Where did the term bust my chops come from?

Where did the term bust my chops come from?

Its usage extends back to the early 16th century. Its etymology is from “chap,” which is a jawbone, and an ever older word. So, the phrase is literal: “Don’t bust my chops,” means “don’t hit me in the jaw.” However, its usage is typically metaphorical, as: “don’t give me such a hard time.”

What does the saying busting your chops mean?

“Busting my chops” is a figurative way to say “stop hitting me in the face,” with “chops” meaning “jaw.” This “chop” traces to about 1513, the OED says, and also has some tenuous connection with another form of “chap,” meaning, the OED says without irony: “The jaws as unitedly forming the mouth; the biting and …

What does busting mean?

“Busting” is a synonym for “bursting.” When George says he’s busting, he means he’s “bursting with emotion” (see “a sudden expression or manifestation, as of emotion”).

What does bust mean for a girl?

bust noun [C] (BREASTS) a woman’s breasts, or the measurement around a woman’s body at the level of her breasts.

What does bussin mean on TikTok?

something is really good

Is bussin bussin a bad word?

Bussin has been described as “what you would say if something was really good.” It is used in reference to food and cooking. One Twitter user described how the word had been co-opted into internet slang and was being inappropriately used. They wrote: “bussin is aave and it only applies to food! A FIT CANNOT BE BUSSIN.”

Is Sheesh a swear word?

Sheesh, in the English language that is, is used to express disbelief, surprise, or disappointment to an action or occurance. It has been said that it is substitute for harsher language or curse words.

What does bussin bussin mean?

According to Urban Dictionary, “bussin” is an adjective used to describe something that’s “really good,” usually food.

Who created the term bussin?

Janelle Rohner

What does bussin mean inappropriate?

Meaning of Bussin in the Urban Dictionary This dictionary usually tries to be funny or sarcastic instead of actually giving the meaning of the word. For ‘Bussin’, all it has to say is – “what you would say if something was really good” An example given here was this – “tay- i didnt know yo mama could cook this good!

Why is bussin offensive?

Bussin is a slur, the word was derived from a young slave child who was named Busty by his master for how easy he would crack under pressure when threatened with the whip, slave masters would say “they bussin” when a slave would crack under pressure quickly.

How do you respond to OK Boomer?

The response, “ok, boomer” is a way to say, “I am not going to argue with you because you are stuck in your old ways.”

What is the best reply of OK?

“Ok” is a reply. Unless you want to get into an endless cycle of “Ok” then “Ok, great!” then “Ok, fine” etc etc, leave it at the first ok and don’t reply at all. Just smile and move on, either to another topic or another location.

Who made the OK Boomer meme?

In January 2019, the phrase began picking up speed and ultimately peaked in popularity by late fall thanks to a song written and produced by Jonathan Williams, a 20-year-old college student, and the subsequent “ok boomer” remix by Peter Kuli that exploded on the social media network, TikTok.

Is Boomer an insult?

Boomer, believe it or not, is, in fact, not a slur. Since the emergence of the debate over the offensiveness of “boomer,” many millenials and Gen-Zers have continued to use the phrase frequently in their daily lives, dismissing the complaints of the baby boomers, as the result of a self-victimizing generation.