Which words in this sentence best help Anthony create a mocking tone it was we the people nor yet we the male citizens but we the whole people people who formed the Union?

Which words in this sentence best help Anthony create a mocking tone it was we the people nor yet we the male citizens but we the whole people people who formed the Union?

The correct answer is B. The words in the sentence that help Susan B. Anthony to create a mocking tone are “the male citizens but we”, as these words shows the reader that Anthony is using irony to critizice American society of that time, and the lack of rights that it granted to women.

Who is Anthony’s intended audience?

Who is Anthony’s target audience for this speech? Anthony’s speech was written for and delivered to other women’s suffrage activists, politicians, judges, attorneys, people involved in elections, and some opponents to women’s suffrage.

How did Margaret Sanger impact women’s health issues?

How did Margaret Sanger impact women’s health issues? She opened the country’s first birth control clinic. Under Carrie Chapman Catt’s leadership, what was one method used by the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) to promote suffrage for women?

What is Susan B Anthony’s purpose?

Susan B. Anthony was a pioneer crusader for women’s suffrage in the United States. She was president (1892–1900) of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Her work helped pave the way for the Nineteenth Amendment (1920) to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.

How does Susan B Anthony use ethos?

Ethos. Susan B. Anthony used the rhetorical device ethos to appeal to the audience through trust and credibility. Anthony starts of her speech by saying “Friends and fellow citizens.” Anthony does this to create a sense of trusting as you would a friend.

What is Susan B Anthony most remembered for?

How was Susan B remembered?

Best remembered as an advocate for women’s voting rights and as a founder of the Suffrage movement, Susan B. Anthony was a leader who is best remembered for her advocacy for women’s voting rights and as a founder of the Suffrage movement. She was also active in the Temperance and Abolitionist movements.

What President signed the 19th Amendment?

President Woodrow Wilson