Which detail from Act V Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet What role does Friar play?

Which detail from Act V Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet What role does Friar play?

In Act V, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet, what role does Friar John play in the catastrophe? He creates a quarantine, which impacts Romeo. He secretly performs Romeo and Juliet’s wedding. He mistakenly tells Balthasar that Juliet is dead.

Which excerpt from Act V Scene III of Romeo and Juliet best reflects the idea?

Answer: The excerpt from Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet that best reflects the idea that when a person overlooks what he or she knows is wrong, it can result in a catastrophe is “Because I looked the other way when your feud flared up, I’ve lost several members of my family as well. Everyone is punished.”

Which of Romeo’s tragic flaws is best reflected in this dialogue?

Answer Expert Verified. In the excerpt from Act V, scene I of Romeo and Juliet Romeo’s tragic flaw that is best reflected is his reckless nature. He has just known from Balthasar that Juliet is sleeping in a Capulet tomb so he defies the stars, which shows a reckless nature.

Which theme from Romeo and Juliet is reflected in this excerpt?

The theme from Romeo and Juliet that is reflected in the above excerpt is: Fate plays a role in determining the outcome of events. The excerpt has been taken from the play “Romeo and Juliet.” when the Prince comes to know about the secret marriage and death of Romeo and Juliet, he feels disgusted about it.

Why does Paris’s request create dramatic irony in this scene?

because Paris has not expressed his love to Juliet. because Capulet has already welcomed Romeo into the family. because Juliet is still mourning the death of her cousin Tybalt.

Which best describes is the primary conflict of Act IV Scenes III V of Romeo and Juliet quizlet?

Which best describes is the primary conflict of Act IV, scenes iii-v of Romeo and Juliet? Juliet fakes her own death using poison. Read the excerpt from Juliet’s soliloquy in Act IV, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Which best describes is the primary conflict of Act IV scenes of Romeo and Juliet?

The one that best describes the primary conflict of Act IV scenes III-V of Romeo and Juliet is that, Peter argues with Juliet’s wedding musicians.

Which is the best meaning of the phrase she’ll not be hit with cupids arrow?

When a person is hit by an arrow from Cupid, he falls in love. Therefore, as the quote states that she will not be hit with an arrow, the implication is that she will not fall in love with anyone.

What is an example of dramatic irony in Act V Scene III of Romeo and Juliet?

When Juliet awakes, she finds Romeo dead after which she too stabs herself with a dagger. This event was an example of Dramatic irony as the audience knew very well that Juliet is feigning her death but Romeo finds it to be the reality.

Why are Romeo’s last words ironic?

Why are Romeo’s last words also ironic? We know that Juliet is faking her death. The irony that Romeo gave was that she was not dead but he thinks that she is dead but she is not. They are so ironic because he had a dream that he was going to kiss her and she will wake but he dies.

How does Shakespeare use irony to express a theme in V III?

Shakespeare’s choice to use irony develops the theme of Love Vs. By using dramatic irony to withhold information from others in the scene, Shakespeare is creating tension between the characters in Act III. This tension leads to strained relationships, especially in the case of Hamlet and Ophelia.

What is an example of foreshadowing from Act II?

Act 2, Scene 6 FORESHADOWING  Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder. . . Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.  When Juliet arrives, Romeo uses many poetic words to describe her and their love.

How is Romeo’s final act ironic?

Romeo is talking about his dream where he is dead and Juliet kisses him back to life. This is very close to the friar’s plan for Juliet. She will pretend to be dead and it will be Romeo who revives her. It is ironic that Romeo would have this dream just as Balthasar is bringing him the news of Juliet’s death.

Why does Romeo kill Paris?

Romeo kills Paris because Paris accosts him in the Capulet tomb and refuses to leave him alone. Paris doesn’t know about Romeo’s marriage to Juliet, and so he automatically assumes that Romeo intends to desecrate Juliet’s corpse or that of another Capulet. In the ensuing duel, Romeo kills Paris.

How is Balthasar’s News ironic?

The irony in this statement is that because she is dead, Romeo will not think that she is well; however, because she is dead she can also never be ill again because she can never suffer again through sorrow or sickness. Therefore, Balthasar speaks ironic truth when he describes Juliet’s death as being “well.”

Who does Friar Laurence blame for Juliet’s death?

Fate is responsible for Juliet’s death. Friar Laurence blames the “lamentable chance” (Act 5 3, line 146) of “an unkind hour” (Act 5.3, line 145) for the fact that his plan has failed and Romeo has killed himself.

Why was Friar Lawrence not blamed?

Because of the Black Plague. Friar Lawrence tried to stop Romeo, but didn’t get to the tomb on time, which doesn’t make Friar guilty. When Friar was too late, he knew Juliet would kill herself when she found out Romeo had killed himself. Then, Romeo avenged his friend Mercutio by killing Tybalt.

Did Friar Laurence give Juliet poison?

The Friar will give Juliet a potion to make her appear dead. After drinking it, her family will lay her apparently lifeless body in the Capulet tomb. The potion will last for 24 hours, during which time Friar Lawrence will send news to Romeo. He only hears that Juliet is dead and leaves for Verona immediately.

Is Friar Lawrence guilty or innocent?

Friar Lawrence is guilty for the death of Romeo and Juliet is because he gave Juliet the potion, he knew how Romeo would react the way he did, and he had left Juliet by herself when she found out Romeo was dead.

What did Friar Laurence do wrong?

Friar Lawrence 113-117). Friar Lawrence’s last fault of the play is leaving Juliet after she had just woken to find her husband dead. Because Friar Lawrence’s letter had not gotten to Romeo, he had to rush to the Capulet tomb to wake up Juliet and hide her in his room before Romeo saw her dead.

Is Friar Lawrence Romeo’s dad?

In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence speaks to Romeo and Juliet as if they were his own children. Again, Romeo is referring to Friar Lawrence as father. Though Juliet never refers to the friar as “father,” Friar Lawrence speaks to her as if she were his daughter.

What kind of person is Friar Lawrence?

Franciscan monk

How is Friar Lawrence intelligent?

He is very intelligent, respected by the people of Verona and also he has a lot of knowledge about medicinal things like plants and herbs that can cause harm or good to something living. This shows that Friar Laurence is intelligent because he knows a lot about the flowers and herbs that can make changes to someone.

Is Friar Lawrence a hero or villain?

Friar Lawrence is neither a hero or a villain, and he’s not responsible for their deaths. Arguably of all the characters in the play, the Friar is the one most concerned with others.

Is Friar Lawrence a Montague?

A Franciscan friar, friend to both Romeo and Juliet. Kind, civic-minded, a proponent of moderation, and always ready with a plan, Friar Lawrence secretly marries the impassioned lovers in hopes that the union might eventually bring peace to Verona.

How is Romeo immature?

Romeo can also be deemed immature because of his impulsive behavior throughout the rest of the play. He kills his love’s cousin, Tybalt, in order to avenge the death of Mercutio, knowing that this action could create an enormous rift in his relationship and put his status in Verona at risk.