Where is Odysseus home located?

Where is Odysseus home located?


Where is Ithaca located in the Odyssey?

Ionian Sea

What island did Odysseus live on?


What is the name of Odysseus home and final destination?


Who is alcinous’s son?

Alcinous was also mentioned by Homer in his epic Odyssesy as the ruler of the Phaiacians, with his wife Arete. They had five sons and one daughter, Nausicaa….Odysseus.

Affiliation Mortals
English Translation Mighty mind

Who gave Odysseus the bag of wind?


What does Arete mean in Greek?

Arete (Greek: ἀρετή) is a concept in ancient Greek thought that, in its most basic sense, refers to “excellence” of any kind. The term may also mean “moral virtue”.

What does alcinous mean in Greek?

In Greek mythology, Alcinous (/ælˈsɪnoʊəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀλκίνους or Ἀλκίνοος Alkínoös means “mighty mind”) was a son of Nausithous and brother of Rhexenor. After the latter’s death, he married his brother’s daughter Arete who bore him Nausicaa, Halius, Clytoneus and Laodamas.

What fake name did Odysseus give to Polyphemus?


How does alcinous help Odysseus?

The Phaeacians are famed for their skills as sailors, so Alcinous supplies Odysseus with ships, men, and supplies to get him home to Ithaca. The skills of the Phaeacian mariners is the only thing that can get Odysseus through the wrathful sea (because Poseidon, the god of the sea, is still mad at Odysseus).

Why does Odysseus ask for a song about himself?

An Odysseus who found the song unbearable, like Penelope in Book 1, could hardly be the Odysseus who makes an opportunity, later in the evening, to request from Demodocus a further song about himself – a song he has reason to expect will duplicate or renew his experience of the first.

Why didnt Odysseus plug his ears?

Ulysses wanted to hear the Sirens’ song although he knew that doing so would render him incapable of rational thought. He put wax in his men’s ears so that they could not hear and had them tie him to the mast so that he could not jump into the sea.