Which of the following are possible evidence of ancient plate tectonics on Mars?

Which of the following are possible evidence of ancient plate tectonics on Mars?

“If the bands on Mars are an imprint of crustal spreading, they are a relic of an early era of plate tectonics on Mars. The observations of the so-called magnetic stripes were made possible because of Mars Global Surveyor’s special aerobraking orbit.

Which would be the most convincing evidence for plate tectonics on Mars?

A geologist in the US claims to have found the first strong evidence for plate tectonics on Mars by studying satellite images of a huge trough in the Martian surface. It had been thought, until now, that tectonic movements were only present on Earth.

Does Mars have any tectonic plates?

Mars, however, doesn’t have plate tectonics. After its formation, the planet was a searing mass of molten rock that eventually cooled to form a static crust around a rocky mantle, yet it’s unclear how hot the planet’s insides are today.

Do earthquakes happen on Mars?

Quakes have been observed and well-documented on the Moon, and there is evidence of past quakes on Venus, but current seismic activity of Mars has not been definitely detected. Some estimates suggest that marsquakes occur as rarely as once every million years or more.

Is Mars inactive?

Some four billion years ago, the core of Mars became inactive, its magnetic field disappeared, and the solar wind stripped the atmosphere away. With our magnetic field intact, our planet will remain blue and alive for the foreseeable future.

Did Mars ever have water?

It is widely accepted that Mars had abundant water very early in its history, but all large areas of liquid water have since disappeared.

Where did all the water on Mars go?

Today, aside from a possible series of briny underground lakes and aquifers, most of Mars’s water is locked up in the polar caps or in ice buried below the surface.

Is there Trees on Mars?

The Martian”trees” are actually dark basaltic sand pushed to the surface of sand dunes by sun-heated solid carbon dioxide ice, or dry ice,sublimating directly into vapor, explained Candy Hansen, a member of NASA’sMars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) team at the University of Arizona.

Can potatoes grow on Mars?

In The Martian, potatoes are successfully harvested after 48 sols (a Martian solar day – 24 hours 39 minutes long), but the success of the venture does not last: Watney’s potato-growing is put to an abrupt end as the front of his habitat blows off, exposing his entire crop to the Martian air.

What is the current temperature on Mars?

Today, Mars has a high temperature of minus 14 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of minus 117. The weather data comes from the Mars rover Curiosity, which has been on the Red Planet for 458 sols.

Does Mars have a blue sky?

What happens on Mars? The sky of Mars near the Sun appears blue, while the sky far away from the Sun appears red. The disk of the Sun appears mostly white, with a slight bluish tinge. This has nothing to do with clouds or ice, but by the Martian dust that permeates throughout the planet’s atmosphere.

Why doesn’t Mars have a blue sky?

The dust in the atmosphere absorbs blue light, giving the sky its red color, but it also scatters some of the blue light into the area just around the Sun because of its size. The blue color only becomes apparent near sunrise and sunset, when the light has to pass through the largest amount of dust.

Why does Mars have a blue sky?

On Mars, while the sky is red during the day, the sunset is blue. The reason for this is that the dust particles always make a blue halo around the sun on Mars, but the halo is only easy to see when the light passes through all the dust while coming over the horizon.

Why is our sky blue?

Thus, as sunlight of all colors passes through air, the blue part causes charged particles to oscillate faster than does the red part. More of the sunlight entering the atmosphere is blue than violet, however, and our eyes are somewhat more sensitive to blue light than to violet light, so the sky appears blue.

What is the true color of the water?

The water is in fact not colorless; even pure water is not colorless, but has a slight blue tint to it, best seen when looking through a long column of water. The blueness in water is not caused by the scattering of light, which is responsible for the sky being blue.

Which water is safe drink?

While most sources of public drinking water are closely regulated and safe to drink, many prefer to drink purified water. Purified water is relatively safe and may reduce exposure to certain contaminants that can be found in tap water.