Which detail from the Odyssey best shows that Odysseus can be vain?

Which detail from the Odyssey best shows that Odysseus can be vain?

The detail from The Odyssey that best shows that Odysseus can be vain is that he risks unnecessary danger to his crew because he wants to taunt the cyclops.

What book does Odysseus fight the Cyclops?

Summary and Analysis Book 9 – In the One-Eyed Giant’s Cave. After identifying himself to the Phaeacians at the feast, Odysseus tells the story of his wanderings.

Why does Odysseus kill Eurylochus?

Why does Odysseus want to kill Eurylochus? Answer: Eurylochus tells the men not to listen to Odysseus as he believes Odysseus will lead them to sure death or demise if they go to Circe’s palace. Answer: Odysseus’ men tie him to the ship and do not listen to his pleas to be untied.

Why was Eurylochus afraid of Circe?

Eurylochus fears to enter circe’s home. Eurylochus is afraid of circle because she is saying things to her animals to come to his men. How does circe treat Odysseus’ men initially? She treated Odysseus men to pigs.

What does Odysseus see when he first enters the underworld?

Odysseus travels to the Land of the Dead to speak with the prophet Tiresias. When he gets there, he makes a blood sacrifice so that the spirits of the dead will emerge from the depths of Hades. One of the first spirits he speaks to is Elpenor, who begs him not to leave him unburied and unmourned.

What is the moral of Odysseus?

The moral values in the story include loyalty, compassion, self-control and perseverance. Each one has a tale or two associated with it. Loyalty is an important moral value in The Odyssey because Odysseus is devoted to his family. He is determined to return home to his wife despite all of the obstacles in his way.

What can a person learn from a journey?

When you travel, you leave behind the familiar and take on a world of new things. You’re constantly learning through travel, with new cultures, friends, foods and languages. You may feel excitement or even fear, but usually never boredom… and it will be one of the most rewarding things you ever do.

What is the moral of Achilles story?

Achilles knows that if he stays and enters the battle, he will be remembered forever for his exploits, but will die in battle, never to return home. If he returns home instead of entering the battle, he will live a long life but his legacy will die with him.

Who is the most powerful mythological god?


Who is the baddest God?

These are the top ten most powerful gods of Greek mythology.

  • Hermes God of Trade.
  • Artemis Goddess of the Moon.
  • Hera Goddess of Childbirth and Marriage.
  • Chronos God of Time.
  • Ares God of War.
  • Poseidon God of the Sea.
  • Zeus God of Thunder.
  • Hades God of Death. Hades oversees all of the dead souls who pass on from their mortal life.

Who is the craziest Greek god?

However, there are many lesser-known Greek Gods that are just as interesting, sometimes even more so, than the popular kids.

  • Dionysus.
  • Demeter.
  • The Horae.
  • The Judges of the Dead.
  • Hecate.
  • Anemoi.
  • Tartarus.
  • Morpheus. When most people hear the name Morpheus, they think of the character from The Matrix.

What are some mistakes Odysseus makes?

However, along with Odysseus’ heroic qualities, the Odyssey also reveals three major flaws of his. Prime amongst these are: arrogance, unfaithfulness, and stubbornness. The first flaw of Odysseus that causes several setbacks in his endeavor to get back home is hubris (excessive pride).

What fatal flaw of Odysseus does book 9 reveal?

His hubris, or excessive pride, is his tragic flaw, or hamartia, as the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BCE) called it. This flaw connects Odysseus to many other Greek heroes.

What are some examples of epic heroes?

King Arthur, Beowulf, Siegfried, Gilgamesh, and Rama are all examples of epic heroes.

What is the hero of an epic poem?

An epic hero is the main character of an epic poem that tells the story of a grand quest in which they use their extraordinary or superhuman abilities to achieve great things. In literature, a hero is simply the protagonist, or main character.

What is the opposite word for hero?

What is the opposite of hero?

coward chicken
recreant caitiff
gutless wimp
dastard faintheart
milksop sissy

Is Achilles an epic hero?

The warrior Achilles is one of the great heroes of Greek mythology. According to legend, Achilles was extraordinarily strong, courageous and loyal, but he had one vulnerability–his “Achilles heel.” Homer’s epic poem The Iliad tells the story of his adventures during the last year of the Trojan War.