Which statements describe the steps for studying character development?

Which statements describe the steps for studying character development?

The correct answers are option 1. “Consider the character’s actions at the beginning of the story.”, 3. “Analyze how the character reacts to plot events throughout the story.” and 4. “Study the character’s behaviors at the end of the story.”.

Which statement best describes how Mr Utterson’s view of civility and proper behavior changes throughout the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

The correct answer is “He becomes less concerned with manners, and he invades his friend’s privacy to find answers”. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson.

How does Mr Hydes character develop during the story?

When he is Hyde, he is a good man and a decent being. But when his other persona takes over, he becomes a monstrous being capable of doing anything. Well, over time, Hyde becomes stronger and stronger, and wants to commit various atrocities and almost nothing can stop him.

How is Mr Utterson important?

Mr Utterson’s has a major role in the novel as he functions as the “eyes” of “conscience” through which we, the readers, evaluate most of the novel. Mr Utterson clarifies, step by step, with great patience and acumen, the strange events concerning his good friend Jekyll and his mysterious connection with Hyde.

How is the character of Mr Utterson presented in Chapter 1?

“Mr Utterson the lawyer was a man of rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow loveable.” 1. Utterson’s physical appearance is described as being of ‘rugged countenance’….

What does Utterson think of Jekyll’s will?

At home, Utterson reads over Dr Jekyll’s strange will. It states that if Jekyll dies or disappears, Hyde shall take over his life and possessions. Utterson goes to visit a friend, Dr Hastie Lanyon, who knows Jekyll well.

What do Poole and Utterson fear has happened to Jekyll?

The two go to Jekyll’s laboratory and knock, but a voice from inside refuses to let Utterson in. Poole says that he fears Jekyll was murdered eight days before, when he heard him cry out, and that the murderer is still in the cabinet.

What is the last step in summarizing plot events?

What is the last step in summarizing plot events? Objectively explain the story in your own words, using transitions to connect ideas.

Which character says that Hyde must be deformed somewhere?


Why does Hyde kill himself?

Hyde”, for what reasons does Hyde commit suicide? Jekyll commits suicide because he feels himself losing control, switching over to his Mr. Hyde persona without meaning to. Jekyll knows that Hyde is a dangerous man bent on committing heinous acts.

How is Hyde described?

Mr Hyde is described as devilish, evil and a criminal mastermind. Stevenson makes Hyde more mysterious by only hinting at his physical appearance – he is smaller than Jekyll and whenever people see him, they are deeply affected by his looks and spirit. He is selfish and wishes for complete dominance over Jekyll.

What can letters used as plot devices do?

Plot devices are devices that move the story forward and may add suspense to the story. Additionally, they can share feelings and reveal perspectives.

Which is the best summary of the events described Hyde asks for a glass?

Hyde where Hyde is drinking and crying with Lanyon watching and observing Hyde, the best summary of the event that is described is, ‘Hyde drinks from the glass and begins staggering around. Lanyon watches Hyde’s features changes and leaps back in horror’. The correct answer is letter c.

How does Mr Utterson develop in these excerpts he begins to consider illogical possibilities?

Utterson develops in these excerpts by beginning to considerate illogical possibilities. This is so because Mr. Utterson says in excerpt 1, “This is a very strange tale, Poole, this is a rather wild tale mu man”. And he is bitting his finger is a nervous mode, considering illogical possibilities.

What is Jekyll and Hyde personality disorder?

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a well-known example of a psychiatric disorder, commonly known as split personality.

Who visits Lanyon in the middle of the night?

Lanyon waited for his visitor, increasingly certain that Jekyll must be insane. As promised, at the stroke of midnight, a small, evil-looking man appeared, dressed in clothes much too large for him. It was, of course, Mr. Hyde, but Lanyon, never having seen the man before, did not recognize him.

What does Stevenson suggest about good and evil?

Robert Louis Stevenson always believed that humans had a good and evil side. In other words, that good and evil exist in every single human being. According to him, both versions live inside of us, only that the evil one is always repressed by society. These thoughts led him to write the famous book Strange Case of Dr.

Why does Soho become an appropriate home for Mr Hyde?

Hyde’s house is in Soho, a part of London that was associated with crime and immoral living in the Victorian period. The area seems ideally suited to Hyde’s character – a dark place, full of crime and despair. It is in sharp contrast with Jekyll’s pleasant house described in Chapter 3.

Who wrote Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Robert Louis Stevenson