Which sentence has a verb in the active voice the captain thanked the crew members?

Which sentence has a verb in the active voice the captain thanked the crew members?

The answer out of these examples would be C, The captain thanked the crew members.

Which sentence has a verb in the passive voice?

The sentence which has a verb in the passive voice is the following one: The potholes on our street will be repaired soon. Explanation: The main verb in the sentence is “to repair”, and it is in past participle, since it is preceded by verb to be : will be repaired (verb to be is in Simple Future).

How do you know if a verb is active or passive?

When using the active voice, the subject of the sentence does the verb to the object. E.g., I wrote the paper (subject=I, verb=wrote, object=paper). When using the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon. E.g., The paper was written by me.

How do you identify a passive verb?

To identify passive voice, look at what happened and look at who was responsible for doing it. If the person or thing responsible for doing the actions is either omitted or occurs in the sentence AFTER the thing that happened, AND if you see a past participle straight after the form of “to be,” it’s passive voice.

What is the verb form of active?

When the active verb is in the present continuous tense Active verb: is/am/are writing. Passive verb: is/am/are being written. He is writing a letter. ( Active)

What is an adjective for active?

Active adjectives are generally those ending in –ing and passive are those ending in –ed. Adjectives ending in –ing have an active meaning, indicating that the noun being modified is doing the action.

What is a passive form of a verb?

Passive Form In passive sentences, the thing/person receiving the action is the subject of the sentence. The thing/person doing the action (the agent) can be put at the end of the sentence using ‘by’. The passive is used when the thing/person receiving the action is more important or should be emphasised.

Is active a verb or noun?

Active is an adjective that describes something as involving a lot of energetic work or as engaging in action, operation, or motion. The word active is used in grammar to indicate that the subject of the sentence is performing an action. The word active has other senses as an adjective and a noun.

What is a noun for active?

activity. The state or quality of being active; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force.

Is active an abstract noun?

A noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object, e.g. truth, danger, happiness. The abstract noun for the adjective active is activeness.

How do you call someone lazy?


  1. bum.
  2. good-for-nothing.
  3. layabout.
  4. lazy person.
  5. loafer.
  6. ne’er-do-well.
  7. slacker.
  8. sluggard.

What kind of word is lazy?

adjective, la·zi·er, la·zi·est. averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent. causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon. slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.

Is laziness a sign of intelligence?

Science: Lazy people are likely to be smarter, more successful, and better employees. Fortunately, for all the “lazies” out there, science has discovered evidence that laziness might actually be a sign of intelligence.

Is laziness a sin?

Unlike the other capital sins, in which the sinner commits immoral acts, sloth is a sin of omission of desire and/or performance. It may arise from any of the other capital vices; for example, a son may omit his duty to his father through anger.

Why am I so lazy and tired?

The real reason you’re exhausted might have little to do with laziness and more to do with health problems. Anemia and hypothyroidism can cause tiredness among other things. Mental health issues like depression could also be to blame for your exhaustion.