Which of the following processes is used when glucose enters a body cell?

Which of the following processes is used when glucose enters a body cell?

Glycolysis is the splitting, or lysis of glucose. Glycolysis converts the 6-carbon glucose into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules. This process occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, and it occurs in the presence or absence of oxygen. During glycolysis a small amount of NADH is made as are four ATP.

What process do cells use glucose to perform?

cellular respiration

What happens when glucose enters glycolysis?

Glycolysis begins with glucose and produces two pyruvate molecules, four new ATP molecules, and two molecules of NADH. (Note: two ATP molecules are used in the first half of the pathway to prepare the six-carbon ring for cleavage, so the cell has a net gain of two ATP molecules and two NADH molecules for its use).

What are the two major stages of glycolysis?


  • Glycolysis Phases. Glycolysis has two phases: the investment phase and the payoff phase.
  • Investment Phase. In this phase, there are two phosphates added to glucose.
  • Payoff Phase. It is critical to remember that in this phase, there are a total of two 3-carbon sugars for every one glucose in the beginning.

Why does glycolysis have 2 stages?

Glycolysis consists of two distinct phases. The first part of the glycolysis pathway traps the glucose molecule in the cell and uses energy to modify it so that the six-carbon sugar molecule can be split evenly into the two three-carbon molecules.

What are two advantages and disadvantages of glycolysis?

Terms in this set (3) Advantages: Can produce thousands of ATP molecules in milliseconds. Disadvantages: Energy produced is minimal. Function: Purpose of releasing energy without oxygen available. Advantages: Allows glycolysis to produce a heavy supply of ATP.

How are the changes of materials with the presence of oxygen important to the environment?

Answer: Oxygen affects climate because it makes up a large fraction of the atmosphere’s mass. Reducing oxygen levels thins the atmosphere, allowing more sunlight to reach Earth’s surface.” This extra sunlight causes more moisture to evaporate from the surface, increasing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.

What are the 3 properties of oxygen?

The Physical Properties of Oxygen are as follows:

  • Color : Colorless.
  • Phase : Gas.
  • Odor : Oxygen is an odorless gas.
  • Taste : A tasteless gas.
  • Conductivity : A poor conductor of heat and electricity.
  • Solubility : Slightly soluble in water, alcohol and some other common liquids.
  • Density : It is denser than air.

What is the importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide and oxygen are the gases in the atmosphere that are needed for life. Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. They use sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water into food. The process releases oxygen.