Where did the expression waiting with bated breath come from?

Where did the expression waiting with bated breath come from?

Bated breath is a phrase that means to hold one’s breath due to suspense, trepidation or fear. Bated breath is a phrase first mentioned in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The word bated is an abbreviation of the word abated, meaning to lessen in severity or amount.

What does waiting for you with baited breath mean?

Eagerly or anxiously, as in We waited for the announcement of the winner with bated breath. This expression literally means “holding one’s breath” (bate means “restrain”).

What is the meaning of the idiom with bated breath?

Bated breath or with bated breath is a phrase meaning to hold one’s breath in anticipation or trepidation.

Is it baited or bated?

The words baited and bated are homophones, which means they sound alike but have different meanings. Baited is the past form of the verb bait, which means to tease, harass, or put food (or bait) in a trap. The word bated is a clipped form of the past tense of the verb abate, which means to reduce or restrain.

Who said bated breath?

William Shakespeare

What does bated mean?

Meaning of bated in English in an anxious (= worried and nervous) or excited way: I waited for the results with bated breath. Anxious and worried.

What does bated mean in Old English?

1 : to reduce the force or intensity of : restrain waited with bated breath. 2 : to take away : deduct That grave and orderly senior was not going to bate a jot of his dignity …— George Eliot. 3 archaic : to lower especially in amount or estimation And I shall have to bate my price …—

What bait means?

1a : something (such as food) used in luring especially to a hook or trap using worms for bait. b : a poisonous material placed where it will be eaten by harmful or objectionable animals. 2 : lure, temptation using bargains as bait for shoppers.

How do you bait someone?

To ‘bait’ someone is to intentionally make a person angry by saying or doing things to annoy them….Baiting and bullying

  1. Don’t take the bait!
  2. Don’t argue with a person or appeal to their sense of reason or logic while they are baiting you. They want you to rise to it!
  3. Don’t retaliate and fall into a trap.

What is a bait girl?

The word BAIT is commonly used when describing a sexually appealing person who is obviously flaunting their attractiveness.

What does too bait mean?

Bait – obvious or simple. As in, ‘you’re so bait. ‘

What does plodding mean?

1 : to work laboriously and monotonously : drudge. 2a : to walk heavily or slowly : trudge. b : to proceed slowly or tediously the movie’s plot just plods along.

What does it mean when someone tries to bait you?

Baiting is when someone deliberately acts in a way so as to elicit either an angry or emotional response from the person that they’re interacting with. This is often used between two people where one wants to start an argument, and uses baiting in order to do so.

What does bait out mean?

“Bait out” pages are online groups or pages that invite users to share nude images, videos or sexual gossip about others, according to Childnet. It can also involve videos being shared on public platforms such as YouTube where people are “named and shamed”.

What is bait used for?

Fishing bait is any substance used to attract and catch fish, e.g. on the end of a fishing hook, or inside a fish trap. Traditionally, nightcrawlers, insects, worms and smaller bait fish have been used for this purpose. Fishermen have also begun using plastic bait and more recently, electronic lures to attract fish.

What is a bait out page on snap?

“Bait out” online pages are sites where users share nude images of their schoolmates who are then often bullied.

How do you use the word bait in a sentence?

Bait sentence example

  1. Maybe they knew what kind of bait to throw out.
  2. She tossed out the verbal bait and waited for him to strike.
  3. I brought a pole, but I don’t have any bait for catfish.
  4. Why not take the bait and tell him about Keaton.
  5. She purposely didn’t take the bait that Gabriel might choose his ex over her.

What is another word for bait?

Bait Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for bait?

lure enticement
attraction carrot
temptation allurement
incentive snare
come-on decoy

What is the meaning of unwonted?

1 : being out of the ordinary : rare, unusual. 2 : not accustomed by experience. Other Words from unwonted Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About unwonted.

What is the plural form of bait?


Does bait mean packed lunch?

Bait/Scran Bait and scran are both words meaning food. Some people may define ‘bait’ more specifically to mean a packed lunch, one that you may take to work or school, but if you use it interchangeably with ‘scran’, people will understand you.

What is the meaning of Appeasingly?

to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease an angry king. to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage: The fruit appeased his hunger. to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.)

What is the meaning of unaccustomed?

1 : not customary : not usual or common. 2 : not habituated —usually used with to.

What is the meaning of cherish?

transitive verb. 1a : to hold dear : feel or show affection for cherished her friends. b : to keep or cultivate with care and affection : nurture cherishes his marriage. 2 : to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely still cherishes that memory.

What makes a man cherish a woman?

Trust & Honesty: Men and women want honesty and trust alike in their relationships always, but even more, men want a woman who isn’t scared to be honest in every part of her life and relationship. Whether it is being honest with him or herself, men admire a woman who is comfortable enough to be honest.

What is another word for cherish?

Some common synonyms of cherish are appreciate, prize, treasure, and value. While all these words mean “to hold in high estimation,” cherish implies a special love and care for something.

Why do you cherish someone?

When you cherish someone, you let them know every day that you care for them and are glad to have them in your life, you make them feel on top of the world, you do things for them to make them feel good, you make every effort to meet their needs, you are kind and thoughtful and do not take your better half for granted.

Is cherish more than love?

Cherish is a word like love, but more specific. To cherish someone is to love someone dearly. It basically means to hold something or someone dear. You can also think of something you cherish lovingly or longingly when you cherish it.

How do you show someone you cherish?

I googled the top ten ways to cherish your partner and this is what I found:

  1. 1.Be sensitive to his/her needs.
  2. Let our actions as well as our words show her/him that they are loved, respected and cared for.
  3. Pay attention when the other is talking.
  4. Be careful and considerate in our language.