Which agreement rule applies to singular collective noun functioning as a unit?

Which agreement rule applies to singular collective noun functioning as a unit?

The correct answer is A. If a noun is singular, but also collective, it means that it has the form of a singular noun, but refers to more than one entity. However, based on the context, it will either take a singular, or a plural verb.

What is the agreement rule when dealing with a singular collective noun in American English?

For purposes of agreement, collective nouns can be singular or plural, depending on how they are used in a sentence. Collective nouns used as one unit take a singular verb; collective nouns that indicate many units take a plural verb.

What are collective nouns give examples?

Here are some examples of common collective nouns:

  • People: board, choir, class, committee, family, group, jury, panel, staff.
  • Animals: flock, herd, pod, swarm.
  • Things: bunch, collection, fleet, flotilla, pack, set.

What is the collective name for trees?


Is or are for collective nouns?

Use is with singular subjects and are with plural subjects. Collective nouns usually take is, but you can use are if you need to emphasize the individuals who belong to the group.

Is swarm a collective noun?

swarm: The collective noun for (various) insects.

Is stamps a collective noun?

Answer: The Collective noun for stamps is ‘an album’. Explanation: A collective noun is a ‘type of noun’ that denotes a group of things, persons, animals, objects and other items together.

What is the collective noun of soldier?


What is a group of 100 soldiers called?

The smallest unit in an army is the squad, which contains 7 to 14 soldiers and is led by a sergeant. Three or four squads make up a platoon, which has 20 to 50 soldiers and is commanded by a lieutenant. Two or more platoons make up a company, which has 100 to 250 soldiers and is commanded by a captain or a major.

What is the collective noun of sheep?


What is the collective noun of Cubs?


What is the collective noun of bees?

Collective Nouns List

Animal Collective Noun In It’s Written Context
Bees rabble a rabble of bees
Bees stand a stand of bees
Bees swarm a swarm of bees
Birds (generic) flock a flock of birds (generic)

What is the collective noun of pride?

Similar to a flock, pride is a collective noun used to describe a group of lions or impressive birds, such as ostriches or peacocks.

What is a singular collective noun?

A collective noun is a word or phrase that refers to a group of people or things as one entity. While collective nouns are mostly treated as singular, there are exceptions. Collective nouns represent more than one person or thing in a class.

Is swarm a collective noun for bees?

Collective noun is a single word that covers multiple items. For example, if you talk about a swarm of bees, you use the singular “swarm” to represent more than one bee. Therefore, the collective noun for bees is a name that represents more than one other name.

What is the collective noun of papers?


What is the collective noun of judges?

The collective nouns for judges include panel or bench, as in the group of judges as part of the panel or who sit on the bench.

What is the collective noun of ships?


What is called group of puppies?

You probably know that a group of wolves is called a pack, or that a group of puppies is called a litter, but there are many collective nouns for animals that are much less well-known, and frankly very strange….