Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction?

Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction?

Explanation: The sentence which contains both an adverb and a conjunction is “Adam crept silently up the stairs, but couldn’t slow his heartbeat.”

Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction Weegy?

The sentence that contains both an adverb and a conjunction is: Lawson crept silently up the stairs, but couldn’t still his heartbeat.

Which of the following is the clearest and most effective sentence?

We love going to the library

How are the ideas in the following two sentences tied together the best time I had all summer?

“The best time I had all summer was the night of Sherry’s party. The worst was the next day.” The ideas in these two sentences are tied together in that: the sentences are closely connected in meaning. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is the complete predicate of the sentence below looking up from his computer?

Looking up from his computer monitor, —— mopped his brow, exhaled sharply, and picked up his phone. Looking up from his computer monitor, Jason mopped his brow, exhaled sharply, and picked up his phone. Complete predicate: mopped his brow, exhaled sharply, and picked up his phone.

Which of the following is an interrogative sentence?

Thus, “where are you going?” is an interrogative sentence as it is a wh- type interrogative and has a question mark at the end. Keywords : Sentences, types of sentences, interrogative sentences, who, what, where, when, how and why.

Which of the following sentences contains two ideas joined by a connecting word?

The sentence that contains two ideas joined by a connecting word is – Sally lives with her parents, although she could afford her own apartment. The sentence that contains two ideas joined by a connecting word is – Sally lives with her parents, although she could afford her own apartment.

Which of the following group of words is a sentence?

Answer. Might is right — a sentence, it has a noun , verb and adjective.

Which sentence contains a preposition phrase?

An example of a prepositional phrase is, “With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer’s market.” Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object. In the example above, “with” is the preposition and “reusable tote” is the object.

Is Good afternoon a complete sentence?

Generally, the phrase “good afternoon” is not capitalized when used in a sentence. However, the phrase “good afternoon” is capitalized in an email introl when it is used as a salutation at the beginning of an email.

What type of sentence is what does everyone have planned for today?

interrogative sentence

How do you know if there is a comma splice?

When you join two independent clauses with a comma and no conjunction, it’s called a comma splice. Some people consider this a type of run-on sentence, while other people think of it as a punctuation error. Here’s an example of a comma splice: Koala bears are not actually bears, they are marsupials.

What is the complete predicate of the sentence below looking up from his computer monitor Jason mopped his brow exhaled sharply and picked up his phone?

The subject in the sentence is ”Jason” while the predicate is: “mopped his brow, exhaled sharply, and picked up his phone.

What is a verb phrase examples?

The phrase would include the verbal (participle, gerund or infinitive) and any modifiers, complements or objects. Examples of verb phrases versus verbal phrases include: The man was texting on his phone. (verb phrase was texting functions as the action) Texting on his phone, the man swerved into a ditch.

How can you tell the difference between a linking verb and a helping verb?

Linking and helping verbs are not the same. For example, helping verbs come before the main verb in a sentence. They convey time or meaning. Conversely, linking verbs connect the subject to the rest of the sentence.

D. Do you want the shrimp or the crab? The sentence that contains both an adverb and a conjunction is: Lawson crept silently up the stairs, but couldn’t still his heartbeat.