Which part of the triangular trade system represents?

Which part of the triangular trade system represents?

Answer Expert Verified. Great Britain is the part of the triangular trade system which represents the location where the trade process originated.

What was the triangular trade system?

Mercantilism led to the emergence of what’s been called the “triangular trade”: a system of exchange in which Europe supplied Africa and the Americas with finished goods, the Americas supplied Europe and Africa with raw materials, and Africa supplied the Americas with enslaved laborers.

What was one effect of the triangular trade route?

As more traders began using “triangular trade,” demand for colonial resources rose, which caused two tragic changes in the economy: More and more land was required for the collection of natural resources, resulting in the continuing theft of land from Native Americans.

What was the main purpose of the triangular trade?

The system of Triangular Trade allowed for goods to be traded for other goods, rather than being bought or sold. The triangular trade routes were pivotal to the practise of Mercantilism by England by which colonies had one main purpose: to enrich the parent country (England).

What are the effects of slavery in Africa?

The effect of slavery in Africa Some states, such as Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result. Other states were completely destroyed and their populations decimated as they were absorbed by rivals. Millions of Africans were forcibly removed from their homes, and towns and villages were depopulated.

What were the main ports used by slaves in Britain?

The slave trade was carried out from many British ports, but the three most important ports were London (1660-1720s), Bristol (1720s-1740s) and Liverpool (1740s-1807), which became extremely wealthy.

What were three ways that enslaved resisted slavery?

Breaking tools, feigning illness, staging slowdowns, and committing acts of arson and sabotage–all were forms of resistance and expression of slaves’ alienation from their masters. Running away was another form of resistance.

What were two ways the US Constitution strengthened slavery?

The Constitution thus protected slavery by increasing political representation for slave owners and slave states; by limiting, stringently though temporarily, congressional power to regulate the international slave trade; and by protecting the rights of slave owners to recapture their escaped slaves.

How did the US Constitution protect slavery?

On the surface, the Constitution seemed to protect slavery in the states, prohibited Congress from banning the slave trade for twenty years, and required that fugitive slaves, even in the North, be returned to their masters.

What are the three references to slavery in the Constitution?

The Constitution refers to slaves using three different formulations: “other persons” (Article I, Section 2, Clause 3), “such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit” (Article I, Section 9, Clause 1), and a “person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof” (Article IV.