this expansion, the wall gets cracks, making the upper stones of the wall fall down to the sides, thus making gaps.

What are the two things that cause gaps in the wall?

Answer. Answer: Gaps occur due to two reasons on option premium charts: (i) decay in time value, and (ii) low liquidity in most options that are traded.

What is the conflict in mending wall?

The conflict in the poem “Mending Wall” is between the neighbor’s insistence on sticking with the tradition of mending the stone wall and the speaker’s rationalistic questioning of the need to repair the barrier between their properties.

Who initiated the fixing of the wall?

I am going to assume that this question is referring to the Robert Frost poem “Mending Wall.” The narrator of the poem is the person that initiates the mending of the wall. When the poem begins, the narrator is contemplating the fact that something exists that simply doesn’t want walls to exist.

What does the poem suggest is the function of the wall in Robert Frost’s Mending Wall?

The poem describes how the speaker and a neighbor meet to rebuild a stone wall between their properties—a ritual repeated every spring. This ritual raises some important questions over the course of the poem, as the speaker considers the purpose of borders between people and the value of human work.

How does the mending walls form relate to its meaning?

In terms of form, “Mending Wall” is not structured with stanzas; it is a simple forty-five lines of first-person narrative. This structure helps to create a simple narrative that reflects nature as well as the thematic ideas of the human condition.

What is the main similarity between fog and Frost’s poem Mending Wall?

Answer Expert Verified. Answer: Both use everyday language. Both Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall” and Carl Sandburg’s “Frost” use everyday language. This is their main similarity.

What does the wall symbolize in mending wall?

Which lines from mending wall best indicate that the speaker is amused while repairing the wall?

The lines from “Mending Wall” that best indicate that the speaker is amused while repairing the wall are these ones: We have to use a spell to make them balance: / “Stay where you are until our backs are turned!” This sentence shows the playfulness in the narrator’s voice, as opposed to other lines that are far more …