Which factors caused the rapid decline or decrease of the Sierra Nevada yellow legged frog population check all that apply?

Which factors caused the rapid decline or decrease of the Sierra Nevada yellow legged frog population check all that apply?

fish fungus pesticides UV radiation pollution.

Which examples represent abiotic factors affecting biotic factors Check all that apply?

Living organisms depends on abiotic factors such as light, temperature, water and soil etc for their growth and survival. In the above answer, Ash of volcano, warm water and rivers are abiotic elements while plant, algae and pollen are biotic elements.

How do environmental changes affect both living and nonliving things in a watershed What conclusions can you make based on your observations?

Based on my observations, I can conclude that biotic and abiotic factors are closely linked and that human activity that changes the environment, like pollution, can affect all the other parts of an ecosystem in a negative way.

What is the purpose of the lab environmental changes in a watershed?

Environmental Changes in aWatershedOverview:The purpose of this lab is to examinehow environmental changes affect the health of a watershed and to predict the effect of human activity on the watershed.

What are potential impacts of pollution on a watershed check all that apply?

Pollution in this area can pollute the small water streams flowing through it, thereby polluting the larger water body into which it drains. Thus, the water extracted for drinking from such area will be contaminated. Pollution in larger water body can cause death of water creature and hence pose a threat to fishing.

Why is it called watershed?

The area that drains into a single river is the watershed for that river. Watershed can also mean a ridge, like that formed by a chain of mountains, which sends water to two different rivers on either side. It’s from this meaning that watershed came to mean a turning point or dividing line in social life.

What is the watershed in politics?

If something such as an event is a watershed in the history or development of something, it is very important because it represents the beginning of a new stage in it. Her election was a watershed in the country’s politics.

How is a watershed formed?

gravity pulls water downhill as fast as it can taking the easiest path it can find. This water (including melted snow) eventually comes together (runoff) to form small streams which meet other streams further down and so forth until a river is formed.

Can a watershed be fed by groundwater?

The boundaries of a surface watershed and groundwater recharge area can, but do not always, coincide. Lakes that appear to have no major inlet are often fed by groundwater. Sometimes humans withdraw too much water from an aquifer, resulting in serious problems.

How do humans impact the watershed?

Building dams and rerouting rivers are two examples of ways humans directly impact water in watersheds. Humans also use water as a resource, drawing from watersheds for our drinking water. This does not have to be a negative impact, as water usage can be monitored so that it is sustainable.

What are the 3 main functions of a watershed?

There are three processes within a watershed that can protect water quality if pre- served: water capture, water storage, and water release.

How do we protect watersheds?

Conserve water every day. Take shorter showers, fix leaks & turn off the water when not in use. Don’t pour toxic household chemicals down the drain; take them to a hazardous waste center. Use hardy plants that require little or no watering, fertilizers or pesticides in your yard.

What is the importance of watershed?

Watersheds are important because the surface water features and stormwater runoff within a watershed ultimately drain to other bodies of water. It is essential to consider these downstream impacts when developing and implementing water quality protection and restoration actions. Everything upstream ends up downstream.

How do watersheds affect the environment?

Healthy watersheds provide many ecosystem services including, but not limited to: nutrient cycling, carbon storage, erosion/sedimentation control, increased biodiversity, soil formation, wildlife movement corridors, water storage, water filtration, flood control, food, timber and recreation, as well as reduced …

What are 3 ways that humans impact watersheds?

-Humans use the rivers or streams contained in a watershed for drinking water, irrigation, transportation, industry and reaction.

Are healthy watersheds very common?

Are Healthy Watersheds Very Common? Unfortunately not. Healthy watersheds are uncommon, particularly in the eastern U.S. as well as in most other parts of the nation that are urbanized, farmed, or mined. Large tracts of protected wildlands, mostly in the western U.S., are where most healthy watersheds can be found.

What can be done to reduce our impact on watersheds and their environment?

Reduce Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers Plant pest-resistant, native species. Rotate garden crops to reduce infestation. Use mulch and time plantings to avoid peak infestation periods.

How can we minimize impact?

  1. Completely turn off equipment like televisions and stereos when you’re not using them.
  2. Choose energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.
  3. Save water: some simple steps can go a long way in saving water like, like turning off the tap when you are brushing your teeth or shaving.

How can we prevent river pollution?

Let’s have a look at 30+ easy and simple ways that you can do to reduce the water pollution going on today.

  1. Use Less Plastic.
  2. Reuse Items.
  3. Recyclable Options.
  4. Do Not Dispose of Oils in the Sink.
  5. Cleaning Chemicals.
  6. Handle Toxic Chemicals Properly.
  7. Shop to Stop Water Pollution.
  8. Do Not Throw Away Medicines.

What are the environmental effects of industrialized food production?

Industrial agriculture harms the environment through pollution of air, soil and water. Air emissions from livestock operations make up 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Conventional crop production degrades soil health and causes soil erosion.

What are five environmental effects of food production?

Agriculture contributes to a number larger of environmental issues that cause environmental degradation including: climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, dead zones, genetic engineering, irrigation problems, pollutants, soil degradation, and waste.

What is the environmental impact of meat production?

While industrial agriculture as a whole has adverse environmental effects, the meat industry produces more greenhouse gases than transportation. Further, half of the methane and two-thirds of the nitrous oxide released by humans is due to crop and livestock production.

What is the relationship between how food is produced and the cost to the environment?

Food production contributes, for example, to climate change, eutrophication and acid rain, as well as the depletion of biodiversity. It is also a considerable drain on other resources, such as nutrients, land area, energy, and water.