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Which line is an example of apostrophe?

Which line is an example of apostrophe?

In Act II, Scene II of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s famous line “O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” is an apostrophe.

Which form of figurative language is used in the bold lines of the above example personification simile plot character?

Answer Expert Verified Personification is the form of figurative language used in the bold lines of the above example.

What does this interaction between Cassius and Brutus reveal about Brutus motivations Brutus is motivated by fear he disagrees with the assassination plot Brutus is motivated by his friendship with both Caesar and Mark Antony to protect them from the assassination plot Brutus believes the assassination is a noble act?

What does this interaction between Cassius and Brutus reveal about Brutus’ motivations? Brutus is motivated by fear: he disagrees with the assassination plot. Brutus is motivated by his friendship with both Caesar and Mark Antony to protect them from the assassination plot.

What is the relationship between Caesar and Cassius?

Cassius is a talented general and supporter of the Roman republic. He dislikes the fact that Caesar has become like a king in the eyes of the Roman citizens and leads his friend Brutus to believe that Caesar must die. He is impulsive and deceptive, sending Brutus forged letters to convince him to murder Caesar.

Are Cassius and Caesar friends?

No, Cassius is not Caesar’s friend. Their relationship is nothing like the relationship between Brutus and Caesar. Note what Cassius says about Caesar in his soliloquy at the very end of Act 1, Scene 2.

Who is older Brutus or Cassius?

He is a soldier who is the son of Marcus Cato, which makes him Cassius’s brother and Brutus’s brother-in-law.

Why Brutus is a tragic hero?

Brutus is known as a tragic hero in the play Julius Caesar because he faces a major conflict between his loyalty to his friend and his loyalty to his country. Because Caesar’s enemies know about Brutus’ sense of honor for his country, they are able to manipulate him into going along with their plan to kill Caesar.