Which sentence includes the most specific word choice for an informative explanatory article on how space exploration led to the development of new products for people?

Which sentence includes the most specific word choice for an informative explanatory article on how space exploration led to the development of new products for people?

“Scientists used MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, to select a suitable landing site on the lunar surface” is the sentence that includes the best domain specific words for an informative/explanatory article on how space exploration led to the development of new products for people.

Which sentence includes the best domain specific words for an informative explanatory article on the causes of the American Revolution colonists desired representation in British Parliament and resented the tariffs levied on the colonies without their consent those who remained loyal to England had difficulties living among?

The answer is Colonist desired representation in British Parliament and represented tariffs levied on colonies without their consent.

What are domain specific words?

Put simply, domain-specific words, also known as Tier 3 words, are technical or jargon words important to a particular subject. For instance, chemistry and element both fall under science-related vocabulary, while allusion and verse relate closely to English language arts (naturally, our favorite subject area).

Which option best explains the purpose of informative explanatory writing?

The main purpose of an informative/explanatory writing is to increase the comprehension of the reader.

What is the example of informative?

The definition of informative is something that contains useful, helpful or relevant information or details. A lecture in which you learn a lot is an example of an informative lecture.

What is the difference between informative and explanatory writing?

As adjectives the difference between informative and explanatory. is that informative is providing information; especially , providing useful or interesting information while explanatory is intended to serve as an explanation.

What are key features of an informative explanatory essay?

CONCRETE DETAILS : the specific facts, examples, and data that provide evidence for an informative/explanatory essay. FORMAL STYLE: writing that is free of slang, trite expressions, abbreviations, symbols, email shortcut language, contractions, and the use of the personal pronoun ‘I.

Where is informative writing used?

Informative writing uses a variety of sentence structures to keep the reader from getting bored, and ideas are organized in a way that makes sense. Each body paragraph should focus on explaining a single idea that was introduced in the thesis statement and that develops the topic in a logical manner.

What are the types of informative writing?

So those are the four types of informative writing. Literary nonfiction, which tends to be shorter writing; expository writing, which has written cues that make it easier for readers to scan information; argumentative or persuasive writing, which advocates a point of view; and procedural writing, a step-by-step guide.

How do you start an informative paragraph?

The first sentence in your informative paragraph is the topic sentence. It tells the reader what your paragraph will be about. The reader should understand the topic with no further explanation, so keep it simple and easy to understand.

What are the elements of an informative essay?

Terms in this set (5)

  • Introduction. leads into the topic of the essay, trying to capture the reader’s interest.
  • Background. provides a context for understanding the points that the writer wants to make.
  • Thesis Statement. states the main point of the essay.
  • Body Points (of discussion)
  • Conclusion.

What is the meaning of informative?

If you learn a lot from something, you can call it informative. The Latin root of informative is the word informare, which means “to shape, train, instruct, or educate.” Something that does those things for you is informative. Definitions of informative. adjective. serving to instruct or enlighten or inform.

What are the features of informative writing?

Terms in this set (12)

  • clear opening. structure.
  • general information. structure.
  • more specific information. structure.
  • summarising conclusion. structure.
  • interesting, easy to read layout. structure.
  • present tense. language features.
  • first person or third person. language features.
  • connectives to make it clear and cohearent.

What makes an effective informative text?

The aim of your informative essay is not in giving your opinion, but to inform and educate your audience on a topic given. Inform readers about some problem they are not aware. Explain its importance. Present the latest research on a topic.

What are the language features of an informative text?

opening statement giving opinion series of paragraphs – argument then counter argument (2nd guessing) summary and conclusion – restating the opinion 2nd guessing to structure points present tense first person phrases to give own opinion connectives 1.

What are the informative techniques?

The main types of informative speeches include definition, descriptive, explanatory, and demonstrative. A definition speech explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a specific topic that the audience likely does not know much about.

What is the basic goal of informative speaking?

The main goals for an informative speech are to help explain a specific subject and to help the audience remember the knowledge later. Setting Goals: You need to determine a series of goals in order to create a successful informative speech.

What are the three basic goals of informative speaking?

A good informative speech conveys accurate information to the audience in a way that is clear and that keeps the listener interested in the topic. Achieving all three of these goals—accuracy, clarity, and interest—is the key to your effectiveness as a speaker.

What is the example of informative speech?

Examples of Informative Speeches in Literature or Popular Culture: Excerpt from Marie Curie’s speech on the discovery of radium: I could tell you many things about radium and radioactivity and it would take a long time.

What is informative speaking?

Informative speaking generally centers on talking about people, events, processes, places, or things. Informing an audience about one of these subjects without being persuasive is often a difficult task to complete.

What are the Six C’s of informative speaking?

An informative speech is a “just the facts approach” to communicating with an audience • You are NOT trying to convince someone, change someone’s mind, or motivate someone • Your goal is to educate your audience (Give them more knowledge) The Six Cs of Public Speaking (all types) • Be Clear • Be Concise • Be Complete • …

What are the 6 guidelines for informative speaking?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Don’t overestimate what the audience knows.
  • Relate the subject directly to the audience.
  • Don’t be too technical.
  • Avoid Abstractions.
  • Personalize your ideas.
  • Be creative.

Do informative speeches have a call to action?

It should have a call for action. It should tell the audience what to do. Even an informative speech conclusion needs to have a most wanted response. It can have the benefits of acting on the information.

How do you end an informative speech?

Effective ways to end a speech

  1. Summarize the main speech topics or main points.
  2. Repeat a few keywords or phrases by using the rhetorical figure of speech repetition.
  3. State how your points prove your general and specific goal.
  4. Restate and reinforce the central idea.

How do you deliver an informative speech effectively?

So, if you are in search of tips to write and deliver an engaging and successful informative speech then read on.

  1. Explain your thesis.
  2. Outline the structure of your speech.
  3. Ask the audience for feedback.
  4. Quote authentic data sources.
  5. Work on your presentation skills.
  6. Wrap up your speech effectively.

What are the four steps in the informative speaking creative process?

The creative process in four stages

  • Stage One: Preparation. The first stage involves laying down the ground work of your project.
  • Stage Two: Incubation.
  • Stage Three: Illumination.
  • Stage Four: Verification.

What are good informative speeches?

Top 10 informative speech topics for 2019 on Health

  • Technology and healthcare.
  • Impact of food consumption on health.
  • Psychological disorders: causes and impact.
  • Treatment of chronic ailments.
  • Importance of a balanced diet.
  • Taking depression seriously.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of home remedies.
  • Importance of sleep.

What are the characteristics of effective informative speaking?

What are four types of informative speeches discussed in the chapter?

An informative speech is one in which the speaker relays knowledge to an audience on a specific topic. There are four distinct types of informative speeches: speeches about objects, speeches about processes, speeches about events, and speeches about concepts.

Which sentence includes the most specific word choice for an informative explanatory article on the causes of the American Revolution?

Answer Expert Verified. The sentence which include the most specific word choice for an informative/explanatory article on the causes of the American Revolution is the one which spark an idea that will be the strength for the revolution.

What is the purpose of informative explanatory writing?

The primary purpose of informative/explanatory writing is to increase the understanding of the reader. Unlike argument writing, informative/explanatory writing starts with the assumption of truthfulness, focusing on telling how or why.

What is body language informative speech?

Simply put, body language is your body’s way of communicating without the use of spoken words. It’s the combination of facial expressions, gestures, and movements that convey what goes on in your mind.

Why does a person read an expository essay?

The Purpose of Expository Essay Such essays are not about what you think about a topic. You inform readers, explaining it through investigation and argumentation in a logical manner.