Which statement should be revised for a more formal tone Greek mythology was created?

Which statement should be revised for a more formal tone Greek mythology was created?

For example, the answer could be rewritten as such for more formality: ‘Amaltheia could be compared to a goat. Within Greek myth, Zeus was given food by Amaltheia, which pleased him greatly.

Which god was a son of Zeus and Hera?


Who did Persephone cheat with?

Persephone never thought of cheating on Hades, except when Aphrodite gave her Adonis. Adonis was a handsome young mortal who ended up staying a third of the year with Persephone, a third with Aphrodite, and a third to himself due to a romance between the two goddesses.

Who did Hera really love?


Why is Hera always jealous?

Hera was one of the fairest goddesses on Mount Olympus, but on the other hand, she was known to be jealous and vengeful towards people or gods who hurted or crossed her. However, because she couldn’t hurt Zeus who cheated on her numerous times, she pursued and tortured his mistresses and his illegitimate children.

What is the topic of a research assignment?

A research topic is the research question you are going to answer in your paper. The process of finding a good research topic may seem difficult the first time.

What are the two main types of research?

The two main types of research are qualitative research and quantitative research.

What are the most common qualitative research approaches?

The three most common qualitative methods, explained in detail in their respective modules, are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly suited for obtaining a specific type of data.

What are the different qualitative approaches?

Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry

  • Narrative research.
  • Phenomenology research.
  • Grounded theory research.
  • Ethnographic research.
  • Case study research.

What are the 7 types of qualitative research?

Let’s dive into the 7 qualitative research techniques.

  • Individual Interviews. An individual interview can be conducted over the phone, Skype, or in person.
  • Focus Groups.
  • Observations or “Shop-Alongs”
  • In-Home Videos.
  • Lifestyle Immersion and Real World Dialogue.
  • Journal or Diary.
  • Online Focus Groups.

Which option is least related to a qualitative approach?

128: Which option is least related to a qualitative approach? Numerical. Open. Unstructured.

Can you recognize the nature of qualitative research its kind characteristics?

Answer. Answer: Qualitative research is described by its aims, methodology, and the kind of data collected to understand the different facets of social life. The direct source of data is the natural setting and the researcher is the key instrument in qualitative research.

What are the 3 characteristics of qualitative research?

Characteristics of Qualitative Observational Research

  • Naturalistic Inquiry. Qualitative observational research is naturalistic because it studies a group in its natural setting.
  • Inductive analysis.
  • Holistic perspective.
  • Personal contact and insight.
  • Dynamic systems.
  • Unique case orientation.
  • Context sensitivity.
  • Empathic neutrality.