Which details are important to notice when comparing and contrasting two texts from different genres select three options?

Which details are important to notice when comparing and contrasting two texts from different genres select three options?

Select three options. Point of view, [ author’s purpose,and the language use are important to notice when comparing and contrasting two texts from different genres. ] This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is the relationship between tone and perspective in a narrative text quizlet?

What is the relationship between tone and perspective in a narrative text? The tone can help determine the narrator’s perspective.

What similarities do the narrator’s perspective most reveal select two options?

Select two options. They both experience alienation in school. They both feel similar to everyone around them.

What does the narrator’s tone in this passage reveal about her perspective Does my head look big in this?

The narrator’s tone in the passage reveal the following about her perspective: She will not let other people tell her how to dress.

What different perspectives do the narrator’s tone reveal?

The tone in a story can be joyful, serious, humorous, sad, threatening, formal, informal, pessimistic, and optimistic. Your tone in writing will be reflective of your mood as you are writing. Amal’s tone will be optimistic and He could sound pretentious while Marjane’s tone will be a little pessimistic.

What is the central idea of this passage Persepolis?

Religion, Repression, and Modernity Persepolis explores the intersection of religion and modernity, as well as the impact of religious repression on the religious feeling and practices of those who must endure it.

What is the central idea of the panels?

Marjane wants to be a prophet to help others face their fate. Marjane wants to be a prophet to make others wealthy.

Which element best illustrates the central idea of these panels?

The element that best demonstrates the central idea of the given panels is the ‘teacher’s annoyed expression and crossed arms’.

What is the author’s purpose in Persepolis?

The Author’s purpose for writing this novel is to show her point of view of what Iran is like rather then people going to get wrong image of it being a fundamentalists and terrorists country.

What is the author’s message in Persepolis 2?

She went back home for a little while, then left Iran for good. THEMATIC CONNECTIONS: The theme of Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return is about coming of age. Throughout the first and second book, we see Marji grow up and mature. A book similar to this theme is Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls.

What does the veil symbolize in Persepolis?

Satrapi uses this veil to symbolize her transitions in her Persepolis, from her state of conformity, to her metaphorical unveiling of the truth behind the Islamic regime and ultimately her complete rebellion that leads to her eventual freedom. …

Why was Persepolis banned?

The graphic novel, written by Marjane Satrapi, is an autobiographical account of growing up in Iran during the fall of the Shah and the ensuing revolution. Unknown Chicago officials declared the book’s scenes of torture were inappropriate for students, despite an overwhelming student approval of the book.

Is Persepolis still banned?

Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi’s graphic memoir of growing up during the Iranian Revolution, has received international acclaim since its initial publication in French. Persepolis remains banned from CPS classrooms below grade 8. …

Is Persepolis controversial?

Persepolis was written in 2000 and Persepolis 2 was written in 2004. Due to its graphic language and images, there is controversy surrounding the use of Persepolis in classrooms in the United States. Persepolis was featured on the American Library Association’s list of Top Ten Most Challenged Books in 2014.

Which countries banned Persepolis?

The book and film is banned in Iran, and the film was temporarily banned in Lebanon, but the ban was rescinded due to public outrage.

Why is Persepolis banned in schools?

“Persepolis is included as a selection in the Literacy Content Framework for seventh grade. It was brought to our attention that it contains graphic language and images that are not appropriate for general use in the seventh grade curriculum.

How was Persepolis received?

Persepolis was very well received in the West. Iranian officials state that the film is ‘anti-Iranian’ and that it “encourages forces opposed to the authorities in any way possible.” The Guardian also states that Iranian authorities have dismissed Persepolis as ‘Islamophobic. ‘

Are there banned books?

Examples of “banned” books

  • Brave New World.
  • Of Mice and Men.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird.
  • The Catcher in the Rye.
  • The Harry Potter series.
  • Fun Home.

Why are books being banned 2020?

The ALA said that the list included books challenged for reasons such as LGBTQ+ content, sexual references, religious viewpoints, content that addresses racism and police brutality, and profanity.

Is banning books a good idea?

Banned books often deal with subjects that are realistic, timely, and topical. Young people may find a character going through exactly what they are, which makes it a powerful reading experience and helps the reader sort out thorny issues like grief, divorce, sexual assault, bullying, prejudice, and sexual identity.

How does banning books affect students?

Classroom Effects Most affected by the implications of book banning is the everyday school classroom. Externally, the classroom is at risk because of procedure itself. When books are banned, unbanned, questioned and concerned, the footing of curriculum becomes shaky and unstable (Agee, 1994).

What is the problem with banning books?

However, there are major problems with banning books. Banning books can lead to increased polarization in America. In an already difficult time, banning books ensures that children are not adequately exposed to diverse viewpoints and different ideologies. Those children can grow up to be intolerant adults.

How does banning books marginalized students?

But one unfortunate outcome is that 52 percent of the books challenged or banned in the last 10 years feature so-called “diverse content”—that is, they explore issues such as race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental illness, and disability. …

What would happen if books were banned?

If books get banned, we might not have cared enough about anyone else, their story, or their suffering. We might have been content to see things in black and white, without being eager to understand the different facets of human behaviour. When we connect with people, even fictional ones, we become part of a community.

Can we live without books?

“We can’t live without books because books are made from trees, so if we didn’t have books it would be reasonable to assume we wouldn’t have trees either and since trees provide us with our main source of oxygen it is therefore quite fair to say that we literally can’t live without books… they also have really cool …

What would life be like without books?

A world without reading would be like staring at a blank page, or having a thought that you could not share, because if you did no one would be able to understand. A world without reading would be a library without books, or a website without content. Reading meaningful content is food for our brains.

What are banned books in the US?

Banned & Challenged Classics

  • The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • The Catcher in the Rye, by JD Salinger.
  • The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee.
  • The Color Purple, by Alice Walker.
  • Ulysses, by James Joyce.
  • Beloved, by Toni Morrison.
  • The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding.

Which details are important to notice when comparing and contrasting two texts from different genres select three options?

Which details are important to notice when comparing and contrasting two texts from different genres select three options?

Select three options. Point of view, [ author’s purpose,and the language use are important to notice when comparing and contrasting two texts from different genres. ]

What are the primary purposes of a thesis statement in an essay comparing different genres select two options?

To engage the reader’s interest to establish the essay’s main idea to introduce the subtopics of the essay to state the writer’s opinion of the genres to introduce the evidence that will be used.

How do you write a comparison of two characters?

Let’s take a look at eight steps for writing a character comparison.

  1. Choose two characters.
  2. Establish a purpose for comparison.
  3. Describe the characters.
  4. Identify similarities and differences.
  5. Formulate a thesis.
  6. Form a conclusion.
  7. Structure your comparison.
  8. Write.

Why is comparing and contrasting is essential for making connections?

Comparing and contrasting is necessary for interaction with the environment. Finding differences and/or similarities helps students organize both new and known information. Students will be able to: Note differences and similarities between or among objects, ideas, entities, concepts, events, or other subjects.

What textual aid is used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more concepts?

A compare/contrast or Venn diagram is used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more concepts. The most commonly used organizer, this instructional tool is found in textbooks, on standardized tests, and in teacher resource materials.

What is the basis for the comparison?

It means that you are comparing similar characteristics. You need to make sure you’re using the same measure for your comparison to be valid. For instance, you might ask, “Who is a better basketball player, Jordan or James?” The other person might ask, what’s your basis of comparison?”

What is the bird’s movement compared to what is the basis for the comparison?

The goldfinch’s movement is compared to that of a lizard. The basis of the comparison is the sleek, abrupt and alert movements of a lizard. The same kinds of movements are observed when the goldfinch arrives on the laburnum tree. Was this answer helpful?

What is the birds movement compared to what is the basis for the comparison?

Answer: The bird’s movement is compared to that of a lizard. Both are sleek, alert and abrupt. This is why, the comparison is very apt and convincing.

Why is goldfinch compared to Lizard?

Answer: The movement of the bird is compared to that of a lizard. A lizard moves in a sleek and smooth manner, reflecting a lot of dexterity in its alertness and quickness of movement. Similarly, the entry of the goldfinch into the thickness of the tree is ‘sleek’, ‘alert’ and ‘abrupt’.

How do you compare and contrast two subjects?

Begin by saying everything you have to say about the first subject you are discussing, then move on and make all the points you want to make about the second subject (and after that, the third, and so on, if you’re comparing/contrasting more than two things).

Is a text structure that basically descriptive but deal with two or more topics to highlight similarities and differences between them?

Chronological: These texts organize events in the order they happened. This structure is common in current events, history and in works of fiction or memoir. Comparison / Contrast: These texts are basically descriptive, but deal with two or more topics to highlight similarities and differences between them.

What are some text features?

Text features include all the components of a story or article that are not the main body of text. These include the table of contents, index, glossary, headings, bold words, sidebars, pictures and captions, and labeled diagrams.

What is Intertext in reading and writing?

Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text. It is the interconnection between similar or related works of literature that reflect and influence an audience’s interpretation of the text. Intertextual figures include: allusion, quotation, calque, plagiarism, translation, pastiche and parody.

What is the purpose of text features in a nonfiction text?

Text features are used to help navigate and locate specific information provided in a nonfiction text in an easier and more efficient manner. Often times, authors put information in the text features that are not included in the body of the text, so it is imperative to understand how to use them effectively.