Which detail best supports the central idea that Snowball and Napoleon are fighting for power?

Which detail best supports the central idea that Snowball and Napoleon are fighting for power?

Which detail best supports the central idea that Snowball and Napoleon are fighting for power? “The other animals understood how to vote, but could never think of any resolutions of their own.” “Even when it was resolved—a thing no one could object to in itself . . .”

Which key details does Orwell include in this passage to support the central idea that the animals on Animal Farm had a great influence on animals at other farms?

The key details Orwell includes in this passage to support the central idea that the animals on Animal Farm had a great influence on animals at other farms are: “Rumours of a wonderful farm, where the human beings had been turned out…”

Which statement best explains how details in the passage develop the central idea?

The statement that best explains how details in the passage develop the central idea that Snowball is trying to make the farm more self-sufficient but is doing it in ways that do not suit the animals or their nature is “The details show that Snowball has created humanlike activities that are unfamiliar to the animals”.

Which statement best explains how details in the passage develop the central idea that the leaders believe that they deserve more the details show that the other animals support the pigs privileges?

Squealer was sent to make the necessary explanations to the others. Which statement best explains how details in the passage develop the central idea that the leaders believe that they deserve more? Answer: The details show that the pigs get privileges, while the other animals do all the labor.

Who was sent to explain why the milk was being used?

who was sent to explain why the milk was being used by the pigs? the milk helps the pigs think and if the pigs cant think, then jones will come back. name one of the arguments that squealer used to explain why the milk was going to the pigs. they all help eachother so they use team work to get the job done.

What happened to the milk at the end of chapter 2?

what happened to the disappearing milk from chapter II? it is revealed that the pigs took the milk at the end of chapter II. this is significant because they are not sharing everything with the masses which goes against their principles and because it shows a tendency to behave as Jones had behaved.

Who stole the milk in Animal Farm?


What was discovered missing at the end of chapter 2?

The incident with the milk can be found at the very end of Chapter Two, which opens with the death of Major and details the animals’s capture of the farm. The pigs entreat the other animals to focus on the harvest, while the milk goes missing in the meantime. Thus, Orwell concludes this chapter on a very cynical note.

What does Napoleon do with the milk?

Napoleon stood in front of the milk – he assured them the milk would be attended to. Later, it was used in the pig’s mash. Either draw or describe the flag at animal farm. What did the color and the items on the flag represent?

Why is Mollie concerned about animalism?

The pigs don’t like Moses because his talk of Sugarcandy Mountain distracts the animals from the need for rebellion. Chap. 2 – Why does Mollie seem concerned about Animalism? Mollie is concerned that she won’t get to wear hair ribbons or enjoy lump sugar after the rebellion.

Why do the pigs have a hard time convincing Mollie?

Why do the pigs have a hard time convincing Mollie? She wanted to keep her ribbons. Why do the pigs have a hard time convincing Moses? He was Mr.

What is Boxer’s motto in Animal Farm?

I will work harder

How did Boxer die?

In chapter 9, Boxer has a split hoof and it take a long time to heal. He does get somewhat better, but as the work progresses in building the windmill, he collapses from overexertion. When this happens, some of the animals tell Squealer.

What does boxer’s death symbolize?

14) What does Boxer’s death represent? Boxer’s death represents the exploitation of the working classes as well as the death of the idealism that led to the establishment of Animal Farm. Before his death, Boxer is Napoleon’s most loyal supporter, abusing his body in service to the farm and the windmill.

What age did Boxer die?

He was 67. His death, in a hospital, was announced by his wife, Brenda Glur Spinks, in a statement released by the family’s public relations representatives. His family announced in December 2019 that he had been hospitalized for treatment of prostate cancer that had spread to his bladder.

What is ironic about the memorial in Boxer’s honor?

What is ironic about the “memorial in Boxer’s honor”? The entire memorial in Boxers honor was ironic because it was never for Boxer at all. The pigs got moneyand whiskey out of it & only used the entire thing to their fortune.