Which detail from the story supports the idea that Samara wants to improve her community?

Which detail from the story supports the idea that Samara wants to improve her community?

Samara feels a sense of accomplishment. Which detail from the story supports the idea that Samara wants to improve her community? “That evening, she went to the library and learned about what she would need to do in order to get the idea in front of the town zoning board.” You just studied 49 terms!

What effect does the narrator’s point of view have on the passage by shifting from Samara’s point of view to Wanda’s and Mrs Yang’s the narrator lets the reader see from a wider angle by showing the reader only the details that Samara can see the point of view becomes narrower but?

By entering Samara’s thoughts, the point of view allows readers to understand her motives for taking action. By shifting from Samara’s point of view to Wanda’s and Mrs. Yang’s, the narrator lets the reader see from a wider angle.

How would the passage most likely be different if it were told from Wanda’s point of view the portrayal of Samara in the passage would be less positive than it is in order to give Wanda more credit for helping create the park the passage would contain scenes at the library and the zoning?

How would the passage most likely be different if it were told from Wanda’s point of view? A: The portrayal of Samara in the passage would be less positive than it is, in order to give Wanda more credit for helping create the park.

How does the information in paragraph 5 when Samara goes to the library affect the plot?

How does the information in paragraph 5—when Samara goes to the library—affect the plot? It sets up the climax of the story, in which Samara presents her plan to the zoning board.

How would the passage most likely be different if it were narrated from Samara’s first person point of view the portrayal of Wanda would be less detailed since Samara can only experience Wanda’s character from the outside the reader would have a more direct experience?

The portrayal of Wanda would be less detailed, since Samara can only experience Wanda’s character from the outside. The reader would have a more direct experience of Samara’s thoughts and feelings. The passage would give more information about the shrubs, herbs, flowers, and vegetables that were planted.

What effect does point of view have on the narrative?

The Importance of Point of View. Point of view is important in a story because it helps the reader understand characters’ feelings and actions. Each character will have his or her own perspective, so whoever is telling the story will impact the reader’s opinion of other characters and events.

How does the point of view shape what the reader learns from the narrative my first day on the job?

Read “My First Day on the Job”. Read “My First Day on the Job”. How does the point of view shape what the reader learns from the narrative? It allows the reader to share a cub reporter’s experience of preparing and writing her first story.

Why do I feel weird in a relationship?

Felling “a little weird” in your first relationship is very normal. In fact, feeling weird or akward at the start of any romantic relationship is very normal. You are sharing parts of yourself with someone new giving them total trust and learning their weird habits and akward sides as well.