Which of the following lines from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock contains an instance of assonance?

Which of the following lines from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock contains an instance of assonance?

Politic, cautious and meticulous

What is the meaning of the poem The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?

S Eliot, first written between 1910-1911 and was published in June 1915 and again in 1917. The poem reflects the thoughts of a person searching for love in an uncertain world. Despite knowing what to say and how to express his love, he is hesitant. In his mind, he goes further in his relationship and observation.

Which is an example of an allusion from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?

In the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” the author T. S. Eliot makes an allusion to William Shakespeare’s character Hamlet. He also rephrases Hamlet’s famous phrase “to be or not to be” from his famous soliloquy.

What does this allusion reveal about Prufrock?

In the context of the poem, this allusion suggests that Prufrock either thinks or once thought of himself as a dead man, but that his love interest changes that. This unfortunately doesn’t help with his social anxiety. Prince Hamlet is the titular character of Shakespeare’s famous play.

What does the phrase dying fall most likely mean in both excerpts?

What does the phrase “dying fall” most likely mean in both excerpts? The sounds are fading.

What is Prufrock’s problem?

Prufrock’s main concern is that he is frittering his life away with meaningless activities while longing to do better things. He worries about the contrast between the sordid everyday world he inhabits and the world of imagination–of mermaids riding on the foam–that his heart yearns for.

Who said April is the cruelest month?

T.S. Eliot

What is Prufrock focused on?

In its focus on character and its dramatic sensibility, “Prufrock” anticipates Eliot’s later, dramatic works. The rhyme scheme of this poem is irregular but not random. While sections of the poem may resemble free verse, in reality, “Prufrock” is a carefully structured amalgamation of poetic forms.

How does Prufrock seem to feel about women’s interest in him?

How does Prufrock seem to feel about women’s interest in him? He expects them to reject him. Closing-He is comparing the woman he admires and a mermaid.

How would you describe J Alfred Prufrock?

Alfred Prufrock: J. Alfred Prufrock is a lonely, middle-aged man who moves through a modern, urban environment in a state of confusion and isolation. Prufrock’s preoccupations with his balding head and his banter over afternoon tea provide the outlines of an identity.

What does the poet mean when he says I have measured out my life with coffee spoons?

When Prufrock says, in the poem’s seventh stanza, “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” what he means is that his life has always been carefully controlled and predictable—in other words, measured. The image of the coffee spoon is one of middle-class domesticity.

What does Prufrock mean I have measured out my life in coffee spoons How big is a coffee spoon How regularly does a person use such as spoon?

How regularly does a person use such as spoon? When Prufrock says he has measured his life in coffee spoons, he means he drinks coffee daily. From this we can assume he has a very boring life. A coffee spoon is not very big. A regular person uses their spoon to stir their coffee.

Do I disturb the universe?

Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time. For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.”