Which word can be pronounced two different ways?

Which word can be pronounced two different ways?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using daffodils.

What are the most mispronounced words?

Here are 20 of the most commonly mispronounced words in English, and how to say them right.

  • 1 Pronunciation. Ironically, many people mispronounce this word!
  • 2 Cupboard.
  • 3 Epitome.
  • 4 Salmon/almond.
  • 5 Library/February.
  • 6 Definitely.
  • 7 Ask.
  • 8 Wednesday.

Why do I say Pellow instead of pillow?

2 Answers. This sounds like a version of what’s known as the pin/pen merger, or some closely related vowel merger. It’s one of various phonemic mergers in English — processes where in certain accents, in certain contexts, phonemes which were previously/elsewhere differentiated merge to be pronounced the same.

How do you pronounce GIF GIF?

“It’s pronounced JIF, not GIF.” Just like the peanut butter. “The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations,” Wilhite told The New York Times. “They are wrong. It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.

How is syrup pronounced?

Some say “kar-mel,” and others say “care-a-mel.” As others have noted, this is an accent-based thing. Both are correct. There are other words in American English that do this.

What is the difference between aunt and Auntie?

Sometimes, children use the terms aunt, aunty and auntie to refer to unrelated adult female friends. There is no real difference between aunty and auntie. As explained above, they are both affectionate terms for aunt. However, auntie is much more commonly used than aunty.

What’s the difference between ant and aunt?

The word ant is derived from the Old English word æmette. An aunt is the sister of one’s father or one’s mother, an aunt is also the wife of one’s uncle, who is the brother of one’s father or one’s mother. In some cultures aunt is pronounced in the same manner as ant, in other cultures the word aunt is pronounced awnt.

What does Aunt Sally mean?

British. : an object of criticism or contention especially : one that is set up to invite criticism or be easily refuted.

What do British people call aunt?


What means aunt?

1 : the sister of one’s father or mother. 2 : the wife of one’s uncle or aunt.

What makes an aunt special?

Aunts play an important role in the lives of their nieces and nephews. They serve as the playful, supportive, loving and nurturing figures. To be a great aunt, it’s best to start a bond early in a niece’s or nephew’s life. It’s also important to get involved, find time to play and always be a shoulder to lean on.

Is Aunt a word?

AUNTS is a valid scrabble word.

Is Aunt a vowel?

pronunciation note for aunt The usual vowel of aunt in the United States is the [a] of rant except in New England and eastern Virginia, where it is commonly the “New England broad a, ” a vowel similar to French [a] and having a quality between the [a] of hat and the [ah] of car. The vowel [ah] itself is also used.

Is Aunt pronounced ant or aunt?

Do most people in the US pronounce Aunt as Ant, Awnt, or ain’t? Most people in the U.S. pronounce it as “ant.” In parts of the Northeast, the South, and among many African-American speakers, “awnt” is more common.

Is a great aunt?

A great-aunt/grandaunt (sometimes written grand-aunt) is the sister of one’s grandparent. Despite the popular usage of great-aunt, genealogists consider it more correct to use grandaunt for a grandparent’s sister to avoid confusion with earlier generations.

Why is it an hour not a hour?

An hour is correct because hour is pronounced with a vowel sound since in this word ‘h’ is silent or unpronounced. A is used with a consonant sound, while ‘an’ with a vowel sound, and it’s never about how you write the word but how you pronounce it.