Which character is described in these lines themselves they beheld me?

Which character is described in these lines themselves they beheld me?

Which character is described in these lines? It is Beowulf speaking to Hrothgar.

Which character is described in these lines 10 points?


Which character is described in these lines Thee I would therefore?

In those line, Beowulf asks King Hrothgar to allow him and his men to destroy Grendel. King Hrothgar is the king of the Danes. The character described in those lines is Grendel.

Which character is described in these lines Lord of the Scyldings this single petition?

Answer: Beowulf. Explanation: In “Beowulf, An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem”, the author narrates the story of Beowulf, a young Gaetish warrior.

Which character is described in these lines fearful in spirit?

The lines “Fearful in spirit, faint–mooded waxed he, Not off could betake him; death he was pondering\” from the poem “Beowulf”, show the big impression the monster get in the confrontation with Beowulf and this words are the ones used to describe his presence and characteristics, Then the monster is describing Beowulf …

How long is Beowulf king before trouble with a dragon begins?

50 years

Who became king after Beowulf died?


What does the narrator reveal about Beowulf’s thoughts?

What does the narrator reveal about Beowulf’s thoughts in lines 131-158? Ideals reflected in his speech is revealed as the importance of honor and glory which Beowulf achieved. He emphasized that these values led him to the peace so he is not afraid to leave this world as he is sure that he has done everything right.

Who is Grendel’s ancestor?


Who specifically wants revenge on Grendel’s mother?

Grendel’s mother attacks Herot because she wants revenge for the death of her son. When she leaves, she ends up taking his arm that is hanging.

What urges wiglaf to remain loyal despite the danger?

What urges Wiglaf to remain loyal despite the danger? Tells Wiglaf to use the treasure wisely.

What does Beowulf do to Grendel’s corpse?

At last, he notices a sword hanging on the wall, an enormous weapon forged for giants. Beowulf seizes the huge sword and swings it in a powerful arc. The blade slices cleanly through the Grendel’s mother’s neck, and she falls dead to the floor, gushing with blood.

Why was the warrior’s courage wasted?

Their courage / Was great but all wasted: they could hack at Grendel / From every side, trying to open / A path for his evil soul, but their points / Could not hurt him…. Which of his adversaries does Beowulf face without weapons?

Why does Grendel hate humanity?

Grendel hates humans. Because he killed Grendel the evil monster.

What did Grendel hate?

Grendel hates Herot, the mead-hall of King Hrothgar.

Why is Grendel angry?

Grendel is envious, resentful, and angry toward mankind, possibly because he feels that God blesses them but that the ogre himself never can be blessed. Grendel especially resents the light, joy, and music that he observes in Hrothgar’s beautiful mead-hall, Heorot.

Why does Beowulf kill Grendel?

Beowulf wants to fight Grendel in order to win treasure and, more importantly, fame (which he calls a warrior’s “best bulwark” [l. Hrothgar suggests that Beowulf may have chosen to fight Grendel in order to discharge a debt to him, when he tells the story of paying a large sum of money on Beowulf’s father’s behalf.

What weapon did Beowulf kill Grendel with?


Why did Beowulf kill Grendel with his bare hands?

In the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf, the protagonist Beowulf insists on battling Grendel with his bare hands, instead of using a weapon, because, he says, Grendel doesn’t use one. Beowulf sees using a weapon against a beast that uses no weapon as dishonorable. He will fight Grendel on equal terms.

What does Beowulf do when he hears of Hrothgar’s problems with Grendel?

what does beowulf do when he hears of hrothgar’s problems with grendel? he tells hrothgar that beowulf and his men have traveled across the sea to have speech at will. hrothgar responds by saying he knows ecgtheow and beowulf as a boy.


Which character is described in these lines Beowulf?

Based on the lines given, the character that was described is Beowulf. I hope my answer has come to your help.

Which character is described in these lines then the mighty?

These lines are from Beowulf and the character that is described in these lines is GRENDEL.

Which character is described in these lines then came to the building?

The character described in this line from the Beowulf poem is Grendel. It represents one of the poems antagonist, has incredible strength and greatness, is very fast and skillful.

What is most likely the implication of these lines ah how hard it is to tell?

Explanation: In the given excerpt we can see the speaker remembering and telling a negative experience he has lived, he remembers the forest as a very scary place, and he emphasizes in the fact that it is hard to tell how wild the forest as, and how dense and rugged (in general how was the forest), because he was …

Which character is described in these lines 10 points but weapons of victory swords and suchlike he had sworn to dispense with?

The correct answer to the question: Which character is described in these lines: “but weapons of victory Swords and suchlike he had sworn to dispense with”, would be: Beowulf.

Which character is described in these lines 10 points then came to the building the Warrior Marching bereft of his Joyance?

“Then came to the building the warrior marching, Bereft of his joyance” Grendel is described in these lines.

Which best summarizes the events from the poem contained in these lines when the sun was sunken he set out to visit the lofty hall building how the ring Danes had used it for beds and benches?

Explanation: The option that best summarizes the events from the poem contained in these lines is Grendel entered the mead-hall and attacked the Danes while they slept.

Which character is described in these lines 10 points but on earliest occasion he quickly laid hold of a soldier asleep Higelac Beowulf Grendel Hrothgar?

Answer Expert Verified This quote refers to Grendel, the monster. The quote is talking about how the monster has killed and is eating one of the soldiers, so it can really only be about Grendel, given that he is the only man-eating monster among these options.

Which character is described in these lines the man ruler famous?


Why is Grendel a flat character in Beowulf?

Grendel is a flat character in Beowulf because he has a one-dimensional personality. There is less character development of Grendel and have been provided with vague descriptions. It provided he live with his mother in a cave and that he attacks Herot for being noisy.

Which character is described in these lines the comer-from-far-land has cleansed then of evil?


Which character is described in these lines 10 points forward the Foeman Foined with his hand caught he quickly the cunning deviser?


Which character in Grendel is most clearly a flat character?

Grendel’s mother

Which character in Grendel is most clearly a round character?

Explanation: The correct answer is D. Grendel. Although the same characters appear in both Beowulf and Grendel, their characteristics are not the same. Whereas in Beowulf, the round character would be Beowulf, in Grendel that would be Grendel.

What character in Grendel is a round character?

How is Grendel a modern day monster?

Answer Expert Verified. Grendel can be considered to be a modern-day monster primarily because there are so many human characteristics in him, and in the old days that wasn’t the way in which monsters were portrayed.

Which detail best shows that Grendel has human qualities as well as the qualities of a monster?

Grendel’s human qualities can be depicted from the incident when he starts throwing temper tantrums at Ram. One can also find that Grendel expresses boredom just like humans do, thus making it clear for readers that he has human as well as monster qualities.

Which passage from Grendel best illustrates the theme Life is meaningless?

The correct answer is D. This passage from “Grendel” reflects the theme “life is meaningless” because through it, we can understand that the speaker is allowing his oponent to win.

Which passage from Grendel best illustrates the theme there’s a monster in every person?

Answer. Answer: Since the options are not given for the question, the correct answer is “And the joy of self-knowledge, that’s a great compensation! The easy and absolute certainty that whatever the danger, however terrible the odds, you’ll stand firm.”

Which theme is best illustrated by this passage from Grendel apex?

B. In the end, life is meaningless. Explanation: In this passage, Grendel is reflecting on whether it is worth continuing to fight Beowulf.

What best explains the type of characterization used in this passage Grendel?

I sacked all I could and tried to store it, but my mother would growl and make faces because of the stink. What best explains the type of characterization used in this passage? Indirect characterization because the author uses Grendel’s thoughts to show his ideas about humans and their excessive behavior.

Which description of the Cyclops as a monster is archetypal quizlet?

Answer: The description that is archetypal is: B. The Cyclops kills without remorse.

Which statement would the character Grendel most likely agree with?

Answer. Answer: The statement which shows the character Grendel most likely agreed based on his outlook on life is as described below :’This Life consists of a number of ups and downs of random events with the accidental occurrence of consequences.