Which sentence contains a compound subject a tornado can level a small town?

Which sentence contains a compound subject a tornado can level a small town?

The correct answer is: B. the economy or the weather can make a small town fall apart .

Which sentence contains a compound subject?

When a sentence has a compound subject, the nouns are often joined by a comma or by coordinating conjunction like or, nor, and or neither. In sentence D, “The economy or the weather” is a compound subject because both nouns act as subjects (They perfom the main action), and they are joined by “or.”

How can you break a compound up into its elements?

Some compounds can be broken down into their elements by chemical changes. Other compounds break down to form simpler compounds instead of elements. These simpler compounds can then be broken down into elements through more chemical changes.

Is a spoonful of sugar a mixture?

It is both. It is an aqueous homogeneous solution of carbon dioxide, sugar and the secret ‘Coca Cola concentrate’. Since it consists of more than one compounds, it is also a mixture.

Which two substances Cannot be broken down?

Elements are those pure substances that cannot be decomposed by ordinary chemical means such as heating, electrolysis, or reaction. Gold, silver, and oxygen are examples of elements. Compounds are pure substances formed by the combination of elements; they can be decomposed by ordinary chemical means.

What mixtures Cannot be separated?

15 questions on Mixtures Elements and Compounds

Question Answer
Mixtures can be separated. Which of the following represents a way a mixture cannot be separated? Filtration, Distillation, or Heating Distillation
Which of these is not a mixture? Cereal and Milk, Kool-aid, Water, or Fruit Salad Water

Which substance Cannot be separated physically?

An element is a pure substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical or physical means.

How mixtures are separated?

Mixtures can be separated using a variety of techniques. Chromatography involves solvent separation on a solid medium. Distillation takes advantage of differences in boiling points. Evaporation removes a liquid from a solution to leave a solid material.

Did you find it easy to separate the mixture Why?

no,it much harder to separate the mixture. Explanation: A mixture is a physical combination of substances thus it only requires physical processes to separate. Therefore, it is much harder to separate a compound than a mixture.

Can you give 3 examples of mixture that can be separated in the same manner?

Answer: Rock salt and Sugar. Soy sauce and Cooking oil. Cornstarch and Sugar.

What are examples of separating mixtures in everyday life?

Some examples of how centrifuges are used include separating blood into plasma and red cells, separating cream from milk, and separating uranium isotopes for nuclear power plants. allowing the mixture to be separated.

What was the most challenging part about separating the mixture?

Explanation: Because It gets react and converted into ammonia their occurs a chemical change hence separation of nitrogen and hydrogen is most difficult.

What substances are left in the liquid mixture?


  • liquid po.
  • sand,staple wire,salt,oil and water.
  • If the solution is stirred, then the substances left are sand, staple wire, and oil. Since salt is soluble, its particles will just be mixed with the particles of the water.
  • how can we separate oil from water?

How do you separate two substances with different boiling points?

Fractional distillation is a method for separating a liquid from a mixture of two or more liquids. For example, liquid ethanol can be separated from a mixture of ethanol and water by fractional distillation. This method works because the liquids in the mixture have different boiling points.

What are the 10 methods of separating mixtures?

Methods Of Separating Mixtures

  • Handpicking.
  • Threshing.
  • Winnowing.
  • Sieving.
  • Evaporation.
  • Distillation.
  • Filtration or Sedimentation.
  • Separating Funnel.

What are the 8 ways of separating mixtures?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Distillation. separation by boiling point differences.
  • Floatation. separation of solids by density different.
  • Chromatography. separation by inner molecular attractions.
  • Magnetism.
  • Filtration.
  • Extraction.
  • Crystallization.
  • Mechanical Separation.

What are four methods to separate mixtures?

mixtures can be separated using various separation methods such filtration,separating funnel,sublimation,simple distillation and paper chromatography.

Which of the following sentences contains a compound predicate?

The following sentence contains a compound predicate: She washed the shells and dried them in the sun. The following sentence contains a compound predicate: She washed the shells and dried them in the sun.

What kind of verb does a plural subject require?

Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.

Can there be two nouns in a sentence?

There are two nouns in this sentence: ‘student’ and ‘test. ‘ Ask yourself: which noun is performing the action in this sentence? ‘Student’ is, because the student studied. And, sure enough, ‘student’ is the subject of this sentence.

Is it correct to say dears?

6. Don’t Say “Dears”. When sending an email to more than one person, is is absolutely incorrect to start the email with “Dears” or “Hi Dears”. In fact, in your professional life, you should avoid referring to people as “Dear”.

Is Dear sirs and madams correct?

Is Dear Sir or Madam Acceptable? The short answer is yes but only rarely—though of course, not everyone agrees. Here’s why: In today’s technologically connected world, there is (almost) no excuse for not knowing whom you are writing to.

Is there a word called dears?

1. With fondness; affectionately. 2. At a high cost: sold their wares dear.

How do you start a formal letter to multiple recipients?

In a business letter, write the first person’s name, then a comma, then their title at the company after the comma. On a new line, write the next person’s name, title, and so on. Include all names, if possible. If you’re sending the letter to one address, try to include all names.