Which best describes one way in which civil disobedience impacted people and events later in history?

Which best describes one way in which civil disobedience impacted people and events later in history?

Which best describes one way in which “Civil Disobedience” impacted people and events later in history? It fortified the beliefs of those who thought the government acted unfairly. Based on evidence of his personality in “Civil Disobedience,” what effect would a longer jail stay most likely have had on Thoreau?

What is civil disobedience history?

The definition of civil disobedience is “breaking laws, usually in a non-violent way, as part of a protest” against laws deemed unfair or that infringe on human rights. …

What is the main idea of civil disobedience by Thoreau?

In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau’s basic premise is that a higher law than civil law demands the obedience of the individual. Human law and government are subordinate. In cases where the two are at odds with one another, the individual must follow his conscience and, if necessary, disregard human law.

What are the two main claims in civil disobedience?

Thoreau draws on his own experiences and explains why he refused to pay taxes in protest of slavery and the Mexican War. Thoreau argues that there are two laws: the laws of men and the higher laws of God and humanity. If the laws of men are unjust, then one has every right to disobey them.

What is the rule obligation by which Thoreau lives?

6)What is the rule/obligation by which Thoreau lives? He lived by the rule of always doing what he thinks is right, putting man first and a subject after.

What is universal white male suffrage?

Universal manhood suffrage is a form of voting rights in which all adult male citizens within a political system are allowed to vote, regardless of income, property, religion, race, or any other qualification. It is sometimes summarized by the slogan, “one man, one vote”.

When did 18 year olds get the right to vote?

The proposed 26th Amendment passed the House and Senate in the spring of 1971 and was ratified by the states on July 1, 1971.

During which war did 18 year olds get the right to vote?

“Old enough to fight, old enough to vote,” a slogan first heard during World War II, was adopted by student activists during the Vietnam War. In 1942, the slogan prompted Congressman Jennings Randolph of West Virginia to propose an amendment to the Constitution lowering the voting age to 18.

Which best describes one way in which “Civil Disobedience” impacted people and events later in history? It fortified the beliefs of those who thought the government acted unfairly.

What does civil disobedience mean in history?

Civil disobedience, also called passive resistance, the refusal to obey the demands or commands of a government or occupying power, without resorting to violence or active measures of opposition; its usual purpose is to force concessions from the government or occupying power.

What is civil disobedience quizlet?

Civil Disobedience. A refusal to obey rules, laws, or someone in authority in a peaceful, nonviolent form of protest. Protest. A statement or action expressing disapproval of something (usually rules or laws).

Who wrote Civil Disobedience quizlet?

Henry David Thoreau

What is the idea of civil disobedience?

Civil disobedience can be defined as refusing to obey a law, a regulation or a power judged unjust in a peaceful manner. Civil disobedience is, therefore, a form of resistance without violence.

What is civil disobedience pros and cons?

The Pros of Civil Disobedience

  • It is a way to protest without breaking the law. In many nations, civil disobedience can be performed without breaking additional laws.
  • It draws attention to the issue.
  • It can create real change.
  • It can result in jail time.
  • It doesn’t always create change.
  • It takes time.

Can civil disobedience can peacefully solve a social injustice?

Civil disobedience can help peacefully solve a social injustice in two main ways. The first one is by making the government and society unable to function properly. We can conclude that it has been proven throughout history that civil disobedience is an effective way to solve social injustices.

Why do most movements use acts of civil disobedience as a last resort?

Also because users of civil disobedience appeal to “higher laws” the users believe, sometimes falsely, that no secular authority can ever disagree with them. This shows that civil disobedience is often a last resort and a way for an outsider or marginalized person to affect the status quo.