Which statement most accurately describes the satire that exists within Chapter 5 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn quizlet?

Which statement most accurately describes the satire that exists within Chapter 5 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn quizlet?

Which statement most accurately describes the satire that exists within chapter 5 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? Twain is satirizing society’s greed by having Huck’s father return under the pretense of caring for Huck when all he really wants is money.

What is historically significant about this 1879 speech?

What is historically significant about this 1879 speech by Chief Joseph? It is a detailed description of the conflict between the non-native settlers and the Native Americans. It is a direct and eloquent plea delivered in Washington for the equal treatment of all Native Americans.

Where is PAP at the end of Chapter 4?

Huck’s room

Who does Huck live with?


How does Huck introduce himself?

Huck Finn introduces himself as a character who has already appeared in Mark Twain’s earlier novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He briefly reviews the end of Tom Sawyer’s story, reminding the reader how he and Tom found money that robbers had hidden in a cave.

Why does Huck want to save Jim?

Initially, Huck is only concerned with his own freedom, and doesn’t question the morality of slavery. But after spending time with Jim, Huck’s conscience tells him that he needs to help Jim because Jim is a human being. Huck escapes his captivity by faking his own death and running away to Jackson’s Island.

Why does Tom help Jim escape?

Tom knows that Jim is already free……. he just doesn’t let on. Tom is changed by his efforts because he’s injured in the escape. He feels himself to be a hero, and he feels he has helped his best friend and done the right thing. Tom is changed by not only his own efforts, but by being a part of “the” effort.

What is the irony of the doctor’s comment about Jim?

What is the irony of the doctor’s comment about Jim? The doctor was saying how good Jim was and that he helped him tremendously, even risking his freedom to help with Tom, yet the doctor is still turning Jim in… What does Jim’s revelation of Pap’s death mean?

What is the irony in Tom’s escape plan for Jim?

Hover for more information. The irony lies in the fact that Tom and Huck have grown up knowing nothing different than white people own slaves. Jim, having traveled with Huck, has established a friendship and has proven to Huck that black people are just like white people except for the color.

Which best describes the narration in Chapter 5 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Huck narrates the story which helps readers understand his point of view and his inner thoughts Huck’s father narrates the story which makes it difficult for the reader to grasp Huck’s inner thoughts and feelings?

Which best describes the narration in chapter 5 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? Huck’s father narrates the story, which makes it difficult for the reader to grasp Huck’s inner thoughts and feelings. The story is told in the third person, which creates a sense of detachment between the reader and the characters.

Which cultural view is most clearly expressed in this quote whenever the white man?

We shall be all alike—brothers of one father and mother, with one sky above us and one country around us and one government for all.”, the cultural view which is most clearly expressed is the respect for all other people.

Which best explains Chief Joseph’s meaning?

We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit Chief made them. They were not, and would change the rivers and mountains if they did not suit them.” Which BEST EXPLAINS Chief Joseph’s meaning? The U.S. troops had overpowered and defeated his people.

How would the meaning of an Indian’s view of Indian Affairs most likely have been?

How would the meaning of “An Indian’s View of Indian Affairs” most likely have been affected had Chief Joseph adopted a tone of resentment instead? It would appear as an accusation rather than a plea. Read the excerpt from “An Indian’s View of Indian Affairs.”

Which quote from my heart is bursting best summarizes the message?

Answer: All of the land south of the Arkansas belongs to the Kiowas and the Comanches, and I don’t want to give away any of it. This is the line that best summarizes the message of Satanta’s speech.

How does an Indians views of Indian Affairs present Chief Joseph’s point of view on the Indian wars?

How does “An Indian’s views of Indian Affairs” present Chief Joseph’s point of view on the Indian Wars? It gives a description of various battles. It explains the conflict’s causes and effects. It compares and contrasts the opposing sides’ perspectives.

Which tactic does Satanta use to convey the central idea that the Kiowa people intend to remain on their own land?

t is vital to the Kiowa tribe that they maintain their lifestyle. In “My Heart Is Bursting,” which tactic does Satanta use to convey the central idea that the Kiowa people intend to remain on their own land? Satanta directly states this idea throughout his speech.

What are the topics of Santana’s speech?

opposition to moving to a reservation a treaty between the Kiowa tribe and the US government. US soldiers’ destruction of Kiowa land. the conflict over Kiowa land.

What is the central idea of Chief Joseph’s speech to reduce conflict white Americans need to correct their misunderstandings of American Indians conflict is inevitable between white Americans and American Indians to reduce conflict white Americans need to be more like American Indians there?

To reduce conflict, white Americans need to correct their misunderstandings of American Indians. 2. Chief Joseph’s speech explains the Nez Percés’ values and desire to preserve tradition.

Which quote from my heart is bursting?

I don’t want to settle. In the quote from “My Heart Is Bursting,” Satanta responds to those who intend to establish the Kiowa tribe in a different place than their home is. Thus, he refuses to give away the territory which is south of Arkansas, because he claims that it belongs to the Kiowas and the Comanches.

How does Satanta’s humble tone affect the meaning of his speech it causes those who are listening to wonder what motive Satanta has for being so polite and genial It assures those who are listening that Satanta is speaking with honesty and has acted in good faith it reminds?

How does Satanta’s humble tone affect the meaning of his speech? It causes those who are listening to wonder what motive Satanta has for being so polite and genial. It reinforces for those who are listening that Satanta is not afraid of war should he deem it necessary.

What does this message tell you about the cultural values of the Nez Perce tribe?

Answer: Think about the message that Chief Joseph was trying to convey in “An Indian’s View of Indian Affairs.” What does this message tell you about the cultural values of the Nez Percé tribe? The tribe values honesty, tradition, and respect for life.

How does Chief Joseph define freedom?

“Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think, and act for myself.”

What was chief Joseph’s point of view about the Indian wars?

What was Chief Joseph’s point of view about the Indian Wars? The Nez Perces wanted peace, but the US government forced them into a conflict. White settlers moved onto Nez Perce territory hoping to find gold. General Howard ordered the Nez Perce people to immediately move onto a reservation.

Why is Chief Joseph a hero?

Chief Joseph lived among the Nez Perce tribe. This Nez Perce chief still is a hero today because of his resiliency in fighting for what he knew was right. He was able to capture the hearts of his followers and of many Americans. Because of this there have been many schools, dams, and even hospitals named in his honor.

What Chief Joseph is famous for?

Chief Joseph (1840-1904) was a leader of the Wallowa band of the Nez Perce Tribe, who became famous in 1877 for leading his people on an epic flight across the Rocky Mountains.

In what year did Indians become full American citizens?


Do Native Americans pay taxes?

All Indians are subject to federal income taxes. However, whenever a member of an Indian tribe conducts business off the reservation, that person, like everyone else, pays both state and local taxes. State income taxes are not paid on reservation or trust lands.

Do Native American have dual citizenship?

Under the 1924 Act, indigenous people did not have to apply for citizenship, nor did they have to give up their tribal citizenship to become US citizens. Most tribes had communal property, and to have a right to the land, individual Indian people needed to belong to the tribe. Thus, dual citizenship was allowed.

What is the American Indian Citizens Act of 1924?

Indian Citizenship Act. On June 2, 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S. The right to vote, however, was governed by state law; until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting.

Are Native Americans full citizens?

Until 1924, Native Americans were not citizens of the United States. Many Native Americans had, and still have, separate nations within the U.S. on designated reservation land. But on June 2, 1924, Congress granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S.

What is the main idea of the Dawes Act?

The objective of the Dawes Act was to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream US society by annihilating their cultural and social traditions. As a result of the Dawes Act, over ninety million acres of tribal land were stripped from Native Americans and sold to non-natives.

What was one reason why many supported the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924?

What was one reason why many supported the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924? A. American Indians had been able to vote multiple times in elections. and this act would prevent voter fraud.

What did the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 do?

Approved on June 2, 1924, this act of Congress granted citizenship to any Native Americans born within the United States. At the time many were still denied voting rights by individual state or local laws.

What was the Snyder Act of 1924?

The Snyder Act of 1924 admitted Native Americans born in the U.S. to full U.S. citizenship. Though the Fifteenth Amendment, passed in 1870, granted all U.S. citizens the right to vote regardless of race, it wasn’t until the Snyder Act that Native Americans could enjoy the rights granted by this amendment.

Do First Nations have dual citizenship?

A person may be a dual citizen of [Name] First Nation, where they are enrolled in a Tribe located in the United States or America.

Do natives need a passport?

First Nations people are still required to provide photo id, of which a passport is recommended. Like all other Canadians, a passport is required to any other country beside the United States. The treaty does not distinguish between status, non status Natives etc, proof is only needed of the 50% Aboriginal ancestry.

What insight does this comment reveal about the character of Huck because of his past Huck has a tendency to always expect the worst from people despite his lack of formal upbringing Huck has good intuition when it comes to reading situations in spite of his past Huck?

What insight does this comment reveal about the character of Huck? Because of his past, Huck has a tendency to always expect the worst from people. Despite his lack of formal upbringing, Huck has good intuition when it comes to reading situations.

What does the dialogue between Huck and Jim reveal about Huck’s beliefs Huck believes that all people of royal stature are clever?

I reckon they’re all alike.” What does the dialogue between Huck and Jim reveal about Huck’s beliefs? Huck believes that all people of royal stature are clever. Huck believes that no one is able to be completely honest. Huck believes that many people cannot be totally trusted.

Which statement best explains the effect of the narration in the first chapter of Crime and Punishment?

Which statement best explains the effect of the narration in the first chapter of Crime and Punishment? The narration allows Dostoyevsky to reveal the thoughts and feelings of his main character Raskolikov but not of the other characters, which reinforces the theme of alienation and isolation.