Which sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the authors reason for writing?

Which sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the authors reason for writing?

Explanation: The sentence from the excerpt that best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing is the sentence where the girl-daughter picked him up, gave him her scissors and said she can eat nuts, breathe the dry air and find a safe Pusat Tasek under every stone.

What is the author’s purpose in writing this paragraph?

The author’s purpose in writing this paragraph is to inform the reader of the reasons for the differences between editions given the fact that the Grimm brothers, specially the younger one, wanted to change and perfect the original tales in their style to a more suitable public regarding literature back then.

What is the conclusion of Pau Amma?

C. He thinks he is better than other animals. Explanation: The conclusion about Pau Amma that this excerpt support is that “he thinks he is better than other animals”.

Which conclusion about Pau Amma does this excerpt support quizlet?

Select three options. Which conclusion about Pau Amma does this excerpt support? He thinks he is better than other animals.

What two factors combine to form an author’s purpose for writing?

Answer. audience and message imagery and repetition narrator and narrator’s point of view tone and word choice but it’s asking to put them together.

Which evidence best supports the conclusion that the narrator is telling this story?

Answer: The evidence that best supports the conclusion that the narrator is telling this story with a particular child in mind is “Pau Amma’s babies hate being taken out of their little Pusat Taseks and brought home in pickle-bottles. That is why they nip you with their scissors, and it serves you right!”

Which excerpt from the story supports the conclusion that the narrator is humble?

Answer: The correct answer would be option C, The night of the party, everyone looked great and we all had a good time. Explanation: When you show modesty or show low importance to ones own self, it is called being Humble.

What is the conclusion about the Eldest Magician?

Answer: The conclusion about the Eldest Magician that this excerpt supports is that the Eldest Magician has a good sense of humor.

Is Pau Amma afraid of humans?

He is afraid of humans. He thinks he is better than other animals. He enjoys spending time with other animals.

How does the repetition affect the narrator’s tone?

Repetition of the word lazy makes the tone angry. Explanation: Repetition emphasizes the tone and mood of the narrator, when we see that he repeats the bad qualities any one can guess that the narrator is angry, this applies to real life as well.

Which aspect of a story best help the reader understand the author’s purpose?

Plot, Setting, and tone are the best 3 that can aid in understanding the author’s purpose. Explanation: To begin with, Author’s purpose is the reason why the author wrote in the first place, what message was he or she intending to pass and to whom.

Which is the best definition of the word tone quizlet?

imagery. Which is the best definition of the word tone? the narrator’s attitude toward the subject matter and audience.

Which is the best definition of the word tone the reason an author writes a text?

Which is the best definition of the word tone? the reason an author writes a text. words that describe characters’ emotions. vivid language that describes sensory experience. the narrator’s attitude toward the subject matter and audience.

What does Implied mean?

adjective. involved, indicated, or suggested without being directly or explicitly stated; tacitly understood: an implied rebuke; an implied compliment.

What meaning does the use of personification convey quizlet?

What meaning does the use of personification convey? It conveys the idea of trees losing their leaves and making noises in the wind. You just studied 11 terms!

What meaning does the use of personification convey?

Why is it important? Personification connects readers with the object that is personified. Personification can make descriptions of non-human entities more vivid, or can help readers understand, sympathize with, or react emotionally to non-human characters.

What qualities makes Robin Hood a hero?

He lives by his own moral code rather than the law. He steals from people, including the tinker. His men are loyal to him, and he is kind to them. He makes sure that his men are well provided for.

What are the best possible meaning of the euphemism cut the cord?

The best possible meanings of the euphemism “cut the cord” are “stop depending on parents” and “leave the farm”. In the beginning it establishes that Levi is afraid of leaving the farm, but the “but” establishes an opposite, that he was going to have to because the coexistence with his parents was no longer an option.

What does the phrase cut the cord mean?

As a result of frustration over cable and satellite customer service and costs, many TV viewers have “cut the cord.” Cord-cutting means that a TV viewer can cancel cable or satellite service and receive TV programs via a different option.

What is the most likely meaning of prudent select three options?

If Jake thinks it prudent not to do so, he thinks the right and reasonable thing to do is to not share. Thus, among the choices provided, the best ones are: using good judgment, being cautious, ensuring appropriateness.

What is a prudent woman?

The Biblical definition of prudence A prudent wife shows many qualities of a wise woman. A wise wife controls her emotions. A Prudent Wife understands situations with godly wisdom. and a godly wife acts in ways that cause her life and the lives of others to prosper.

Is prudent positive or negative?

The word is almost always used with a positive connotation, as it implies a high level of insight into practical activities. As a result, a person who is prudent is often regarded as wise, shrewd, and considerate.

What does meticulously mean?

adjective. taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman;meticulous personal appearance.

What is another word for instinctively?

Instinctively Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for instinctively?

intuitively naturally
unthinkingly unbidden

What does pronounced mean?

: strongly marked : decided a pronounced dislike.

What is another word for pronounced?

What is another word for pronounced?

noticeable marked
striking conspicuous
decided strong
clear distinct
definite evident

Is Pronunciate a real word?

“Pronunciate” is a word that isn’t listed in most dictionaries; Dictionary.com does mention it, but it noted that “pronunciate” is used rarely. If you use it, most people will think that you meant to use “pronounce” but screwed up.