Which value of K makes 5k 12/16 A true statement?

Which value of K makes 5k 12/16 A true statement?

Choose 1 answer: k=1. k= 2.

What value of V makes 12/12 V 8 2 a true statement?

The value of which makes the statement true is 8. First we will multiply both sides by 2 and then solve for .

Which value of W makes 14/11 W 8 ⋅ 6 a true statement?

Answer: For the value of w=4, is a true statement.

What is the answer to 12 N 9?

On the right side of the equation, the -9 and +9 cancel each other out and we are simply left with n. On the left side of the equation, 12 + 9 is 21 so we have 21 = c which is the solution to our equation.

What is the answer to M 9 =- 13?

The solution to this problem is -4. You can solve it intuitively by just asking yourself what number added to negative nine equals negative thirteen….

What’s the answer for 26 8 V?

Rewrite the equation as 8+v=26 8 + v = 26 . Move all terms not containing v to the right side of the equation. Subtract 8 8 from both sides of the equation. Subtract 8 8 from 26 26 .

How do you solve one-step equations?

What are one-step equations?

  1. To solve one-step equations, we do the inverse (opposite) of whatever operation is being performed on the variable, so we get the variable by itself.
  2. The most important thing to remember is that whatever you do to one side of the equation, you have to do the same thing to the other side.

What does 10N mean?

Hi dear, 10N it means size 10.

What is the answer to 9x 7 =- 7?

9 x − 7 = 7 9x-7=7 9x−7=7. Add 7 to both sides. Simplify 7 + 7 7+7 7+7 to 14.

What is the factor of 4x 2 9?

Explanation: Note that x2≥0 for any Real value of x . Hence 4×2+9≥9 for all Real values of x . So 4×2+9 has no linear factors with Real coefficients.

What is x2 equal to?

x squared is a notation that is used to represent the expression x×x x × x . i.e., x squared equals x multiplied by itself….What is x squared?

Phrase Expression
x squared minus x x2−x
x squared divided by x x2÷x=x1=x
x squared times x squared x2×x2=x4
x squared plus x squared x2+x2=2×2

Does 2 mean squared?

In math, the squared symbol (2) is an arithmetic operator that signifies multiplying a number by itself. The “square” of a number is the product of the number and itself. Multiplying a number by itself is called “squaring” the number.

How do you type 2 squared?

Inserting the squared symbol on your Android smartphone is relatively easy and straightforward. To insert the squared sign, just long-press the number 2 and it will insert the superscript ².

What is special about the number 2?

Two is the smallest prime number, and the only even prime number (for this reason it is sometimes called “the oddest prime”). Two and three are the only two consecutive prime numbers. 2 is the first Sophie Germain prime, the first factorial prime, the first Lucas prime, and the first Ramanujan prime.

Why is negative 2 squared negative?

“This is because to square a number just means to multiply it by itself. For example, (−2) squared is (−2)(−2)=4. Note that this is positive because when you multiply two negative numbers you get a positive result.” – This, of course, is the exact opposite of what was asked, but it’s the given response.

Is negative 2 squared positive or negative?

In fact, any number at all can be squared, even numbers like pi and 0. This is because to square a number just means to multiply it by itself. For example, (-2) squared is (-2)(-2) = 4. Note that this is positive because when you multiply two negative numbers you get a positive result.

Why is negative 1 squared negative?

The calculator said -1 because of the way calculators handle inputs. When a calculator sees it breaks it down in an odd way. Instead of how a person would interpret it, as squaring negative one, a calculator interprets it as taking 1 squared and returning its negative. This returns negative one.

Why does my calculator say a negative squared is negative?

This is because the ² operation binds more tightly than negation, as others have said. To calculate the square of -5, you would need to enter “(-5)²”. But if with a traditional calculator you input the number -5 in the display and then press the x² key, you should get the correct answer of 25.