Where does the name Hexagon come from?

Where does the name Hexagon come from?

In geometry, a hexagon (from Greek ἕξ, hex, meaning “six”, and γωνία, gonía, meaning “corner, angle”) is a six-sided polygon or 6-gon.

Is Hexagon Greek or Latin?

Hexagon comes from the Greek hexágōnon, which features the equivalent form of hexa– in the language.

What language is hexagon?


Is the root word hex Greek or Latin?

before vowels and in certain chemical compound words hex-, word-forming element meaning “six,” from Greek hexa-, combining form of hex “six,” from PIE root *sweks- (see six).

Is Penta Greek or Latin?

Penta- comes from the Greek pénte, meaning “five.”

Is Hepta Latin or Greek?

Hepta- comes from the Greek heptá, meaning “seven.” The English word seven, as different as it may look, is actually related to the Greek heptá.

Is Nona Latin or Greek?

From Latin nonus (“ninth”).

Is Hydra Greek or Latin?

Middle English Ydra, Idre, borrowed from Latin Hydra “any of various mythical monsters, especially the Hydra of Lerna killed by Hercules, a constellation,” borrowed from Greek hýdra “aquatic snake, the Hydra of Lerna, a constellation”; (sense 4) borrowed from New Latin, genus name, going back to Latin — more at otter.

Is Mono Latin or Greek?

Mono- comes from the Greek mónos, meaning “alone.” What are variants of mono-?

What does mono mean Latin?

#66 mono → one, single The prefix mono- and its variant mon-, which both mean “one,” are important prefixes in the English language.

What does six mean?

1 : a number that is one more than five — see Table of Numbers. 2 : the sixth in a set or series. 3 : something having six units or members: such as.

Is multi Greek or Latin?

multi-, prefix. multi- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “many, much”:multi- + colored → multicolored (= having many colors);multi- + vitamin → multivitamin (= composed of many vitamins).

Is struct Greek or Latin?

Struct comes from the Latin word meaning “build.” Ject is from a Latin word meaning “throw.” Use the list of prefixes and root words in the word bank to make five different English words out of the root words struct and ject.

What is multi in Latin?

From Latin multus (“much, many”).

Is ped a Latin or Greek root?

Ped- conveys multiple meanings, from different Latin and Ancient Greek root words: ‘Relating to feet’, in words (e.g. pedestrian, pedicure) derived from Latin pes, genitive pedis, ‘foot’, from the Proto-Indo-European stem *ped- with the same meaning.

Is Sign Greek or Latin?

These ROOT-WORDS are SIGN & SIGNI which come from the Latin signum which means SIGN, MARK & SEAL. It leads to one of the most important, most personal matters which concerns the human being – his SIGNature.

What does PED stand for?


Acronym Definition
PED Pediatrics
PED Pediatrician
PED Pedestrian
PED Pressure Equipment Directive (EU)

What word has ped in it?

-ped- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “foot. ” This meaning is found in such words as: biped, centipede, expedient, expedite, expedition, impede, impediment, millipede, moped, pedal, pedestal, pedestrian, pedicure, pedometer, quadruped.

What is the root of man?

Quick Summary. The Latin root word man means “hand.” This root word is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including manuscript, manufacture, and manicure. An easy way to remember that man means “hand” is through the word manual, an adjective which describes a task done by “hand.”

What is the opposite of PED?

What is the opposite of pediatric?

geriatric old
aged senior

What does the root word sister mean?

sister (n.) According to Klein’s sources, probably from PIE roots *swe- “one’s own” + *ser- “woman.” For vowel evolution, see bury. Used of nuns in Old English; of a woman in general from 1906; of a black woman from 1926; and in the sense of “fellow feminist” from 1912.

What does Sister mean in England?

5 chiefly British : nurse. 6a : girl, woman. b : person —usually used in the phrase weak sister.

What does ancestors mean in English?

1a : one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent Her ancestors came to America in the 1880s.

What is another word for sister?

Sister synonyms

  • sis. (Informal) Shortened form of sister.
  • sisterly. Having traits considered typical of sisters; friendly, kind, helpful, etc.
  • female sibling. A female relative having the same parents.
  • friend. A person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance.
  • babe.
  • stepsister.
  • sibling.
  • baby.

What is short for sister?

Most common short form of Sister is SIS.

What is a soul sister?

A true soul sister knows she can say things to you that she doesn’t mean about her kids, her husband, her job, or her mother. She knows that you know what she really means—she just needs to say it in a different way. A true soul sister knows what you need when you need it, even if she can’t be there to help.

Can I call my sister Boo?

Bitsy – A lovely name for a short and petite-sized sister. Boo Boo – A common pet name that can also be used for an adorable sister. Button – A good name for a cute and tiny sister. Cakes – For a sister with a lovely personality.

How do I call my big sister?

Nicknames That Are Perfect For Your Sister

  1. Bitsy.
  2. Issy.
  3. See see.
  4. Sissy.
  5. Sista.
  6. Sistie.
  7. Sis.
  8. Miss sis.

What do you call your cousin?

List Of Funny Nicknames For Cousins

  • Anheuser.
  • Cousin First.
  • Little cousin.
  • Partner.
  • Second brother.
  • Half brother.
  • Jolly Roger.
  • Belch.

How do you address a sister?

Addressing a Nun in a Letter. Write “Dear Sister,” as a salutation. Nuns are referred to as sisters, so starting your letter off with “Dear Sister,” is the right way to start a letter to a nun. You can also add their first and last name after “Sister,” as you would when addressing them in person.