Which theme from Romeo and Juliet is reflected in this excerpt fate?

Which theme from Romeo and Juliet is reflected in this excerpt fate?

The theme from Romeo and Juliet that is reflected in the above excerpt is: Fate plays a role in determining the outcome of events. The excerpt has been taken from the play “Romeo and Juliet.” when the Prince comes to know about the secret marriage and death of Romeo and Juliet, he feels disgusted about it.

Which excerpt from Act V Scene III of Romeo and Juliet best reflects the idea that everyone who played a part in Romeo and Juliet’s secret union contributed to their downfall?

Explanation: The excerpt from Act V, Scene III of “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare that best reflects the idea that everyone who played a part in Romeo and Juliet´s secret union contributed to their downfall is the last option. In Friar Laurence statement he claims he is there to be punished.

Which theme from Romeo and Juliet is reflected in this excerpt fate helps people feel less regret about their decisions?

Answer. The theme from “Romeo and Juliet” which is reflected in the above excerpt is: Fate plays a role in determining the outcome of events.

How do Juliet’s parents contribute to the catastrophe in Act IV Scenes III V of Romeo and Juliet?

Juliet’s parents contributed to the catastrophe in Act IV, scenes iii-v of Romeo and Juliet by pushing Juliet into a quick marriage with Paris. Her parents ordered the nurse to wake up Juliet to marry Paris, but she discovers that Juliet is “dead,” so that the wedding plans turnt into funeral plans.

Which are examples of dramatic irony from Romeo and Juliet check all that apply?

The answers are: “Juliet’s mother thinks that Juliet is preparing for her wedding to Paris, but Juliet actually plans to drink the sleeping potion that night.” “Juliet’s father arranges for her to marry Paris, but Juliet has already secretly married Romeo.”

What is the dramatic irony at the beginning of Act 3 scene?

Hover for more information. In Act 3, Scene 1, Romeo killed Tybalt in order to avenge Mercutio’s death. In Act 3, Scene 2, the audience is aware that Juliet’s husband is responsible for killing Juliet’s cousin, but Juliet herself is not aware of this fact. This set-up is the basis for the dramatic irony in this scene.

What happens in Act 3 Scene 4 Romeo and Juliet?

Summary: Act 3, scene 4 Capulet, Lady Capulet, and Paris walk together. Capulet says he thinks his daughter will listen to him, then corrects himself and states that he is sure Juliet will abide by his decision. He promises Paris that the wedding will be held on Wednesday, then stops suddenly and asks what day it is.

What happens Act 3 Scene 1 Romeo and Juliet?

The fights between Mercutio and Tybalt and then between Romeo and Tybalt are chaotic; Tybalt kills Mercutio under Romeo’s arm, flees, and then suddenly, and inexplicably, returns to fight Romeo, who kills him in revenge. Passion outweighs reason at every turn.

What is Romeo’s punishment in Act 3?

Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that his punishment for killing Tybalt is banishment, not death. Romeo responds that death is preferable to banishment from Juliet. When the Nurse enters and tells Romeo that Juliet is grief-stricken, Romeo attempts suicide.