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Which will most likely increase the kinetic energy in this system pulling further back on the string releasing the string holding the arrow higher decreasing the mass of the arrow?

Which will most likely increase the kinetic energy in this system pulling further back on the string releasing the string holding the arrow higher decreasing the mass of the arrow?

Answer Expert Verified. Releasing the string would most likely increase the kinetic energy, as kinetic energy is energy in motion. However, if you were to increase the potential energy, then the string would have to be pulled back more, as potential energy is stored energy within an object.

What will increase the kinetic energy of an object?

The velocity at which an object is sent moving and the mass of the object both play a hand in the level of kinetic energy that object produces. Mass and kinetic energy have a positive relationship, which means that as mass increases, kinetic energy increases, if all other factors are held constant.

At what point is kinetic energy increasing?

Only kinetic energy increases when the velocity of an object increases.

What form of energy is being stored while she is pulling back on the bow string?

Potential energy

What energy is pulling an arrow back?

Kinetic energy

What kind of energy is stored in food?

chemical energy

How can energy be transferred between stores?

The log’s energy can be shifted to a thermal store in the surroundings by burning it. The energy transfer occurs by convection (particle movement) and by radiation of heat and light. The battery’s energy can be shifted to a kinetic store in a spinning motor by electrical work.

How energy is transferred in current?

An electric current transfers energy stored chemically that was stored in the fuel (and oxygen) in a power station to the surroundings where it is stored thermally. When the electric current passes through the filament, the filament warms up. Its temperature rises so that it glows red or white hot.

Is voltage A energy?

Voltage is electric potential energy per unit charge, measured in joules per coulomb ( = volts). It is often referred to as “electric potential”, which then must be distinguished from electric potential energy by noting that the “potential” is a “per-unit-charge” quantity.

What is the rate of transfer of electricity from one point to another?

Power is the rate of transfer of energy between energy stores . One watt (W) is equal to one joule per second (J/s).

How do you calculate work done on a force and displacement graph?

If we plot the force, F, acting on an object (y-axis) by the distance moved, s, (x-axis) we make a force-displacement graph. These are useful because we can always find the work done by (or on) a system by finding the area under a force-displacement graph.

What is a force vs displacement graph?

A force-displacement graph will have force (in N) on the vertical axis and displacement (in m) on the horizontal axis. The area of the graph is = Fs. This quantity represents the work done on the object. This is equal to the kinetic or potential energy the object gains due to the application of the force.

What is area under force-displacement graph?

The area under the force-displacement curve represents the work done. It is the distance (s) of the object displaced by the application of the force (f). In this case force (f) is presented on the y-axis and displacement (s) on the x-axis. The work done (w) is a scalar quantity.

How can displacement be calculated?

Displacement can be calculated by measuring the final distance away from a point, and then subtracting the initial distance. Displacement is key when determining velocity (which is also a vector). Velocity = displacement/time whereas speed is distance/time.

What is the formula for water displacement?

The fluid displaced has a weight W = mg, where g is acceleration due to gravity. Therefore, the weight of the displaced fluid can be expressed as W = ρVg. The weight of an object or substance can be measured by floating a sufficiently buoyant receptacle in the cylinder and noting the water level.